Honors Research Paper Requirements for 7th Grade Social Studies

The research paper is due at the beginning of Social Studies class onTuesday, March 6, 2018. Students are required to complete and pass the research paper in order to receive honors credit for 7th Grade Social Studies and be considered for honors credit in 8th Grade Social Studies. A second copy of the research paper will be turned at the beginning of your Honors ELA class on Monday, March 5th. No phone calls home will be allowed!

There will be no research papers accepted late. If a student is absent from school on March 6th, someone must bring the research paper to school before 12 noon on March 6th in order for the student to receive credit.

Students will be given a presentation by the RMS librarianon basic research skills. They will also be given some class time to complete research in the RMS library. It is strongly suggested that students get a folder to hold all research paper information.

Research Paper:

  • must be written about a topic “I Haven’t Learn in American History Class” from the

Colonial Era 1600s through Reconstruction 1870s.Paper needs to be about something unique that usually isn’t covered in American history classes. Stay away from broad topics such as the Civil War, the Louisiana Purchase, or the Pilgrims. Teacher has final approval of all topics.

  • must be five paragraphs long and a minimum of three pages. See attached instructions.
  • must be typed using MLA format including sources. See attached instructions.
  • No handwritten research papers will be accepted.
  • must have at least three sources, one of the sources must be a book.
  • Internet sources must be from educational data bases.
  • Bibliography must be included using format provided in this packet.

Due Dates:

Three tentative topics are due on Monday 1/22 – can be handwritten

Final Topic with signed form is due on Tuesday 1/30

Typed Thesis Statement is due on Monday 2/5

Typed list of your topic sentences for each of the three body paragraphs, as well as thesis statement with any corrections needed are due on Tuesday 2/20

Typed Bibliography in correct format due on Monday 2/26

Final Paper with all paperwork that was turned in during the writing process is due on Tuesday 3/6.

Grading:Your research paper will be graded by your Social Studies teacher using the attached rubric. A second copy of the paper must be turned in to your Honors ELA teacher on the same day. Your ELA teacher will grade your paper using the attached rubric.