11 Cwrt Morgan, Caerwent, Caldicot, Mons. NP26 5QZ. Tel: 01291 422089

Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held on Monday 9th January 2017 which commenced at the Village Sports Hall.

Public Forum

Nicola Edwards attended to promote tourism within Monmouthshire on behalf of MCC in particular Chepstow Tourist Office. Funding is now a major source for concern due to a budget cut of £144,000. Down from £162,000 to £18,000 for 2016 – 2018. This has impacted greatly on the service they are now able to deliver

Whilst Chepstow Town Council are contributing £5,000. They are looking for support from a wider area and as such are approaching all the surrounding Community Councils to participate.

The Chepstow Office is looking for support to develop the centre to provide an Online Shop to include Booking Ticket Office a café and a Coach Tourism project. To operate a service of this kind would cost £65,000. A Destination Survey has been carried out and the outcome is awaited. .

Tourism generates 187 million in Monmouthshire with increasing high quality events being staged. Opportunities within the scheme could benefit Rogiet with the development of Severn Tunnel Junction and associated projects. Should RCC wish to seek further information it could be arranged.

Tracey Thomas from MCC had requested to attend to share with the community council some work MCC are currently exploring to identify potential options available to the authority, to find ways of reducing costs without service cuts or changes and create sustainability and growth. She stated the visit was very much a listening procedure at this stage. She provided details giving the rational/services in scope/vision for new delivery model/range of options (four principle options identified) and the timescale for implementation. Five year plan to set up the scheme. The project was very much one of collaboration. Further information would become available Lines of communication would be Tracey herself. Following the May elections the new administration would be consulted immediately.

09/2932 Present

Chairman - Cllr R Stallard

Vice Chairman - Cllr J Douglas

Community Councillors- S Evans, Mrs L Guppy & Mrs S Oliver Holland

Maria Edwards - MCC Tourism

Tracey Thomas - MCC Enterprise

Fiona Weaver - Resident

Clerk - Mrs M Williams

09/2933 Apologies


09/2934 Declarations of Interest

Cllr J Douglas - Caretaker

Cllr Mrs S Oliver Holland - MYS

09/ 2935 Chairman’s Address

Wished everyone a happy new year and hoped 2017 would be another successful year and that the community council could build on the growing community spirit.

09/2936 Minutes

It was resolved that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the monthly meeting held

on 12th December 2016 as a true and correct record of the meeting.

09/2937 Financial Matters and Schedule of Accounts

The Schedule of Accounts and Financial Matters dated 9th January 2017 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

Members received and approved the report of the meeting held by the Working Party on Monday 22nd November 2016, and noted the contents contained therein.

It was resolved that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the Precept Meeting held

On 6th December 2016, as a true and correct record of the meeting.

Draft Precept for 2017/2018 was reviewed and approved. Clerk to complete Precept Claim documentation.

Third quarterly accounts (October/December 2016) were duly approved.

STNP FC Email rec’d promising payment of £125.00 to cover balance of fees for September/October and November and December..

09/2938 To receive Action/Progress Report

Matters on-going

Future Maintenance of WWI Memorial

Arrangements in hand to set up a garden working party with Mencap, Chepstow in the New Year

Register of Interests

To be addressed in the New Year.


MCC Dog Fouling Initiative

Initiative on going. Regular updates from MCC Next meeting Thursday 26th January 2.30pm County Hall, Usk

Pedestrian access still available to the Countryside Park, therefore dog bins to remain in place. It should be noted that one bin post has been damaged during work on the new road bridge, to be reported to Sue Parkinson

Traffic Issues on Station Road/School Crossing

Situation on-going and to be re-visited in the New Year.

Still major issues on Barn Owl Road and Martin Way

Co-option onto R CC

Matter for consideration in the light of the forthcoming elections in May.

Over-use of open green space adjoining old school building development.

Unsatisfactory response rec’d from MCC – To be re-visited in the New Year

Situation has worsened and it was noted that the fence has been extended

Planning Issues

(Sabrina, Station Road) under investigation by MCC Matter on-going –to be chase in New Year

Notification rec’d from MCC – that in future no hard copies regarding planning issues will be made

available from MCC, notification of applications will be made by email but councils must refer to

website for details.

M4 Relief Road

Matter being progressed Public Local Inquiry will now be held on 28 February 2017 at the Lysaght

Institute, Orb Drive, Newport starting at Prompt. A pre-Inquiry Meeting will be held on Friday 27th January 2017 at at Lysaght Institute.

Street Lighting

MCC contacted. Matter referred to Mr. Roger Joy, Street Lighting Engineer, for his attention and

response. Waiting up-date – no further information rec’d to-date. “Fix my Street Light” link in New


VSH/ Playing Fields Issues


Documentation required from FC with regard to their Public Liability Insurance and H & S Policy relating to the dugouts and barriers. Need for clarification (issue on-going) Situation to be addressed in New Year.


Resident informed of the funding arrangements, he promised to order the materials and progress the work. He also suggested YC become involved to encourage ownership of the work being done. In the past YC had proposed a Graffiti project, they have been reminded several times, matter on-going. Further contact to be made. Need to progress matter in New Year

VHS Inventory & Streamlining of Council Store Room

Matter in abeyance, needs to be progressed when time allows.

Little Tigers Day Care

Little Tigers now up and running, few teething problems (clarification needed on cleaning)

Further problems with the boilers experienced last week. Matter reported and dealt with.

Awaiting further quote on windows.

MCC carried out a full inspection of the whole system. Matter now under discussion

Clerk liaising with LT to formalize arrangements, and drawing up a Formal

Agreement / Partnership - On-going

Playing Fields Car Park

Email rec’d from RH of MCC matters progressing but formalities have to be completed before charges can be implemented. Charges to commence asap. Will keep us informed. No further up-date

Any County Council issues

Request to be up-dated on MCC issues

Bridge to be taken down over Christmas period

Business rates debate in Assembly

Bus parking not being coordinated = 18mths

Police Report

Report covering the period 4th November – 5th December had been circulated to all members.

09/2939 Correspondence

Persona Associates - M4 Motorway Scheme

Welsh Government - M4 Motorway Scheme

“ “ - Statement by Government

Tracey Thomas MCC - Request meeting with CC’s & TC’s

MCC - Collection & recycling over holidays

MCC - Planning Dept – paperless arr

SLCC - 2017 Conference

Clerks & Councils Direct Mag


MCC Press releases / Circulars/ Planning / Road Works / Closures etc. / General Information etc. Agendas / Minutes

One Voice Wales – information updates / training / general information / area committees

Misc information and circulars

NB All emails rec’d on the system for the period 13/12/2016 - 09/01/2017 circulated

09ours/2940 Planning Applications/Permission

None received

09/2941 Confirm Date of next Meeting

It was confirmed that the next monthly meeting of the Community Council would take place on Monday 13h February 2017 to commence at 6.45pm. Meeting closed at 9.35.p.m.

Signed: ______

Dated: ______

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