WACC Programmatic Guidance Document: 4-4-16
History: Appointed in 2014 by President Carol Fishman, the Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Initiatives was initially composed of three board members, Brian Norris, Connie Sage, and David Cohen, chair. President Fishman and her successor Charles Bensonhaver regularly participated in the meetings of the committee. President Fishman charged the committee to identify strategic issues facing WACC and suggest initiatives that would strengthen the organization to be presented to the Board for review and approval. To that end, the committee carried out a number of research and planning activities. These included:
Interviews with prior WACC Board members
Survey of current Board members
Comparative reviews of similar WACs across the country
Data analytics of the WACC
Board Planning meeting to develop a new mission
Survey of the membership
Recommendation: Expand collateral activities associated with the current speakers series as well as opportunities for engagement with world affairs “experts”.
Background: At every juncture in our information gathering process, board members as well as the wider WACC membership indicated that the current speakers series is the primary benefit/accomplishment/strength of the organization. However, a number of ideas emerged that have the potential to strengthen the program.
Initiative: Have at least one speaker per year who is available for interactions with the WACC membership and the community for a full day.
Method of Attainment: The speaker would be available to meet with selected members for a special luncheon and to meet students at local universities and/or high schools. Additional funding (<$1000) for honorarium and other expenses may be required.
Initiative: Replace one speaker each year with a panel or debate discussion to develop divergent perspectives about a particular international situation.
Method of Attainment: The Speakers Committee identifies appropriate experts and arranges this program.
Initiative: Develop closer relationships with the local academic institutions for joint sponsorship and promotion of programs of interest to the membership.
Method of Attainment: Appoint a liaison from the WACC to each institution with responsibility for identifying opportunities.
Initiative: Expand the number of “Pop Up” talks and hosted dinners with foreign affairs experts.
Method of Attainment: A committee composed of the academic liaisons and one board member will have this responsibility.
Recommendation: Develop additional outreach programs with local high schools that contribute to their students’ understanding of world affairs.
Background: The WACC has enjoyed some recent success in this area primarily through its contact and relationship building with the CCSD social studies coordinator. The CCSD nominates students for the awards programs, and WACC members have served as judges on world affairs-related projects. A number of members believe this area warrants considerable attention because of lack of familiarity that many students have with contemporary international issues. Furthermore, to the extent that funding may be required, educational outreach activities are popular with corporate and other sponsors, as well as the WACC members who seek greater engagement with young learners.
Initiative: Develop additional activities for high school students that grow global affairs awareness.
Method of Attainment: The current Awards Committee will be reconfigured as an Educational Outreach Committee for this purpose.
Recommendation: Strengthen WACC’s organizational structure to provide greater support, member involvement and continuity.
Background: A number of organizational activities do not have sufficient member assistance to assure their success. Finding opportunities for member involvement is an excellent way to assess potential board membership. Although the Bylaws permit officers to serve up to three consecutive one-year terms in the same office, the practice has been for the President to serve a single one-year term, with the Vice President essentially as President-elect for the following year.
Initiative: Begin to use a small committee to support the Speakers program chairperson and share some of the additional duties as outlined in Recommendation #1.
Method of Attainment: The Program Chairman, in collaboration with the WACC Board, identifies WACC members with relevant experience and interest and engages them in this work.
Initiative: Activate and fully utilize a committee structure in other areas to support the work of Board members, with key responsibilities such as fundraising, badges, awards, etc.
Method of Attainment: Recruit and appoint members to serve in these areas.
Initiative: Promote greater leadership continuity.
Method of Attainment: Encourage the Nominating Committee to consider nominating the President, as appropriate, for more than one consecutive term.
Initiative: Hire a part time paid staff member to handle a number of current administrative activities (accounting, memberships, website, meeting logistics, etc.) as well as new initiatives (programs for high schools).
Method of Attainment: With sufficient membership growth and consistent corporate support, the Executive Committee will develop a job description and make a hire.
Recommendation: Grow the numbers and diversity of the membership.
Background: The current membership of the WACC can enhance its diversity in terms of age, geography, socioeconomic background, or other categories. Other WACs have more members from the business and academic worlds. Our new mission notes a commitment to “the wider Charleston community”.
Initiative: Attract more professionals from significant area businesses such as the SPA, Boeing, Volvo and MUSC.
Method of Attainment: Work with Program Chair to identify speakers of special interest/attraction to these groups. Offer up to ten “free” invitations to such meetings and follow up with membership solicitations.
Initiative: Attract a more diverse membership reflective of the wider Charleston community.
Method of Attainment: Co-sponsor programs (regular speakers series, pop up lectures, etc.) with other community groups that have a diverse membership (for example, Avery Research Center, India Association of Greater Charleston, and the Chinese Association of Greater Charleston). Follow up with membership solicitations.
Initiative: Attract more members age 45 and under.
Method of Attainment: Use the flexibility in establishing membership types and dues, as stated in Bylaws, to provide reduced fee memberships for young leaders, recent graduates and students.
Amendment: September 12, 2016