Kennedy Scholarship Essay Name: ______

Scoring Guide / Superstar / Good / Proficient / Needs Revision
100-90 / 89-80 / 79-70 / 69-0
Content: Political Courage / Integrates an understanding of political courage as described by JFK in Profiles of Courage with the obstacles, dangers and pressures affecting the elected official. Identifies and illustrates how political courage is shown by the U.S. elected official that occurred after 1956. Explains and assesses why the official’s course of action best serves or has served the larger public interest. / Demonstrates an understanding of political courage as described by JFK in Profiles of Courage. Outlined the obstacles, dangers, and pressures the elected official is encountering or has encountered. Identified an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official that occurred after 1956. Explained why the official’s course of action best serves or has served the larger public interest. / Outlines the basic tenets of political courage as described by JFK in Profiles of Courage. Describes the obstacles the elected official faced. Identifies an act of a U.S. elected official that occurred after 1956 and partially links it to the definition of political courage. Identifies why the official’s course of action best serves or has served the larger public interest. / The basic idea of political courage as described by JFK is outlined but not described. Obstacles faced by the elected official are mentioned. The subject is not an elected official. Essay focuses on an act of courage that occurred prior to 1956. An U.S. elected official is identified. Identifies actions of the official that were unpopular
Elements of style / Strong, argument paper with appropriate organization. Appropriate and compelling diction and syntax. Strong, clear thesis and compelling conclusion. / Organized argument paper, acceptable word choice, thesis and conclusion / Lacking some elements of an argument paper, some issues with word choice, thesis, and/or conclusion. / . Not an argument paper, poor diction, thesis, and/or conclusion
Grammar/mechanics / Nearly flawless grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation / . Minor errors in syntax, grammar, spelling and punctuation. / Persistent errors in syntax, grammar, spelling and punctuation that do not inhibit meaning. / Persistent errors in syntax, grammar, spelling and/or punctuation inhibit meaning.
Research & Format / Bibliography of five or more sources including one non-internet source. Correct format of MLA style. Sources used demonstrate depth of perspective and are supported and argued. / Bibliography of five sources including one non-internet source. Minor errors in MLA style. Thoughtfully selected, reliable sources. / Bibliography of five sources including non-internet source. Persistent errors in MLA style. Reliable sources. / Includes less than the minimum of five sources. Sources may lack reliability. Lack of one non-internet source.
Requirements / Meets all basic project requirements / Meets most of the project requirements / Meets some of the project requirements. / Seriously lacking in fulfilling requirements.
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