The District Rotaract Representative (DRR) serves as a liaison between the Rotaract Clubs, the District Rotaract Committee (composed of Rotarians) and Rotary International. The DRR has a wide variety of responsibilities that serve to improve and strengthen the Rotaract program in the district. Under the supervision of the District Governor and the District Rotaract Chair, the DRR works to improve
communication and to promote activities and projects of the district.

Basic DRRE Qualifications

  1. He/She must not be more than 30 years old on July 1, 2010 in order to be still of Rotaract age upon assuming office.
  2. He/She must have served already at least one (1) year as Rotaract Club President to prove experience in running a Rotaract club.
  3. He/She must be a Rotaractor of an existing Rotaract Club in good standing with the District.
  4. He/She must be fully enrolled in his/her university (for school-based clubs) upon assuming the position.
  5. He/She must be of good standing with no outstanding liabilities to his/her Club and the District.
  6. He/She must demonstrate knowledge, ability, willingness, and commitment to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the office of the District Rotaract Representative.

Requirements for DRRE Nominees:

  1. Must secure a letter of endorsement from his/her sponsoring Rotary Club signed by the Rotary Club President.
  2. Must secure a letter of endorsement from his/her Rotaract Club signed by the incumbent Rotaract Club President and Club Adviser.
  3. Must secure a letter of endorsement from the Dean’s office (for school-based clubs).
  4. Must submit an authenticated copy of his/her birth certificate.
  5. Must submit his/her resume highlighting service achievements with 2 pcs. 2x2 ID photo attached.
  6. Must secure certification as a Rotaractor of RI District 3810 from the Rotaract District Committee Secretary, IPP Marie Goldilyn Uy.
  7. Must secure his/her club's certification of good standing from the Rotaract District Committee Treasurer, PP Ramilito Modesto.
  8. Must submit proof of enrolment in his/her university (for school-based clubs).
  9. Must submit letter of intent/essay as DRRE addressed to DRRE Election Chairman, PDRR Oliver Alvarez.
  10. Must submit complete requirements on or before December 19, 2009.

Deadline of submission of the DRRE requirements to the District Rotaract Chairman is on December 19, 2009, 6:00 p.m. at the Rotaract District Committee Office, 1st Floor, Immaculate Conception Dormitory, Leon Guinto St., Manila. We will only accept original documents or authenticatedcopies.

DRRE Electors/Voters Qualifications

The presentation of the Platform of Candidates is scheduled on January 9, 2010 and the DRRE election will be during the Rotaract District Meeting on January 16, 2010.The Club Presidents or Representatives of your Rotaract Clubs must be present on this day to canvass ballots for the DRRE Election. The electors/voters qualifications are as follows:

  1. Only the Rotaract club president or his/her designated representative is allowed to vote.
  2. The Rotaract club must be of good standing in the District.
  3. That Rotaract Club/s in Mindoro vote via phone patch in a separate venuewitnessed by the incumbent District Coordinating Chair for New Generations or theDistrict Rotaract Chairman and District Rotaract Representative.

For inquiries, please call DRR Izel Guatno at 0926-3783512 or send an e-mail .

District Rotaract Representative, RY 2009-2010
RI District 3810

Noted by:
District Rotaract Chairman, RY 2009-2010
RI District 3810


  1. Only the Presidents of Rotaract clubs that are of good standing in the District will be allowed to vote during the elections.
  2. Should a club president not be available during the elections, he/she may appoint a member from his/her club to vote on his/her behalf. The member must present a duly signed authorization letter from the Club President, addressed to the DRRE Elections Chair during the meeting.
  3. The candidates’ resume will be posted in the Rotaract3810 yahoo groups for evaluation of the club presidents and to help them in the decision-making process.
  4. The candidates’ resume will also be posted before the elections.
  5. All candidates will be allowed to introduce themselves and present their plans during a meeting before the elections. Each candidate will be given 5-10 minutes for the presentation.
  6. The Presidents or their representatives may ask questions after the presentation, which should be addressed to all candidates. Questions will be moderated by the DRRE Elections Chair.
  7. During the voting, only the club Presidents/appointed member will be allowed to stay in the room to vote.
  8. The voting will be witnessed by the DRRE Elections Chair, the District Rotaract Representative, the District Rotaract Chairman and the District Coordinating Chairman, and/or the Senior Deputy Governor for New Generations
  9. Voters will cast a ballot by writing the complete name of his/her selected candidate. A voter can cast only one vote.
  10. When all votes have been cast, each ballot will be then be opened and read by the DRRE Elections Chair before the voters. The DRR will then write on board each vote made for each candidate.
  11. Every ballot read will then be signed by the DRC, DCC, and/or SDG for New Generations.
  12. Rotaract Club/s from Mindoro will vote via phone patch, in a separate venue. This will be witnessed by the DRR, DCHR, DCC, and/or SDG for New Generations.
  13. The DRRE Elections Chair will then count the results.
  14. In case of a tie, the following would be observed:
  15. If there are only two candidates, the voters will be given a 10-minute break to review the resume of the candidates. After which, they will be asked to cast again their votes, following the same process for voting.
  16. If there are more than two candidates, the candidate/s with the least number of votes will be taken out from the list. Voters will be asked to cast a vote again, but this time for the candidates who are in a tie. The same process for voting will be observed.
  17. When the voting process has been completed, non-voters and the candidates will then be asked to return to the meeting room. The DRRE Elections Chair will then announce the result of the elections.
  18. Results of the elections will be written on paper and presented to the District Governor and Rotary Club Presidents.