Course Syllabus


Course Description:

Business Math is a 36 week course designed for students to have the opportunity to understand mathematics in the context of business and personal finance. With this understanding, students will work to improve their financial literacy and apply knowledge and skills, from this course, to manage their personal financial resources effectively. Emphasis will be placed on using real-world examples and application.

Instructor Information:

Raymond Wardell

CHS Room 126

Contact Information:

Phone: 260-637-3161 ext. 126

Course Textbook:

Business Math 17e, Hansen, Southwestern Cengage Learning,

ISBN-10: 0-538-44885-7

Course Objectives:

·  Solve word problems and integrated scenarios related to common business and Understand personal situations through a process of calculations and decision-making.

·  Determine rate of percent increase/decrease.

·  Convert percentages, decimals and fractions.

·  Compute trade and cash discount.

·  Determine Cost, Selling price or Markup of merchandise to make a profit and account for loss.

·  Determine cost of borrowing using apr, simple and compound interest.

·  Determine proceeds of discounting notes.

·  Determine Present and Future Values of ordinary annuities.

·  Understand how Gross Pay and Net Pay are calculated and how benefits, taxes, job expenses affect take-home pay.

·  Understand the uses for Financial Statements and how they are used within a business.

·  Students will understand how to use checking accounts, savings accounts and debit cards and other banking financial services.

·  Students will understand the importance of saving and investing as it relates to car ownership and home ownership. They will determine the difference in costs of owning and leasing/renting a home or car.

·  Students will evaluate investments in stocks, bonds and mutual funds.

·  Students will learn how to prepare a family or personal budget based on their given take-home pay.

Course Content:

All chapters, activities, and projects are utilized in the Business Math Textbook and Workbook. Supplementary materials are included for additional projects.

Student Evaluation:

Lessons and common assessments for this course have been developed collaboratively using best practice as a guide and Indiana State Standards as a framework. Students will be expected to complete formative evaluations at some point during the semester and a final summative exam at the end of the semester. The formative tests are designed primarily to inform instruction, giving the teacher a measuring stick of the student’s understanding of the essential outcomes of the course content. The Final Exams are summative in nature and will be worth 15% of the student’s overall grade.

18 Week grades in Business Math will be figured with the following items:

50% of the Grade:



50% of the Grade:


In Class Activities

Homework-no more than 20% of grade



18 Week Grade= 85%

Final Exam= 15%

Late Work Policy:

The student is expected to complete make-up work within two days of absence unless permission is given for and extension of time. Makeup tests and/or quizzes are given the day the student returns to class. If a student has not been absent and does not turn in work on the day it is due, 15% will be deducted for the 1st day late from the total points earned for the assignment. Two days late will cause another 25% reduction in points and 3 days late the assignment will be graded as a zero.

Class Expectations:

·  This course will require a considerable amount of assignments and activities

·  Incomplete and late assignments will not be accepted for full credit without my prior approval.

·  Tests and/or quizzes are given during and after each chapter or unit

·  Student organization and creativity of work are keys to success in this course

Classroom Rules:

1. Exercise Respect, Responsibility, and Self-Discipline.

2. Be prepared for class- bring all materials needed for class, you will need a calculator every day.

3. Be Punctual- Be on time, quiet, and in your seat when the bell rings.

4. You are responsible to obtain and complete all make-up work upon your return to school after an absence. Carroll High School guidelines for make up work will be strictly followed.

5. Dispose of all food or drink before entering the classroom. We are in a computer lab and computers do not like liquids being spilled on them!!!

6. Be prepared to learn, work hard, and have fun!

Hall Passes:

Carroll High School has a “No Pass” policy, emergencies will be considered. Restroom visits should be done during passing periods. Do not ask me to go to your locker to get your material that you have forgotten, after class has started. Be Prepared!!


The course outline, academic work, evaluation methods, and classroom expectations are subject to change and are not all-inclusive.