Regular Board Meeting

June 10, 2008

President Hohnke called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners order at 7:00 P.M. Upon a roll of Commissioners being called, the following were present: Duffy, Hohnke, Coleman, Mahoney. Absent: Kubal. Staff present: Adams, Larsen, Knitter, Buchanan, Ritter, Karesh, Rhodes, Evans.


President Hohnke stated that a public hearing would now be held concerning the intent of the Board of Park Commissioners to sell $6,250,000 General Obligation Limited Tax Park Bonds. Any comments or concerns of the public, as well as the Board and Staff, could be heard at this time. No written comments had been received. Mr. Hohnke stated that everyone had been given an opportunity to be heard. There being no comments, there was a

MOTION by Mahoney, seconded by Duffy, to adjourn the public hearing.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None




Milestone Anniversaries

President Hohnke offered congratulations to Javier Martinez, golf course maintenance, on his five year anniversary with the Park District. Also acknowledged was Janice Conboy, a Hobson Pool employee, for her 15 years with the District. Neither was present at the meeting but their hard work was appreciated.

Next, President Hohnke explained that a public hearing for FYO8/09 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance must be scheduled. After discussion this public hearing was scheduled to be held at the Regular Board of Park Commissioners meeting to be held on July 8, 2008 at 7:00 P.M.

As a reminder, President Hohnke noted that the Community Center Keith Frankland Recognition Seating Garden Dedication will take place June 28, 2008 at 10:00 A.M.

In concluding his report, President Hohnke noted also that the Castaldo Park Disc Golf Course Dedication & Special Event will be held June 28, 2008 at 12:00 P.M.



Joan Larsen began her report explaining to the Board that the balance of our Restricted Fund (Fund 21) could now be invested at the Illinois Park District Liquid Asset Fund. It could be invested in certificates of deposit earning a rate comparable to or higher than the Harris Money Market account where the funds currently reside. Since there was no immediate plan for the balance of this fund, she recommended opening a new IPDLAF account. Ms. Larsen noted these funds were monies received from developers. After further discussion, there was a

MOTION by Duffy, seconded by Mahoney, to approve the opening of a new IPDLAF account to invest the cash balance of the Restricted Contribution Fund.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None



Ms. Larsen stated that the Finance Department was continuing to work on preparation for the audit. Fieldwork by the auditors was scheduled to begin on July 7th with completion the end of August.

Computer operations were going well at the pool. The new flat panel monitors have proven to give the admissions and concessions clerks a cleaner, less cluttered workspace.


With regard to the Hobson Corner Park Development Project, Jenny Knitter began her report stating the need to coordinate as planned the use of fill generated from the construction excavation at the Cypress Cove Phase 3 Development Project for the Hobson demolition. In doing so, Staff planned to bid the demolition of Hobson this summer. Thereafter, there was a

MOTION by Coleman, seconded by Mahoney, to authorize staff to bid the Hobson Pool Demolition and Utility Disconnects Project, CDP #08-01c-01.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None



Ms. Knitter stated that bids were open June 4th for the Mending Wall Park-Playground Purchase and Installation Project. The six bids were reviewed along with Alternate 1 and Alternate 2. Ms. Knitter noted that Alternate 2 would be used. Further discussion ensued regarding the alternate bids and staff’s recommendation to negotiate a contract. Authorization to accept the low qualified bid was requested.

MOTION by Coleman, seconded by Mahoney, to accept Green-Up Landscape, Inc. as the low qualified bidder based on the total amount of the contract base bid and alternate base bid #2 and authorize the Director to negotiate and approve a contract agreement not-to-exceed $153,398.00 for the Mending Wall Park Playground Purchase and Installation Project, CRP #08-01c-01.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None



Ms. Knitter informed the Board of the status of the Seven Bridges Park Erosion Control Project. She noted that in order to allow the hired contractor access to the Park to address the erosion, an authorization, acknowledgement, and indemnification agreement was recommended for Board approval prior to work beginning on the site. The Park District was responsible for approximately 1/5th of the entire project. This work should begin in two weeks.

