Advances in Cleaner Production Network – Boosting Knowledge Exchange Seeking for Sustainability


Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Advances in Cleaner Production Network

Once you have read the benefits and responsibilities of the partnership, please complete the form below. You can send it by mail, e-mail or fax. The addresses are located on form’s footnote.

  1. Primary Partnership Contact


Personal Phone:

  1. Organizational Contact Details

Name of Org/Company:

Mailing Address:

Website (URL):

General e-mail:

  1. Other Relevant people you recommend to participate of the Advances in Cleaner Production Network

Name / E-mail / Why I/we recommend him/her to be a partner
  1. Partnership Agreement

4.1.The International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production is held biannually, and it is currently the leading forum Cleaner Production for the Partners Network, through the publication of Special Volumes in the Journal of Cleaner Production and via the planning and implementing experts’ training workshops. For this reason, we encourage all partners to support the dissemination of information and active participation at events sponsored by Advances in Cleaner Production Network.

4.2.We specifically ask that partners create (and update) their profiles and send them to the e-mail . We also ask you to invite people from anothernetworks (e.g. Latin American, Global, etc.) to join the community of Advances in Cleaner Production Network.

4.3.Your partnership distinguishes you as a leader in promoting the science of sustainability through the Advances in Cleaner Production. To that end, we would like to display your logo on partner’s section of our Web site and refer to your organization as a partner of the Advances in Cleaner Production Network.

4.4.Please forward us your logo as a JPEG or GIF file with high-resolution, 100px by 100pxmaximum dimensions, and a white or transparent background along with instructions, if any,about how it should be displayed. In addition, please provide a short description of yourorganization.

4.5.Please assignwith an “X” the box below to confirm that you have read the terms of Partnership Agreement Document.

I agree

  1. Additional Comments, Suggestions or Questions


Your Application is Now Complete

We review applications monthly and typical turnaround time is 2 -3 weeks. If for some reason you donot hear from us after three weeks, you can inquire as to the status of your application .

Universidade Paulista “Campus” Indianópolis – Rua Doutor Bacelar, 1212

Mirandópolis – CEP: 04026-002 - São Paulo-SP – Brazil - Phone/Fax: 55-11-5586-4129
