SSCS Governing Board Meeting Minutes

June 30, 2016 1:00 pm


Parent Council President, Jolie Hauck, called the meeting to order at 1:01 pm



Corporate Officers present: Cyndi Rachel, IEM Director of Education Support Services, Jolie Hauck, Parent Council president, Brenda Christensen, Parent Council secretary. The following three Governing Board members were present: Brittany Allred, Jane Ternavsky, and Harold Davies.


Members of the public may be heard on any item. A person addressing the Council will be limited to 3 minutes, unless the Site Administrator grants a longer period of time. Comments by members of the public on an item on the agenda will only be allowed during consideration of the item by the Council.

No one addressed the council at that time.


1)  Approval of May 23, 2016 minutes

Brittany moved to approve May 23, 2016 minutes.

Jane seconded the motion.

Roll call was taken; approval of May 23, 2016 minutes passed by a majority of 3 votes to none with 0 abstentions.

2) Approval for SELPA Assurances Update

Jane moved to approve the SELPA Assurances Update.

Harold seconded the motion.

Discussion: Cyndi explained what SELPA was. Harold inquired if there were any changes other than date, how funding was determined, and what services SELPA provided. Cyndi clarified changes would be for next school year, current year’s funding was based on previous year’s students we served and would include payment on a more current year fashion. The order of funding distributed went from feds to SELPA to us (school/students). Our Special Ed. Department is pretty solid, but SELPA would get involved if ever needed for legal issue or due process hearing, etc.

Roll call was taken; approval SELPA Assurances Update passed by a majority of 3 votes to none with 0 abstentions.

Governing Board member Shandi Virnoche joined the meeting for a total of 4 members.

3) Approval for SSCS to enroll in State Disability Insurance on behalf of school employees

Shandi moved to approve SSCS to enroll in State Disability Insurance on behalf of school employees.

Jane seconded the motion.

Discussion: Cyndi reviewed the attachment sent to the board and discussed ESs interest in SDI. Harold inquired about where the money would come from, what the average ES pay was, and how often they got paid. Cyndi took data from our SARC report listed on our school website and broke down the average annual salary and percent that would go to SDI from their 11 annual paychecks.

Roll call was taken; approval for SSCS to enroll in State Disability Insurance on behalf of school employees passed by a majority of 4 votes to none with 0 abstentions.


Jane asked about The Garage list that was supposed to be on the agenda. Brenda informed the board The Garage was unable to get a list together in time but would have one by August. Board members were interested in the timeline of the new Resource Center. Cyndi provided an update which included a delay due to opposition from Yuba City Unified. Permits were pulled and plans were halted until a similar Shasta County court case was settled. If the case went as expected, then we’d use those results to move forward rather than spending large amounts of money on legal fees that would affect student funding. Board members were interested in accessing stored curriculum over the summer until the new center was opened. Cyndi explained that Surpass would be made available as an option as soon as possible.


Meeting was adjourned at 1:36 pm.