Thanks to all of you who sent ideas and suggestions for simple coin purse patterns. Several people asked me to post what I found out, so here it is.

I should have said upfront that I didn't want to do zippers-although they turn out really cute, I don't have enough time (or energy) to teach my eighth grade FACS students how to do a zipper. So the following are the ones that best met my needs. If you are interested in zipper patterns, contact me and I will send you those links.

pattern but detailed instructions and photos

half way down this list is one called Measure Up! coin purse-could modify to work in classroom

Good luck.

Jeananne Lybber


Several people asked to post coin purse patterns that use zippers. Here are a few: (thanks to Phyllis Latham)

uses a zipper

another with a zipper

Uses a spring type clasp

no instructions but a good picture that shows one with velcro. There is a list of materials needed that might help.

'bout half way down are instructions for making a coin purse out of a tape measure with velcro closing. Cute


Here is a link to the coin purse that didn't have a pattern only a picture in my earlier post.

Maybe this will give you a start. I have not made any using these specific patterns but when I have made them pre 1999 if used these type of steps. NOW I use one made in the embroidery hoop from Anita Goodesigns. ( think)Thestudents are just flabbergasted at what it will do since most have never seen an embroidery machine work. The instructions could easily be followed at the sewing machine instead of letting the embroidery machine do all the work. The following sites come from doing a google search for "Simple coin purse instructions"
uses a zipper
with a zipper
Uses a spring type clasp
instructions but a good picture that shows one with velcro. There is a list of materials needed that might help.

half way down are instructions for making a coin purse out of a tape measure with velcro closing. Cute.
By the way, Pearl and all the rest of "you guys" in UEN territory, you have saved my classes and lessonsthese past couple of years. I am a 30 year teacher with only the past 2 in FACS. Thanks so much for the wonderful website with all the lessons, ideas, etc.... I really appreciate knowing when I need something I can come to your site and/or the yahoo group I joined and find something to either use with little reworking or get an idea and make the plan myself. So keep up the good work and know that it is appreciated.
Money talks. Chocolate sings. Jesus saves.
Phyllis in Boswell

Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 08:15:50 -0700
Subject: [facs] coin purse/wallet pattern/instructions

Wonderful FACS teachers-
I am looking of a pattern and instructions for a simple coin purse or wallet to sew with my FACS Exploration kids. Does anyone have one? Thanks.
-Jeananne Lybbert
Fort Herriman Middle School