Department of Mathematics
Integrative MBA Seminar BUS-01521-1
Fall 2007 - Sat. 9:30-12:00
Bunce 304
INSTRUCTOROffice Hours: by arrangement
Dr. Bob LaMastroEmail:
Web Page:
OFFICE HOURS: By appointment before or after class. For small issues, please try email first.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course is the capstone course for the MBA program. The goals are to reinforce and integrate core courses by studying strategic management and process analysis techniques. Studentswill use both individual and team approaches to analyze how organizations use people, operational management, information systems, and financial measurements to achieve strategic and operational effectiveness. A high degree of student participation is expected both individually and in team exercises.
PREREQUISITES: Managerial Decision Making Tools MGT 07500, Organizational Behavior MGT 06500, Marketing Management MKT 09500, Issues in MIS MIS 02500 (or CS 02500), Integrative Managerial Skills BUS 01518, and Financial Decision Making FIN 04500.
REQUIRED TEXT: Strategic Management, An Integrated Approach, Hill and Jones, 7th Edition,
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Because of the project commitments associated with this course, it is important that all efforts are made to attend all classes. It is recognized that job commitments may interfere with this schedule; however, it is the student’s responsibility to keep up with project milestones along with course and team assignments.
ASSIGNMENTS: Demonstration of course materials and class lectures will be evaluated through a case study format. In total, there will be four case studies assigned. More importantly, students are expected to bring not only class information, but skills gained through the MBA programs to deliver a premium product to the sponsor of your consulting project.
CONSULTING PROJECT: Each team will be assigned a consulting project and will be responsible for all aspects of the consulting project including communications with the client, defining project goals, hitting key project milestones, and providing a full report (written and verbal) to the client.
MBA ASSESSMENT: All students will be required to take the MBA assessment test during the last month of the course. More information concerning this test will be provided during the semester.
GRADING: 4 Case Studies (individual) 10 points each
MBA Assessment (individual)10 points
Team Assessment and Evaluation (team)10 points
Consulting Project (team)40 points
A93+ pointsB-80+ to 83 pointsD+67+ to 70 points
A-90+ to 93 pointsC+77+ to 80 pointsD63+ to 67 points
B+87+ to 90 pointsC73+ to 77 pointsD-60 to 63 points
B83+ to 87 pointsC-70+ to 73 pointsFless than 60 points
Incomplete grades will only be given for exceptional hardship and only for individual assignments.
DATE / SUBJECT / Assignments9/8/2007 / Course Introduction
Integration Keys
Strategic Leadership / H&J Chapters 1 and 2
Personal Assessment / Jung Personality Assessment
Team Preference Survey
Consulting Project Introduction
9/15/2007 / External Analysis / H&J Chapter 3
Team Assignment
Project Assignment / Contact and setup initial meeting with client
Sign confidentiality agreement
Team Dynamics / Lost in the Wilderness exercise
Introduction to Business Plans
9/22/2007 / Internal Analysis
SWOT Analysis / H&J Chapter 4
Case Study: Case 1 Due 10/6
TeamBuilding / Firing Exercise
Integration Review/Marketing
9/29/2007 / Functional Level Strategies / H&J Chapter 5
Project Milestone / Agreed to project scope with defined deliverables
Letter of Agreement
Strategies for Teams / TowerBuilding Exercise
Integration Review/Sales Strategies
10/6/2007 / Business Level Strategies / H&J Chapter 6
Decision Making Skills / Windsock Inc
Integration Review/Managerial Accounting
10/13/2007 / Business Level Strategies / H&J Chapter 7
Project Milestone / ‘As Is’ Business Evaluation
Marketing and Sales Strategy
Decision Making Skills / Vroom and Yettons Model
Who gets the overtime
Integration Review/Operations and Organizational Development
10/20/2007 / Strategies in High Tech Industries / H&J Chapter 8
Case Study: Case 6 Due 11/3
Project Milestone / SWOT
Preliminary Financial Analysis
Leadership Skills / Leadership Style Inventory
Integration Review/Pro forma reports and ratios
10/27/2007 / Strategies in the Global Environment / H&J Chapter 9
Project Milestone / Operational Strategy
Operational Accounting
Organizational Structure
Leadership Skills / Empowerment Questionnaire
Integration Review/Finance
11/3/2007 / Corporate Level Strategies / H&J Chapter 10
Project Milestone
Conflict Management and Work Stress
Integration Review/Scenario Planning
11/10/2007 / Corporate Level Strategies / H&J Chapter 11
Case Study: Case 23 Due 12/1
Project Milestone / Preliminary Financial Evaluation
Pro Forma Business Statements
Developing Creativity / Left Brain Right Brain
Tolerance for ambiguity
11/17/2007 / Performance, Governance, and Ethics
Values and Ethics / Case Study: Case 34 Due 12/15
Social Ethics / Ethics Exercise
11/24/2007 / Thanksgiving
12/1/2007 / Project Milestones / Sensitivity Analysis
12/8/2007 / Project Milestones / Executive Summary
Presentation Outline Review
12/15/2007 / Final Presentation / Final Written Report Due
Your academic success is important. If you have a documented disability that may have an impact upon your work in this class, please contact me. Students must provide documentation of their disability to the AcademicSuccessCenter in order to receive official University services and accommodations. The AcademicSuccessCenter can be reached at 8562564234. The Center is located on the 3rd floor of Savitz Hall. The staff is available to answer questions regarding accommodations or assist you in your pursuit of accommodations. We look forward to working with you to meet your learning goals.
Courses can be dropped by completing the Drop/ Add form which will be turned in to the Office of the Registrar . Any course dropped during the Drop/ Add period will not be recorded on the permanent record.
A Withdrawal Request Form must be secured from the Office of the Registrar. The reason for the request may be stated on the form and must be signed by the student and the professor, with the last date of attendance indicated. Upon receipt of the form, the Registrar's Office will enter a Won the student transcript.
The same process as #2 will prevail except that the reason must be stated and approval obtained from the professor and the respective department chairperson. If the professor approves the withdrawal, he/she will indicate that the student is either withdrawing with a passing academic standing (WP) or withdrawing with academic failure (WF) and also provide the last date of attendance.
Withdrawal must be considered exceptional and may occur only with the approval of the professor, department chairperson and college dean and only for good and sufficient reasons beyond the control of the student. (WP/WF remains in effect, as does the last date of attendance.)
* If you are a matriculated undergraduate student and you are withdrawing from your last class for the current semester, you must follow the procedure for withdrawal from the University as stated in the Schedule of Courses.
The vitality of any academic program is rooted in its integrity .It is essential to Rowan University that the grades awarded to students only reflect their own individual efforts and achievements. Each segment of the academic community, i.e., faculty, students and administration, are responsible for the academic integrity of the university. Academic dishonesty, in any form, will not be tolerated. Students who are found to have engaged in acts of academic dishonesty may be subject to failure for the course and suspension from the University.
*For further information on this Policy, please consult the Schedule of Courses under "General Information."
In the event that a student must or voluntarily chooses to repeat a course, the grade received for the repeated course will constitute the final grade for that subject for cumulative GP A purposes-whether the grade is higher or lower than the grade received in the original course. The original grade, although not counted in the cumulative GPA, remains on the student's transcript. Herein, the University stipulates that the same course may not be taken more than twice including withdrawals. However, except for general education courses, further restrictions may be determined by the individual departments/colleges, only to meet standards recommended by accrediting bodies, statutory regulations, and/or professional societies. Appeals may be made through the normal appeals process.