How to give….Standing Orders

Please complete and return this part to Halesworth Millennium Green at 24 Bungay Road, Halesworth, Suffolk IP19 8HW

Your name ______

Your address ______

Post Code ______

Your phone number______

Your email ______

Amount of monthly Standing Order £____

Starting date______



We will keep your details on our database for internal administrative purposes only. Your details will not be passed to any external person or organization.


Please complete and forward this part to your Bank /Building Society:

The Manager______Name of Bank/ Building Society

Address: ______Post Code: ______

Your account name: ______

Your account number:______

Your branch sort code: ______- ______- ______

Please pay the sum of £ ______each month starting on ______(date) until further notice

To:Ipswich Building Society, 61 Thoroughfare,

Halesworth, Suffolk IP19 8AR

Account name: Millennium Green Charitable Trust

Account No: 00004000

Reference: 611517305

Branch sort code: 23-44-48



Halesworth Millennium Green

For Everyone for Ever

Halesworth Millennium Green

Registered Charity No: 1079518

c/o 24 Bungay Road


Suffolk IP19 8HW

Tel: 01986 872268



How to give ….On line

Donations may made by credit or debit card through JustGiving.Follow the instructions at

Millennium Green/Donate

There is guidance online to help you to reclaim the Gift Aid automatically on our behalf.

How to make your gift go further

….Sign up to Gift Aid

Are you a UK taxpayer?If so, you can complete this declaration and the Charity can claim Gift Aid tax relief refund from the Inland Revenue. For every pound you give, we get an extra 25p from HM Revenue & Customs.This declaration will cover all your donations to us.

Your Gift Aid declaration

I agree to the Halesworth Millennium Green claiming tax under the Gift Aid scheme on all my donations until I advise otherwise. I confirm that I am paying an amount of UK Income and/or Capital Gains Tax that at least equals the amount the charity will reclaim in each tax year (currently 25p for every £1 that I give).

Complete and return this part to

Halesworth Millennium Green at

24 Bungay Road, Halesworth, IP19 8HW





Please accept my gift of:

Amount £ ____ Date ______

Please make any cheques/postal order/ CAF Voucher payable to The Halesworth Millennium Green. Your declaration will cover all your donations.

Signature: ______

Date: ______