(plus everything else you need to know)

Main PC website: Avon Vale website:

New members: Welcome to the Avon Vale Hunt Pony Club.

Please read this programme carefully as it contains a lot of information, and don’t be afraid to ring if you aren’t sure about something. When you sign up for a rally do try to give us all details that will help us put you in the correct ride. If you ordered a badge, tie or manual they will be ready for you to collect at the first rally you come to, otherwise contact Clare Bromfield who will leave them out for you to collect from her home. We send out emails most weeks, if you aren’t receiving them, let us know immediately so we can check youremail address has been entered correctly on the database.

We hope you enjoy your time with the Pony Club

ALL MEMBERS! Please make sure you sign in for rallies and activities in the correct way and on time. Wehave had many very last minute requests lately just because people didn’t get themselves organized. If we accept you it puts the timings out or makes the rides too big, so beware we may well not take you in future. This is disappointing for your child. It is impossible to book the amount of instructors needed if you sign in late.

Competitions are entered on an Entry Form as per the schedule for that event with your cheque for the right amount, following all instructions, clearly written and sent (before the closing date) to the entry secretary. Late entries may well not be accepted, so don’t rely on the postman. Secretaries are volunteers so please respect their privacy and only phone at the allotted time.

SUMMER SHOW on Thursday 7th June at Abbottswood Farm (schedule enclosed). This show is for Avon Vale members only and has classes for all standards and ages.

It is a friendly and relaxed way to experiencea show for younger/new members and is also a good place for potential team members to show us what they can do (Nikki will be judging the show jumping).

Remember you have to enter the Dressage in advance so you can be given a test time.

Lots of help is required during the day so please offer your services.

Stable Management Rally (and Show Set up) on Wednesday 6th June at Abbottswood Farm (see Diary)

All members should do stable management as it teaches them how to look after their pony correctly and safely – remember that this year Clare Bromfield is running the SM rally. While your child does the rally, you can come over to the show field and help put up the tent, show jumps etc. - many hands make light work.


on Sunday 24th June

Classes are filling fast so don’t forget to get your entries in asap

Schedule enclosed

HELPERS are needed all day so offer your services NOW


Contact Clare Bromfield 01249 730338

Fence judges are being organized by Susan Gadras, Caroline Lindsay and Sara Spratt


at Dauntsey Park,Great Somerford.

This is the Eventing qualifier for the Open and Intermediate levels Championships.If you wish to be considered for a team, remember to send your Competition Form off to Clare Bromfield NOW.

We are running this in conjunction with Area9.

We need some help with the catering. People to make cakes, buns, quiches salads in advance, and to pour tea, lay tables and act as a waiter on the day. Can you help with this?

Helpers are needed please

Contact Clare Bromfield email:


Blue Cross Horse and Pony Care Competition CONGRATULATIONS!

Very well done to Hannah Gadras, Hannah Spratt and Chessie Bentley for winning the Junior section and qualifying for the Championships in August at Cholmondley Castle. Kate Thompson, Harriet Bentley and Imogen Newton came a well placed sixth.

Members and parents helping:all pony clubs are run by volunteers and each generationhas its own group of helpers and volunteers. In the Avon Vale we are keen to encourage this ethos amongst our members and their families and are aware that many of you are new to the horse world and are perhaps hesitant about offering your help. We would welcome any parents or older members who would like to shadow an organiser at a rally or event to find out what goes on.


From now on ALL members who wish to be considered for any Area teams MUST offer their help at PC activities over the year, a minimum of one day. This can be made up over several activities. All our main competitions need everyone to help, so do offer for these valuable fund-raisers as well.Helping is good fun and a way of meeting new people and making friends.

The Pony Club Annuals FREE! All members are entitled to a free copy. Please collect yours from a rally or contact Clare Bromfield who has boxes of them and is desperate to get rid of them!!

Membership Card and Spur Permission 2012: if a member who has not yet passed their ‘B’ test wishes to wear spurs at ANY Pony Club activity or competition, a 2012 signed Spur Permission is necessary. These forms will not be signed unless you have been to some rallies so we know how you ride. Spurs are not recommended and are not usually allowed for members under 12years old in competitions.

It will only be signed if your instructor and the DC are happy with your riding.

The Spur Permission is on the back of your annual membership card (yellow this year); this must be signed by the DC and must be carried with you at all Pony Club events if you wish to wear spurs. Many competitions now ask for them when doing tack checks. British Eventing and British Show Jumping offer reductions on first time registrations on production of a PC Membership Card.

