Welcome! This class is a rigorous study in literature from around the world. We will cover literature from all genres, and focus on improving writing, critical and analytical thinking, reading, and collaboration and communication skills. Units of study are based on themes. This class is focused on becoming writers and readers for life.
Oedipus Rex,Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone- (Summer Assignment)
The Lord of the Flies-William Golding (Summer Assignment)
The Taming of the Shrew-William Shakespeare
The Tragedy of Macbeth-William Shakespeare
The Dew Breaker-Edwidge Danticat
Ellen Foster-Kaye Gibbons
Units centered on the study of Mystery, Horror, and Suspense, Greek Mythology, Poetry, the Legend of King Arthur, the Price of Societal Progress, and various short stories, essays, poems, informational texts, and audio and video selections (both fiction and non-fiction)
-This year’s focus is on the persuasive essay (Toulmin Format) both research-based and literature-based
-We will be focusing on different styles of “real-world” writing, as well as analytical essays on poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction
-Digital video compositions
NOTE: MLA format required for all typed compositions
- This year you will be creating an account with turnitin.com. You will use this site to turn in all of your papers.
- You will be writing at least one majorand several smaller compositions each quarter.
Your Class ID:
Your Class Password:
Your Personal Password:
- TREAT ALL OTHERS WITH RESPECT. (This most importantly includes BEING KIND, not interrupting others, and NEVER using your cell phones without direction or permission).
- Work is turned in on time. Late work is not accepted. Assignments are collected at the beginning of the period. You may turn in an assignment after that for evaluation only.
- You only turn in your own work. Plagiarism or any other form of cheating will result in a 0 and possible disciplinary action.
- You use and follow MLA format. Writing assignments are to be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font …
- Follow school handbook policies.
Breaking classroom or school rules results in the following discipline steps:
- Warning
- Teacher assigned detention (15 minutes)-to be served the following day after school.
- Call home and 30 minute teacher assigned detention.
- Referral to the office.
BYOT: My policy is in line with the school’s policy, which is published in the Student Handbook. Please note: you need my permission to use for electronic devices. You may not charge devices or have them on your desk unless directed.
Every assignment counts toward the total points for the grade at the end of the grading period. Therefore, it is imperative that you make up work if you miss school for any reason. It will be your responsibility to ask for make-up work. You may find assignments and documents on the online classroom.
You do not need to bring your coveredbook to class every day. It is heavy! I will tell you when to bring it to class.
Discussion almost always follows reading. I expect that you will have read the assignment and you will be prepared to participate in discussion. Much of what we discuss about the literature will be the basis for quizzes, tests, and writing assignments. In short, be prepared and participate.
3-ring binder, Loose-leaf paper
Pencils, and blue/black pens (only) for hand written assignments
A good attitude.
Additional Resources:
Online classroom linked at CHS homepage
For help with MLA Format, grammar, and mechanics