Thread - WEEK 3 (Abraham)
How to use the questions:
Your role as a small group leader is to allow the group to process the message, internalize the truths, and make a plan to change. Begin with the key questions, add any optional scriptures and questions if needed, and then wrap up by deciding on your next steps.
Review: From the very beginning, and through all the entirety of scriptures stories – we see hints of one grand story: This is the story ofGod’s relentless pursuit of a people to display his love and be restored to a relationship to give Him glory. We see this idea of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration all throughout the Bible – and the one thread that holds it all together is Jesus. The Old Testament points to him, and the New Testament confirms that this grand love story is all about Jesus.
Main idea:God begins His plan to build a new nation to reveal His heart to humanity and reconcile us back to Himself!
This week’s summary of the message:
God chose the most unlikely people upon which to build a new nation to cause people to look to God to explain how it happened. This gives people today a lot of hope. God’s strategy of picking the least likely candidate to succeed could be my opportunity to be picked for a God-sized project, so others will be able to see him when great things happen.
All of this began with Abraham believing that God would do what he told him He would do. Everything that God calls us to do begins with a step of faith!
Key Question:
What event(s) have contributed to you having the faith you have today in God?
Read these passages together:
Genesis 12:1-7; Genesis 15:9-21 and Hebrews 11:8-10
Application questions:
1.What do you learn about Abraham’s faith in God from the Genesis 12 passage?
2.In Hebrews 11:8, we learn of Abraham obeying even though he did not know where he was going. How does this challenge you (especially if you are a planner) in your faith?
3.How do you see the Gospel thread (the one story of the bible) in the Genesis 15:9-21 verses? What do theses verses tell us about God and His promises?
4.When we consider the promises of God and the faith of Abraham in God – what action steps do you need to take to demonstrate your faith in a great and holy God?
Close by asking these questions:
1)What did God say to you specifically through this message?
2)What are you going to do about it?
Thank God for the life of Abraham. Thank God for his plan to allow us to be reconciled into back into a relationship with Him because of the sacrifice of HIS Son Jesus. Ask God to continue to grow your faith in Him. Ask Him to bring you to the point in your life where you live life daily believing that He will do what He says He will do for your good and His glory!
Make sure to follow along week after week in this Thread series to see God’s unfolding master plan: to call out a people for himself through which he will show the world his character and love.