Whetstone Golf Club Seniors’ Section

Minutes of the meeting held in the clubhouse

on Tuesday 5th May 2015


G. Nutting, C. Smith, B M Smith, B. May, P. Danvers, H. Crowfoot, M. Greasley, K. Measures, S. Cave.

1. Apologies

There were no apologies

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Proposed as a true record by K. Measures seconded by H. Crowfoot.

3. Matters Arising

John Harris will replace John Prentice in the Dave Raitt Tournament.

4. Captain’s Report

The captain reported that some members were entering names for team games and withdrawing late making it very difficult to contact alternative players at the 11th hour. The recent game vs Collingtree had 16 names selected, with 24 hours to go the team had reduced to 12 players. He was advised to speak to the members involved and as a precaution against future late withdrawals to remove the team sheet (as previously agreed) 48 hours prior to the match date. It was noted that members who enter for more than one match will understandably withdraw from some if selected for games in close succession. Spreading team selection as widely as possible is recommended. Action: G. Nutting

He confirmed that Senior inter club county teams are usually selected from sub 6 handicaps and therefore not currently likely to include WGC seniors. It was further confirmed that these fixtures do not impact on senior club friendlies.

5. Secretary's Report

Selection and payment of the John Reay team was now completed. S. Cave will replace H. Crowfoot. Action: BMS. The main committee had agreed to a proposal by the club secretary that the entry fee for the 2015 LRGU seniors K.O. would be reimbursed and paid by the members levy in future years. Action: B. May

The seniors secretary was now registered with the England Golf Clubhouse to access CDH numbers. Action: BMS

A copy of the seniors diary has been discussed with the Club Captain, (to be discussed at main committee) to consider incorporating all sections of the club. In this way members would have easy reference to all activities and contacts and a larger quantity would produce a more cost effective publication. Additional advertisers from a wider range of members business's could maintain the "free" issue established. The club captain had also shown keen interest in the proposed course planner which will raise money for the captains charity and provide printing through a close contact. Action: BMS

It was noted that Congu are to increase the handicap allowance in betterball competitions to 9/10ths allowance.

The committee were reminded of the procedures within the club constitution regarding competition administration and the requirement to apply them, and in particular:

1) All competition entry fees must be paid before play commences. For knockout competitions entrance fees should be paid prior to the draw.

2) The official entry sheet for each competition and match shall be displayed at least four weeks prior to the competition.

3) The official start sheet incorporating tee off times shall be displayed at least one week prior to the competition. Action: All Present

Past club captain Chris Morris, had informed the secretary that he had held further discussion with Dave Raitt regarding the purchase of a leaf collector and that D.R will pursue the matter further with manufacturers and progress should be evident shortly.

6. Treasurer’s Report

Payment arrangements for the Captains Away day were agreed: Payment now due can be made to any committee member and the treasurer emphasised that when handing payments over it is essential to his records that the names of payees are attached. Payments received should be so indicated on the entry list in the changing rooms. Action: All present

A rubber stamp will be purchased for use in all future pre paid events to facilitate members payment. The payments can be deposited in the comps box and envelopes will be provided for members use. Action: BMS

7. Fixtures Secretary’s Report

Dates in August or Sept are being considered by Kilworth Springs to replace the recent postponement. It was agreed that we try to move the fixture to these months for the future, to reduce the busy April schedule. The fixture secretary is also attempting to re structure some of the 2016 fixtures to provide a more balanced monthly number of matches. Subject to course availability and other clubs fixtures. Action: P. Danvers

Details of the LRGU Seniors Handicap Championship & Challenge shield were distributed. The seniors captain & fixtures secretary will enter and ensure that the trophies we currently hold are available at the venue (Rothley Park G.C) on the day. Action: P. Danvers

Medal divisional changes require updating on the web site and the comps reg's folder. Action: BMS

8. Social Secretary’s Report

The forthcoming "Murder Mystery" evening, arranged by WGC, was now sold out with a waiting list, indicating that members were attracted by something new to the social calendar.

The Club Captains social was arranged for 13th June and tickets will be available shortly.

9. Seniors Open & David Raitt Tournament Updates.

148 players were currently registered for the seniors open. A task sheet for the "open" was discussed and duties allocated at a special meeting on May 26th @ 10.00 hrs in the clubhouse.. Action: All Present

The team is now: C. Kirk, B. Haines, D. Burbage, A. Wilkes, G. Crofts, A. Greasley, T. Brady, J. Harris (£20.00 Paid)

10. Desk Duties

May 11th Medal: S. Cave (early) H. Crowfoot (late).

May 18th Memorial Trophy: H. Crowfoot.

1st June Medal: B Smith (early) K. Measures (late).

15th June Breakfast Scramble. C.Smith/G. Nutting.

11. Members Survey

A members questionnaire had been previewed and was adopted by the meeting. This will be issued to all members competing at the May medal & Memorial Trophy for analysis (see addendum). Management were preparing an updated list of all seniors members so that we could invite members who had never previously entered a seniors comp to come along to a specially arranged game. Action: BMS

12. A.O.B.

·  The breakfast scramble entry fee of £10.00pp (drawn teams of four) inc breakfast was agreed. The Ladies section will once again be invited. An invitation to the club captain will be extended. Action: G. Nutting

·  Prize vouchers to the following values will be awarded:

1st: 4 x £25.00 - 2nd 4 x £20.00 - 3rd 4 x £15.00

·  07.30 start time with members offered a pre 09.30 start, or post 09.30 start on a first come basis.

13. Date Of Next Meeting

Open planning mtg Tues 26th May @10.00

Committee 9th June 2015 @ 09.30

Both meetings in the clubhouse.