Review form
(author(s) and the title of the manuscript)
submitted to the journal “Vestnik Moskovskogo Aviatsionnogo Instituta”
1. Matching of the manuscript theme to the established subject headings of the journal “Vestnik Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta”
Match □ does not match □
If marked “does not match”, the article is not the subject to further review.
(reviewer comments – if necessary)
2. Matching of the title of the manuscript to the content the manuscript
Match □ Несоответствует □
If marked “Does not match”, then a meaningful comment is obligatory.
3. The relevance of the subject matter of the article
Yes □ No □
If marked “No”, then a meaningful comment is obligatory.
4. Correctness of the used research methodology
Yes □ No □
If marked “No”, then a meaningful comment is obligatory.
5. Novelty / originality of scientific results submitted
Yes □ No □
The presence of a meaningful commentary (what is the novelty / originality of the stated scientific results or for what reason the stated scientific results do not have novelty / originality is obligatory.
6. The substantiation of the presented scientific results
Yes □ No □
If marked “No”, then a meaningful comment is obligatory.
7. The illustrative material reflects the stated scientific results
Yes □ No □
If marked “No”, then a meaningful comment is obligatory.
8. Scientific significance of the presented scientific results
A meaningful commentary (what does the scientific significance of the scientific results consist in) is obligatory
9. Practical significance of the presented scientific results
For a manuscript of an article of the applied character, a meaningful commentary (what is the practical significance of the stated scientific results) is obligatory.
10. Compliance of the manuscript content with the requirements of the “Declaration on the Ethics of Publications” in the journal “Vestnik Moskovskogo Aviatsionnogo Instituta”, including:
10.1. Completeness and objectivity of reflection of the current state of the issues in the manuscript
Yes □ No □
If marked “No”, then a meaningful comment is obligatory.
10.2. The presence of bibliographic references to meaningful publications in characteristic sources of information
Yes □ No □
If marked “No”, then a meaningful comment is obligatory.
10.3. The presence of bibliographic references to articles previously published in the journal “Vestnik Moskovskogo Aviatsionnogo Instituta”
Yes □ No □
10.4. Other in connection with the requirements of the "Declaration on the Ethics of Publications" in the journal “Vestnik Moskovskogo Aviatsionnogo Instituta”
(if necessary)
11. Special remarks
(if necessary)
12. Reviewer's conclusion
The manuscript of the article is recommended for printing Yes □ No □
The manuscript of the article may be recommended for publishing after the remarks elimination
Yes □ No □
Significant revision of the manuscript of the article and re-reviewing is required
Yes □ No □
Manuscript is not recommended for publishingYes □ No □
Reviewer ______
(signature) (Full name)
place of work, official capacity, academic degree
Date ______