Pony Club Clothing:Avon Vale Hunt Pony Club polo shirts, sweat shirts and waterproof jackets are available from Mrs Claire Gooding 01225 743896, mobile 07790 299727. Contact Claire as she is very happy to bring items to a rally for you.

Secondhand tack and clothing:is organised by Michelle Brown. She ishappyfor anyone to contact her to see if she has what they want, as well as receiving items to be sold.

Items must be in a saleable condition, clean and boots polished. No saddles. All items must have a secure label with your name, the price you hope to get and a phone number. We will try to get the best price nearest the asking price. Do not over-price as it is better to sell your items rather than have them sitting around for years not selling! We ask for a small donation to pony club funds per item sold. A portion of the funds made will be sent to Wiltshire Air Ambulance each year. In September 2011 a donation of £266.50was sent to this very worthy charity. All items are left at your own risk.

Michelle lives in South Wraxall and you can contact her on 01225 862958, or 07940 539272, or .

PC Numnahs: are available for all pony club members to purchase at £31 appprox. They are white squares with Avon Vale PC on the side. They are in small and full size. They can be worn for team SJ competitions like the JwS and Area as well as rallies. A new order has been placed. Reserve one through Clare Bromfield, no payment due until you take yours, but you must collect it promptly.

Hat tagging: all hats worn at any Pony Club activity have to be taggedwith a purple Pony Club tag(British Eventing yellow tags do NOT count). We will be tagging hats at most rallies.

Always buy your hat from a reputable supplier with qualified hat fitters, never buy one off the internet or buy/use secondhand ones. Ensure the straps are securely and tightly fastened under the chin.

No fixed peaks for cross country, only crash hats with silks. Please ensure hats fit

securely and the straps are tightened correctly and tidied up neatly. If a RallyOrganiser or Instructor is concerned about the fit of your hat you will not be allowed to ride. It is your responsibility.Hats should be replaced every 3-5 years. However if a hat is dropped or involved in a fall oraccident where it is banged hard on the ground/road, it should be replaced straight away. Do not leave hats in hot direct sunlight ie in backs of cars/outside stables.

It is mandatory for all members to wear a protective helmet manufactured to a minimum standard: BSI

Kitemark PAS015: 1998, or EN1384: 1996, or BSEN 1384: 1997, or Snell E2001 with official Snell label and

number, or SAI Global AS/NZS 3838 1998 or AS/NZS 3838 2003.

Parents should ensure that hats are professionally fitted and do not move on the head. For children under 9 years old: medical advice is that children’s neck muscles do not develop adequately to support a fairlyheavy hat, therefore it may be appropriate for children under 9 to wear a lightweight hat

made tocomply with the above. There needs to be a Kite Mark and a CE Mark.

Child Protection/Photographs; in view of current legislation we have to be careful about people taking photographs at any Pony Club activity. Please don’t take photos of other people’s children at any Pony Club activity unless their parent has given you permission. Taking photos at an indoor rally is not recommended as flash light is disturbing to the ponies. Please don’t be offended if you are asked to identify yourself or to sign a Photographic Permission form. At camps and competitions we have a professional photographer who is known to us and will have the pictures for sale at the end.

First Aid at Rallies:

If any parents hold these qualifications, or are qualified doctors or nurses, could you please let Clare Bromfield or rally organiser know as this might take the pressure off us having to provide this cover if you are already at the rally or training session with your child.

Trained First Aider: someone who has a EFAW (Emergency First Aid At Work) qualification gained at a one day course. An annual refresher must be gained and the qualification revalidated after three years.Or a person who has the BHSD equestrian Specific First Aid qualification, two-day course with a bi-annual refresher.

Qualified First Aider: a person who has a FAW (First Aid at Work) qualification gained at athree-daycourse. An annual refresher must be attended and the qualification revalidated after three years. Or a nurse registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council providing they maintain a knowledge of, and are able to apply, the current standards that HSE accepts for the first aid management of injuries and illness.

THEICE CAMPAIGN (In Case of Emergency)

We all carry our mobile phones with names and numbers stored in its memory. If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn’t know who to call. Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored, but which one is the person to call In Case of Emergency?

Hence this ICEcampaign.

As mobile phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during an emergency under the name ICE.

In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialling the number you have stored as ICE. Formore than onecontact just enter ICE1, ICE2 etc

The concept of ICE is catching on quickly as a method of contact during emergency situations and is fully supported by doctors, nurses and paramedics.It really could save your life. Do it now!

