Diversity, equality and the UK law: LGBT+ rights in focus

Curriculum links

This document details how the ‘Diversity, equality and the law in the UK: LGBT+ rights in focus’ resources link to thesecondary school curriculums for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

National Curriculum for England (KS3)

Subject / Curriculum links
Citizenship / Pupils should be taught about:
  • the nature of rules and laws and the justice system, including the role of the police and the operation of courts and tribunals
  • the roles played by public institutions and voluntary groups in society, and the ways in which citizens work together to improve their communities, including opportunities to participate in school-based activities

National Curriculum for England (KS4)

Subject / Curriculum links
Citizenship / Pupils should be taught about:
  • parliamentary democracy
  • human rights
  • the legal system in the UK, different sources of law and how the law helps society deal with complex problems
  • diverse national, regional, religious and ethnic identities in the United Kingdom and the need for mutual respect and understanding
  • the different ways in which a citizen can contribute to the improvement of his or her community

Northern Ireland Curriculum (KS3)

Subject / Curriculum links
Learning for Life and Work (LLW) / Local and Global Citizenship
Pupils should have opportunities to:
  • Investigate how and why conflict, including prejudice, stereotyping, sectarianism and racism may arise in the community.
  • Explore how inequalities can arise in society including how and why some people may experience inequality or discrimination on the basis of their group identity
  • Investigate how and why some people may experience inequality/social exclusion on the basis of their material circumstances in local and global contexts
  • Investigate why rules and laws are needed, how they are enforced and how breaches of the law affect the community
  • Investigate an issue from a range of viewpoints and suggest action that might be taken to improve or resolve the situation

Learning for Life and Work (LLW) / Local and Global Citizenship
Pupils should have opportunities to:
  • respond to the specific challenges and opportunities which diversity and inclusion present in Northern Ireland and the wider world;
  • develop their understanding of the role of society and government in safeguarding individual and collective rights in order to promote equality and to ensure that everyone is treated fairly;
  • develop awareness of key democratic institutions and their role in promoting inclusion, justice and democracy

Curriculum for Excellence, Scotland (P7 – S3)

Subject / Curriculum links
Social Studies / First
  • By exploring the ways in which we use and need rules, I can consider the meaning of rights and responsibilities and discuss those relevant to me.SOC 1-17a
  • I can describe the main features of a democracy and discuss the rights and responsibilities of citizens in Scotland.SOC 2-17a
  • I can critically analyse the relative importance of the contribution of individuals or groups in bringing about change in a significant political event. SOC 4-17a

The National Curriculum for Wales (KS3)

Subject / Curriculum links
Personal and Social Education / Learners should be given opportunities to:
  • develop respect for themselves and others
  • value and celebrate diversity and equality of opportunity locally, nationally and globally be moved by injustice, exploitation and denial of human rights
  • participate in school and the wider community
  • understand the principles of democracy in Wales, the UK and the EU

Personal and Social Education / Learners should be given opportunities to:
  • develop respect for themselves and others
  • value and celebrate diversity and equality of opportunity locally, nationally and globally
  • be moved by injustice, exploitation and denial of human rights
  • participate in school and the wider community
  • how to challenge assertively expressions of prejudice, racism and stereotyping
  • understand how political systems work locally, nationally and internationally