Local Emergency Planning Committee Minutes for Meeting of August 13, 2008

Present::Randy Wilde, Kevin Christensen, Mike Nelsen, Kathy Conrad, Susan Thompson, Dorene Schulze, Peggy Mecham, Nadine Taylor, Laron Woods, Dee Isaacson, Janet Bass, Wayne Myers, Jay Munns, Daniel Freeman, Lee Perry, Jerry Peterson, Fred Henderson, Peggy Mecham

Previous Mtg Minutes Approved:

Chairperson Dorene Schulze welcomed everyone at 0905 hrs, asking for the previous minutes to be looked over. Mike Nelsenmade a motion to accept the minutes and Janet Bass 2nd with the minutes passing by majority vote.


Kimberly Giles was on vacation so Nadine Taylor passed out the Homeland Security Fact Sheet. The State has changed over to a 4-day work week. The Pre Disaster Grant is out and will be open through November. A reminder that the 2006 Homeland Security Grant balances must be spent and submitted for reimbursement before August 31st, 2008. Note the NIMSCAST requirements on the fact sheet (ICS-300 deadline is Sept 30th) and the Metrics questions can be found on the website at Jay Munns said that Garland will be holding an ICS-300 class on November 24, 25 and 26th. Tremonton may be offering one also for 2 nights in October.

Health Department:

Randy Wilde talked about the HazMat I.D. System and there will be training on that soon. There’s a new PID (detection equipment) in Brigham City. There will be a tabletop exercise in the next few weeks for the Region working on inter-agency cooperation and show and tell with trailers and equipment.

Kevin Christensen said he has plenty of Hepatitis B vaccine that expires at the end of September if anyone is interested. West Nile Virus is showing up on a weekly basis in mosquito pools, with 2 testing positive in Box Elder County. CacheValley is also testing positive. The Health Dept is also on four day work weeks now from 7am to 6pm but they can always be reached on their pagers and phones.

Homeland Security:

Nothing to report.

HazMat Team:

Nothing to report.

Greg Martz was excused today as he was out fighting the Cotton Thomas Fire. Kathy said he has been extremely busy with fires for the last week and a half, including the 15,000 acre fire at Devil’s Playground, south of ParkValley. There were also 3 lightning strikes on Promontory, all single tree incidents.

Jay Munns said Garland is set to host the NIMs 300 class at the GarlandCenter on Sept 23, 24 & 25th. Garland also submitted a grant to refurbish their EOC room.

Janet Bass reminded the group about the All Hazards Fair on Sept 27th in Brigham City.

Fred Henderson was introduced as the new Red Cross Disaster Director for Northern Utah. He can be reached at (801)458-3917.

Daniel Freeman mentioned that WAL-MART has their own HazMat Team but would like to see some HazMat training in conjunction with the County. He will check on that and report back to the group.

Jerry Peterson, BC Fire, noted there will be a Structural FF1 class on the 13th of September, followed by a FF2 class in November.

Next Meeting The next LEPC Meeting is scheduled for September 10th, 2008 at 9am at the Health Dept building, 992 S 800 W in Brigham City.


0932 hours