Autumn Term 2017

This term our topic isYabba Dabba Doo! The Stone Age to the Iron Age


Please come in and see a member of the LKS2 team with any queries

Warren Wood Primary School

Year Three and Four

Information Sheet

Autumn Term 2017-2018

Mrs Byers Mrs Collins Miss Cope

Additional Information

  • Punctuality and Absence:

Children are allowed into school at 8:50 a.m. If your child is going to be absent or late, it would be greatly appreciated if parents could let us know, in advance, by ringing school with a message, sending a text or a note with a friend. This avoids any concerns about the children’s whereabouts.

As we have electronic registers any children whoarrive after 9:00 a.m. will need to report to the office to register their name and the reason for the lateness will be recorded. This will then be monitored by our Educational Welfare Officer.

  • Children’s Belongings:

Jewellery, other than small ear studs and a sensiblewatch are not allowed in school. Ear studs need to be removed at home on swimming and PE days. Children are encouraged not to bring toys into school as they can get lost or damaged.

Children are welcome to bring in any awards or achievements they have earned to show to the class; these will be kept safe until the end of the day.

  • Communication with Teachers

We will try to keep you informed through Reading Records, Homework Diaries and letters but please check your child’s bag regularly. In addition to the formal interviews and Open Evenings held during the year, we are happy to see parents, should you have any concerns or queries, at a mutually convenient time. Please try to avoid the few minutes before school starts except for very brief or urgent matters. Parents can leave a message on the school’s answering machine; send a text or an e-mail (). Information is also available on the school website ( We are available after school, though there are regular staff-meetings on Wednesdays, training courses and extra-curricular activities.

  • Snacks and Lunch

Please send your child with a healthy snack for morning break and a water bottle that can be refilled . If your child has a school dinner they are£2.10 per day and can be paid for in advance by cheque or cash. A week’s written notice is required for children to change from dinners to packed lunches or vice-versa.

  • Homework

Children are given their homework on a Friday and need to have it back in school the following Thursday. Please sign your child’s Homework Diary and feel free to write a comment. Please encourage your child to read for at least 15 minutes each day and write a comment in their Reading Record. Their Reading Record will be checked before they change their colour banded reading book.

We look forward to a happy, productive, successful and rewarding year.