2014-2015 NJHS member packet
Welcome to the Linglestown Middle School NJHS! My name is Miss Koontz and I am the LMS NJHS advisor.
§ I will be posting all relevant information to the NJHS website which can be found under Clubs on the LMS webpage. I will also be using the NJHS Edmodo page (we will sign up for this group during the first meeting of the 2014-2015 school year).
§ Any volunteer opportunities will be posted on the Edmodo page and the NJHS webpage as I receive information about them.
§ Sign-ups for events (helping with back-to-school night, Pi Day, dances, etc.) will take place on Edmodo.
o IMPORTANT: Please make sure to enable the email function of Edmodo so that when I post updates on the NJHS Edmodo page you are made aware of them by email.
§ Voting for officers will take place at an after school meeting in early October. Listen for future announcements or check the website.
§ Service hour opportunities within the school will be announced via the website, Edmodo, and announcements at school. You can also check with Miss Koontz to hear about any news.
§ Attached you will find the Guidelines and your Hours Log Sheet.
Note: Parents can get information about NJHS activities by looking at the webpage or by signing up to get an Edmodo account. Directions for a parent Edmodo account are on the NJHS webpage.
The following is a list ofACCEPTABLEservice projects/activities:
§ Church/Religious group service activities
§ CD/LMS school service activities
§ Food/clothing/toy drives/collections
§ Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts service activities
§ Any type of walk/run to benefit an organization or cause
§ Volunteering at a soup kitchen, group home, elderly care facility, etc.
§ Organizing a volunteer event
§ See theUnited Way’s volunteer opportunities brochure for more activities
An acceptable VOLUNTEER service project is any activity in which youdo notreceive payment or compensation of any kind for your work and benefits other people in your school or community.
The following is a list ofUNACCEPTABLEservice projects/activities:
§ Babysitting
§ Required sports/musical practices
§ Extra-curricular club activities (unless you are doing a service project)
§ Chores at home (raking leaves, mowing the grass, cleaning, etc.)
ØIf you have any questions about an acceptable service project or activity, please see Miss Koontz as soon as possible.
ØNJHS members are required to completea minimumof 15 service hours by April 24, 2015. 5 of these 15 hours may be completed during the summer of 2014.
ØService hours must be documented on the correctPINK service hours card.Signatures must be obtained by a person supervising the service event. Most likely, this signature WILL NOT be from your parent/guardian. Be sure to also provide a description of the service you completed. Any service hour cards that do not follow these directions will not be accepted.
ØIf your hours are not turned in by the deadline, then you will be removed from National Junior Honor Society—NO EXCEPTIONS!