MOTION by Coleman, seconded by Mahoney, to approve a Temporary Access Agreement with the Hobson Creek Community Council and McGinty Brothers, Inc. to complete streambank stabilization work at Seven Bridges Park.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None



In order to meet the requirements of DuPage County with regard to the Orchard Hill Maintenance and Monitoring Project, Jenny Knitter stated that staff recommended continuing another year of maintenance and monitoring with our current consultant. This was a project that will continue until we meet compliance. After a brief discussion, there was a

MOTION by Duffy, seconded by Mahoney, to approve a proposal from Planning Resources, Inc. in the amount of $10,808.95 to provide one year of maintenance and monitoring services as required by DuPage County for the Orchard Hill Maintenance and Monitoring Project, CDP #05-07c.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None



Ms. Knitter had two change orders to bring before the Board. First, with regard to the Community Center Recognition Garden Hardscape Development, changes were made to the contract for the hardscape improvements made to the garden space. A concrete pad was installed to accommodate a bike rack and trash/recycling receptacle. There was also a deduct for engraved pavers for past board members. These will be added in conjunction with the 40th/50th anniversary celebrations. Staff recommends approval.

MOTION by Coleman, seconded by Duffy, to approve Change Order #1 to Landworks, Ltd. Contract for a net increase of $230 to complete miscellaneous hardscape changes for the Community Center Recognition Seating Garden, CDP #08-2c.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None



Jenny Knitter stated that the second change order dealt with the 75th St. Park Development. Several items were inadvertently excluded from the bid documents as part of the original contract with Fuerte Systems. She explained that an upgrade in the paint for the bike racks would promote both longevity and minimal maintenance. A saddle spinner was suggested to offer children with varying abilities another option for spinning. Also a different swing structure would be most beneficial for the children with varying abilities.

MOTION by Coleman, seconded by Duffy, to approve Change Order #1 to Fuerte Systems, Inc. contract for a net increase of $797 for the substitution of various play equipment pieces for the 75th Street Park Development Project, CDP #07-02c-01.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None



For the Board’s information, Ms. Knitter noted that ComEd had signed the revised lease agreement so work could be completed on the disc golf course in ComEd’s right-of-way. The last three tees and baskets will be installed.

Lastly, Ms. Knitter stated that staff would like Board input on the engraved paver program that was being planned to be made available at Forest Glen Park. With the engraved paver program, each paver would cost $200. The memorial tree adoption program would have a one time donation of $1,000. Further details were explained and discussion followed. The Board agreed that these were both worthwhile ideas, but suggested that staff research the programs more and check with other districts to see what values typically offered.

Golf Course

Brandon Evans had no action items for the Board. He stated that rounds for May were down from last year. However, staff was moving forward with CDP projects, i.e. fairway bunkers, tee signs. Staff was meeting with contractors to discuss the possibility of reshaping and adding drainage to a number of the fairway bunkers per the CDP 2008 program. Mr. Evans noted too that there had been a significant amount of seed germination in the winterkill areas. It was looking better and even customers have commented on the difference.


Don Ritter explained that as part of the NRPA initiative to get kids back outdoors and in touch with nature, staff had discussed offering family fishing programs to our residents. Staff planned to introduce fishing as part of our summer camp program, partner with the Community Resource Center fishing program and possibly offer a joint program with SEASPAR. Staff was ready for Jubilee.


Julie Rhodes indicated that both pools had opened and were doing well. The Teen Splash event was well received and the teens requested this be held again this summer. Rhodes reviewed the income financials to date. She also stated Star Guard recently audited our lifeguards at both pools and performed well.


Large Area Mower Purchase, CRP #08-05c, State Bid Contract

John Karesh explained that this purchase was for the replacement of our 2000 Jacobson large area mower per the CRP. The approved options include the road package kit, 36 month/1800 hour coverage, and delivery. Mr. Karesh said the old mower will be sold either at auction or on ebay.

MOTION by Coleman, seconded by Mahoney, to approve the low qualified State bid contract price from Reinders Company for the purchase of a 2008 Toro Grounds Master 580-D large area mower with road package kit, 36 maintenance coverage, and delivery in the amount of $57,382.49.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None



Trim Route Mower Purchase, CRP #08-06c, State Bid Contract

Mr. Karesh stated that this particular purchase was for the replacement of our 2001 Toro 328D mower per the capital replacement program. The approved options include a recycling mowing deck, Polar Trac conversion kit, Polar Trac cab, jack stand kit, snow blower attachment and delivery.