Manual of Horsemanship: all members should have a copy, to be able to take any tests they need to study it!! It is a MUST for camps. They will be for sale at most rallies. Contact Clare Bromfield

Contact Details:if your contact details change please can you notify the Membership Secretary and the District Commissioner so that we can keep our records up to date. In particular please make sure we have your up-to-date email address.

Notice Board: there is a Pony Club notice board that is brought to almost all rallies. It has on it details of any changes or updates to the programme, items and ponies for sale and schedules. Any Pony-For-Sale ad’s, schedules and so on are welcome.


Contact: Mrs Cindy Wimble Tel: 01380 860041 Email:

Church Farm, Etchilhampton, Devizes SN10 3JL

All members should attend the Stable Management rally at Abbottswood Farm, Bromham on Wednesday 6th June as this is for ALL test levels up to C+.

If you would like to take your next test this year please download a Test Application form from the website and send to Cindy Wimble.

All members are encouraged to take tests at the appropriate age and ability; your instructor will be able to advise you if you are unsure whether you are ready. Test are either taken at organized test days or E,D and D+ may be taken at camp in the summer if there is time.

Tests: Felts are worn under your Pony Club badge. Only wear the one for the latest test passed. A Test Card tells you what you need to know for that particular test. If you have not got a Test Card, send a s.a.e. to Cindy and she will send you one, or download one off themain PC website as all test info is there to read.

You have to start with D test, however old you are!

E Test: Pale yellow felt. This is a very basic test for younger members and is taken at Camp.

D test: yellow felt – is taken at summer camps for members who are 8 or over. This is done with an examiner under test conditions.

D+ test: white felt - is taken from 10 years old.

C test: green felt – is taken from 11 years old and has two examiners, one for riding and one for stable management, on set Test Days.

C+ test: pink felt - is taken by two examiners, one for riding and one for Stable Management on set Test Days. You must be at least 13 years old.

B test is organised by Area 14 and is in two sections, Riding and Care. Age from 15 years.

You can’t be awarded a certificate unless you have passed the appropriateRoad Ridertest

Please note you cannot do:

D test without passing your Road Rider Mini Achievement Badge

D+ and C test without passing your Road Rider Achievement Badge

C+ and B test without passing your Road Rider Test


We would like to run another Road Rider test for 11yrs and up this year. If your child wants to take it, would you run it for us? Have you a suitable venue? It needs a field, parking for everyone’s trailers and a room with a plug so the Road Rider DVD may be watched. Speak to Clare Bromfield

Well done to Sophie Campbell, Fran Freeman Jones, Darcy Farthing, Danda Kirk, Megan Macduff, Sophie Buckley, Lucy and Zoe Merritt, Lauren Dallinson, Sarah Barnett Tucker, Natasha Browne who passed their Road Rider Test last weekend.


Contact: Mrs Sarah Thompson Tel no: 07780 612642 Email:

These fun, low key badges are for the younger members to start their learning and to meet other members in a relaxed situation without bringing ponies.


Contact: Mrs Dawn Mayne Tel : 01380 818344 Email:

There are many different badges to be achieved on Horse & Pony Care, General Knowledge, the Countryside and the Environment. These are aimed at members 6-12 years and working towards D and C Tests. The badges can be sewn onto the sleeves of PC sweatshirts (in Brownie badge style). No ponies needed.

Watch the emails/website for the dates for the next one.


Contact: Mr David Hughes Tel: 01225 759429 Email: david.hughes65@btopenworld

To all budding athletes within the Avon Vale, why not have a go at Tetrathlon (shooting, swimming, running and riding) orTriathlon in the winter (no riding)? The Avon Vale teams and individuals have been very successful recently and it would be great if we could get a few more members taking part in order to enter full teams across a number of age ranges. It would be particularly good to make up one or more boys teams, all are welcome aged6 - 21.


Contact: Mr Gerald Burton Tel. 01249 817359 Mob; 07980 839457 Email:

Many of you will know Sam, Gerald’s son, who is at most rallies. Sam is a keen pony racer and Gerald would be delighted to talk to anyone about how it works and what you have to do.

PONY CLUB RALLIES (suitable for all ages and abilities)


Please sign in correctly for activities and rallieseither on the forms or by email, it saves a lot of time for the organizer! You must be sure to give your name, age, any tests passed and the size of your horse/pony, as well as any other useful information that would help us to put you in the correct ride. Also, please put the name of the member on the back of the cheque.