KS1 Theme Chart: Animals - same-coloured sessions in each Theme are linked
[Sci/Eng/PHSE/D&T/Art] /THEME 2
Working Animals
[Geog/Hist/Sci/Eng/Art] /THEME 3
Dangerous Animals[Sci/Art/Eng/Music] /
Sacred & Mythical Animals
[History/RE/Art/Sci]1 / Our pets. Read That Pesky Rat. Class pet survey. / Animals that work. Look at jobs animals do across world. World Animal Day. / Why are some animals dangerous? Where can they be found? [2] / Introduction to sacred animals – Hindus, Buddhists, all animals.
2 / Keeping pets both today and in history. Timelines. / Animals that used to work. / Hunter and prey relationships. Play food chain card game. / Hindu sacred animals. Hindu deities: Hanuman, Ganesha & Kamadhenu.
3 / Compare chn & pet needs, five freedoms - RSPCA. Jake and Bones story. [2] / Working dogs. List jobs done by dogs. Match dogs to jobs. Working dog collage. / Focus on dangerous animals in the oceans. Make a fact file. / Hindu sacred cows – make own colourful cow. Make yoghurt. [2]
4 / Caring for a pet – what do we need to do each day? Create own Pet Shop. [2] / Dogs that care for people –guide dogs, hearing dogs. Look at five senses. / Focus on animal camouflage. Make Animal masks. [2] / Hanuman – story Rama & Sita, monkey army - Make masks. [2]
5 / Role of Blue Cross/PDSA in looking after animals. Being kind to animals. / Wanted! Find a dog a job! Research and make poster. [2] / Warning and display colours. Draw/label camouflaged animal. [2] / Design own superhero animal invent stories oral – drama. [2]
6 / Helping animals when they are ill – role of the vet. Role-play a visit to the vet. / Animals that pull. Animals used for their strength across world – elephants. / Food chains – look at position of the predator. Make food chain mobiles. / Snakes why revered around the world. Rainbow Snake story and make own snakes.
7 / Pet visitors – learn about a visiting animal. Draw and/or write descriptions. / Strength, progress and patience. Horse, camel and elephant in India. / Strategies animals use to track. What signs would we use to track an animal? / Snake charmers. Make shakes with clay.
8 / Pet Profiles – All about common pets from habitats to care advice. / Pulling and pushing loads – simple science experiments using Lego® carts. [2] / Peter and the Wolf – study the story and accompanying music / Types of snake – snake facts, poison etc. Make a class snake poster.
9 / How artists see animals – look at pets in art & drawing techniques. [2] / Patterned elephants – Draw Indian & African elephants and add patterns. [2] / What happened to the duck? Make up scenarios and role-play own ideas / British snakes - where, types, habitat etc. Word snakes and own snake books.
10 / Describe exotic and unusual pets. Where do they come from? / Animals that entertain. Role of animals – research and debate zoos. [2] / Instruments used in Peter & Wolf. Make own instruments and drama for Duck’s story. / Make snake sock puppets to own written instructions. Snake stories to music. [2]
11 / Design a home for an unusual pet. Top 10 unusual pets! / Dolphins – jobs that dolphins do – own dolphin books. Dolphin Boy story. [2] / Finish instruments and perform own version of the Duck’s story. / Why donkey reflects Christian values – Palm Sunday/Christmas story. Make puppets.
12 / Make moving cats and dogs. Have own puppet performance. [2] / Design the ultimate working animal. Group drawing and collage. [2] / Show respect to all animals. Animals in your back yard. Design posters. [2] / Donkeys in Bible stories – retell stories using own puppets.
Curriculum Areas
English: BlackMathematics: Blue
Science: Orange / Humanities: Purple
Creative Arts: Pink
Technologies: Green
© Hamilton Trust, 2008
Topic sessions planning sheet: Block title:
Day and time of session / Subjects covered / Key objectives / Session title/description / Resources including websitesWrite day/time of session here. Because some sessions are long, you may want to write two times (e.g. Tues 1:30 – 3:00 and Wed: 11:00 – 12:00) / Write the subjects covered – highlight according to whether each is ‘skills’ or ‘content’ / Write/paste (from session-plans) the key objectives here – sometimes these are ‘skills-based’ (e.g. create pencil or charcoal drawings of old clocks…) and sometimes these are ‘content-based’ (e.g. put old clocks in order on a timeline). / Either write your own, very slightly expanded, session title that makes it clear what this session is basically about, or you can (if the school insists!) copy and paste the description from the word document of Theme session descriptions. / Write/paste ALL the resources you need here – you can copy and paste from the Hamilton Topic Resources document which is provided in WORD format).
You should highlight anything important about the session that you need to remember. E.g. ‘Ask some parents to help with this…’ or ‘Needs the computer room…’ Also highlight any texts required, e.g. needs Hamilton Animated Tale Time Machine Mark III.
© Hamilton Trust, 2008