MOTION by Duffy, seconded by Mahoney, to approve the low qualified State bid contract price from Reinders Company for the purchase of a 2008 Toro Grounds Master 7210 72” side discharge trim route mower with recycling mowing deck, polar trac conversion kit with cab, jack stand kit, snow blower attachment and delivery in the amount of $36,348.34.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None




Megan Buchanan stated that the web site photo gallery had been updated to include pictures from recent District events. Web statistics reporting has been very beneficial to the new web site. Not only did it provide a total number of visitors, what day and time they visited the site, but also the total number of hits per web page and the top keywords visitors used to find our web site. Her May Web Report was briefly reviewed. Ms. Buchanan noted that the E-Newsletter will be sent out monthly. It will be sent to a “targeted” group. Mike Adams added that he believed the E-News will become a very valuable tool for the District.


MOTION by Duffy, seconded by Mahoney, to approve Consent Agenda items 1 through 8 for a total amount of $890,862.30:

1. Regular Board Meeting Minutes May 13, 2008

2. Executive Session Meeting Minutes May 13, 2008

3. Vendor Payment & Payroll Ratification Report (5/9/08-6/05/08) $890,862.30

4. Williams Architects, Cypress Cove Phase 3, CA #07-01c, Payout #13 $52,415.74

5. Claassen, White & Assoc. Hobson Corner Park Surveying, CDP#08-01pc-1,

Payout #1 (Final) $7,200.00

6. Hitchcock Design Group, 75th St. Park Development, CDP #07-02ca-01,

Payout #11 $5,712.99

7. Hitchcock Design Group, 75th St. Park Development, CDP #07-02ca-01,

Payout #12 $3,348.10

8. Landworks, Ltd., Community Center Recognition Garden Hardscape

Dvplmnt., CDP #08-02c, Payout #1 (Final) $6,722.00

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None




Action Items

a. Resolution No. 08-5, Dedicating Internationale Estates Park

Mike Adams stated the resolution was read aloud by President Hohnke at the park dedication ceremony on May 31, 2008. The resolution is now ready for adoption by the board.

MOTION by Duffy, seconded by Coleman, to approve Resolution No. 08-5, A Resolution Dedicating Internationale Estates Park to the Woodridge Park District.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None



b. Resolution No. 08-6, Authorizing Secretary to Make Certain Closed Session Meeting Minutes Available for Public Inspection

Mike Adams explained per the State statutes the Board is to review executive session minutes twice a year and to consider making them available to the public. Adams presented a resolution for Board review and adoption. Thereafter, there was a

MOTION by Duffy, seconded by Coleman, to approve Resolution No. 08-6, A Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of the Board of Park Commissioners to Make Certain Closed Session Meeting Minutes Available for Public Inspection.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None



c. Ordinance No. 08-4, Adopting the Prevailing Wage Rates

Mr. Adams noted that by statutory requirement the District must adopt a prevailing wage ordinance each June which establishes the general prevailing rate of hourly wages for work performed by laborers, workers and mechanics employed by or on behalf of the District engaged in the construction of public works performed in the locality in which the work is performed.

MOTION by Duffy, seconded by Mahoney, to approve Ordinance No. 08-4, An Ordinance Adopting the Prevailing Wage Rates for Laborers, Workers, and Mechanics Employed by the Woodridge Park District.

AYES: Coleman, Duffy, Hohnke, Mahoney

NAYS: None



d. Hobson Corner Park Redevelopment Project, OSLAD Grant, Authorization to Proceed

Mike Adams reiterated that approval of the IDNR Resolution of Authorization was needed in order apply for an OSLAD Grant for the redevelopment of Hobson Corner Park.

MOTION by Duffy, seconded by Mahoney, to authorize staff to submit an Illinois Department of Natural Resources Open Space Land Acquisitions and Development Grant in the amount of $400,000 for the proposed redevelopment of Hobson Corner Park and approve a Resolution of Authorization.