Stage Crew Name: ______

105 Total Points

Use this Check List to make sure that you have included all information in your portfolio.

Remember: Handouts, except Critiques, are not acceptable!

oThe Prologue: Introduction 15 points

¨  Cover of Portfolio decorated to reflect the project (5 points)

¨  Table of Contents (5 points)

¨  Introductory paragraph (5 points)

oAct I: Biography of the Play & Playwright (Knowledge and Comprehension) 10 points

¨  Biography of the playwright & information on playwright’s historical period (3 points)

¨  Photograph or picture of the playwright (2 points)

¨  Biography of the play (3 points)

¨  Photograph or picture of the play in performance (2 points)

oAct II: Script Analysis and Preparation (Application and Analysis) 30 points

¨  Script Preview Handout (in nice format!) (2 points)

¨  Portion of Script used for project with notations applicable to project (4 points)

¨  Given Circumstances Handout with “Questions, Given Circumstances, (6 points) & Creativity”

¨  Design Doodles (4 points)

¨  Historical Research (6 points)

¨  Design Mapping (2 points)

¨  List goals you had for each of your three presentations based on your critiques as applicable from the teacher, student critics, and class comments.

¨  Preliminary Production Meeting Presentation (2 points)

¨  Dress Rehearsal Production Meeting Presentation (2 points)

¨  Final Production Meeting Presentation (2 points)

oAct III: Design Work (Synthesis) 30 points

¨  Process of creating your project

o  A log of your design process

o  A diary of your design process

o  A photographic display of your design process

o  A power point of your design process

o  A sketch book of your design process

o  Come up with another creative idea – to be approved by Mrs. Roney

¨  List Choice: ______(10 points)

¨  Creativity #1: Pick ONE of the suggestions, give examples, and then write up your choice, uses, and relationship to your design in paragraph or bullet point format.

¨  Find an element in the natural world that you used as an inspiration for your design choices

¨  Share an element from your research that became a basis for your design

¨  Do a color chart or palate that you chose for your designs that have a basis in the play and/or historical period

¨  Describe what emotional response you expect the audience to have to your design based on color, texture, and line and why you expect it based on your design choices

¨  Find a painting, music piece, sculpture, photograph or other created piece that inspired your design choices

¨  Find a description or quote from your play that inspired your design choices

¨  Find a poem, song, or other written piece – independent of your play – that inspired your design choices

¨  Find something with a particular texture that inspired your design choices

¨  Come up with another creative choice to be approved by Mrs. Roney

¨  List Creativity: ______(10 points)

¨  Creativity #2: Display your FINAL project in your portfolio or as a realized project in another form, such as 3-D Design, Poster(s), Power Point (with print-out and disk in Portfolio), or other medium as approved by Mrs. Roney and appropriate to your design project.

Your final project MUST be neat and professional; reflect your historical research, script analysis and design process; support your oral presentation; and be an originally conceived interpretation of your play in the job you have chosen.

¨  List Creativity: ______(10 points)

oCurtain Call: Final Evaluation (Synthesis & Evaluation) 20 points

¨  Summation Essay

Summarize your design process and preparation for your final presentation in a multi-paragraph informational essay. Compare and contrast the criteria below and rank how each helped you create your character and prepare for your final presentation.

¨  Assess how each of your three presentations developed, changed, grew, and matured through your preparation, rehearsals, and proceeding presentations;

¨  Assess how your historical research helped in creating your design;

¨  Measure how script analysis helped in creating your design;

¨  Measure how the creativity work supported the creation of your design;

¨  Explain how you used critical responses in your preparation for presentations;

¨ Summarize what you learned from the Design & Portfolio Project that you will take into

other aspects of your life.


oThe Epilogue No extra points - mandatory

(Failure to complete this section will result in flunking the project portfolio)

¨  Work Cited List

¨  Work Cited List submitted for Graduation Project (as applicable)

¨  Turnitin.com: ______

¨ Final Summation Essay

Stage Crew Graduation Project – 2012-2013