Ref:COSCAP/1/5/NARAST 28 May 2005

Dear Sir / Madam,

Subject:4thNARAST Meeting

Flight Operations and Air Traffic Management Component

31 August, 1 – 2 September 2005

The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the 4thNARAST Meeting, Flight Operations and Air Traffic Management Component, which will take place in Beijing China on 18, 19, and 20th January 2005. The Air Traffic Management Bureau of CAAC has kindly agreed to host the meeting in the new Air Traffic Management Bureau (ATMB) Headquarters buildinglocated at the following address:#12 East 3rd Ring Road Middle, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.

Kindly recall that the Conclusions from the 2ndNARAST Meeting were reviewed at the 3rdMeeting of the COSCAP-NA Steering Committee in June 2004. The Steering Committee noted the progress made and approved the Conclusions for implementation. COSCAP-NA has taken the required action to implement the recommendations to the extent possible.

As you may recall it was decided at the last NARAST Meeting to introduce safety issues related to Air Traffic Management as additional safety enhancements, such as Runway Incursions, will require the review of both Flight Operations and Air Traffic Management Specialists. It was therefore decided that the 3rd NARAST Meeting would include both Flight Operations and Air Traffic Management Specialist.

Attached for your review and comment is a draft Agenda for the subject meeting. I would also draw your attention to Attachment I, which highlights the action items from the 2nd NARAST meeting and kindly request your action on any outstanding items. An expanded Agenda along with other pertinent documentation will be forwarded to participants three weeks before the meeting.

The addressees are kindly requested to promote participation by the nominated Team Members, both from the respective Civil Aviation Administrations,Air Traffic Management Service Providers, airlines, and other organizations. Continuity of the Team Members and their regular participation at the NARAST meeting is important to ensure thorough discussions and timely action on implementation of the Conclusions. States are kindly requested to contact their respective air operators and ATM service providers to confirm their participation at the meeting.

Attached for your action is a registration form for the subject meeting. Passport information should be provided on the form if you require a letter of invitation for issue of Visa.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the donor organizations, aircraft manufacturers and the various international organizations for your support of COSCAP-NA and in particular the NARAST initiative. We look forward to your continued support for future meetings.

Kindest regards,

Yours sincerely,

Captain Len Cormier



Minister Yang, Yuanyuan

General Administration of Civil Aviation of China

155 Dongsi Street West

Beijing 100710

People's Republic of China

Fax: 86 10 6403 0986, 86 10 6401 6918

Mr. Kang, Ki Sop

Director General

General Administration of Civil Aviation

Sunan District


Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Fax: 850 2 381 4625

Mr. Dagva, Manj

Director General

Civil Aviation Authority of Mongolia

ByzantUkhaa InternationalAirport



Fax: 976 11 313151, 976 11 379640

Mr. Lee, Sung-Kwon

Assistant Minister

Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Ministry of Construction & Transportation

274, Gwahae-Dong, Kangseo-Gu


Republic of Korea

Fax: +82 (2) 6342-7269

CC: Mr. Hayao, Hora

Director General

Civil Aviation Bureau

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

213 Kasumigaseki, Chiyodaku,

Tokyo1008989, Japan

Fax: +81 3 5253 1656

Mr. W. R. Voss

Director Air Navigation Bureau

ICAO, Montreal

Quebec, Canada

Fax: 1-514-9546077

Mr. L. B. Shah

Regional Director

ICAO Asia and Pacific Office

Bangkok, Thailand

Phone: 66-2-537-8189

Fax: 66-2-537-8199


Mr. André Auer

Chief Executive

Central Joint Aviation Authorities

Saturnusstraat 8 ? 10

P. O. Box 3000, 2130 KA

Hoofddorp, Netherlands

Phone: 3123 567 9700

Fax : 3123 562 1714


Ms. Elizabeth Erickson

Director, Asia - Pacific Region


American Embassy

27 Napier Road, Singapore 258508

Phone: 65 6543 1466

Fax : 65 6543 1952


Mr. Kyle Olsen

Manager,Continued Operational Safety

FAATransport Airplane Directorate

1601 Lind Avenue,

S. W. Renton, WA 98055 – 4056

Phone: 1-425 227 1025

Fax : 1-425 227 1100

Email :

Mr. Wolfgang E. Engler

Vice President

Product Integrity Division

Airbus Industrie

1 Rond Point Maurice Bellont

31707 Blagnac, France

Phone: 335 61933049

Fax: 335 61934271


Mr. Andre Quet

Director Airworthiness Standards

Product Integrity Division

Airbus Industrie

1 RondPointMaurice Bellont

31707 Blagnac, France

Phone: 335 61933049

Fax: 335 61934271


Mr. Jean-Hugues Depigny

Vice President,

Customer Services

Airbus China Limited

Tianwei Erjie, Tian Zhu Airport Industrial Zone

Shun Yi District, P.O.Box 3420

Beijing 101312, China

Phone: 86 10 80486340 Ext.3085

Fax: 86 10 80486576

Mr. John Hancock

A/Director, Office of International Aviation

Federal Aviation Administration

800, Independence Avnue S. W

Washington, DC20591


Fax: 1 202 267 5032

Mr. Robert AndrewEdwards

Manager, FAA San Francisco International Field Office Western Pacific Region

831 Mitten Road, Suite 105Burlingame, CA94010

Phone: 650 8762771

Fax: 650 6977231

Email: Robert. Andy.

Mr. Mac Armstrong (Industry Co-chair)

Senior VP, Aviation Safety and Operations

1310 Pennsylvania Avenue. NW

Suite 1100

Washington, DC 2004

Fax: (202) 626 – 4149

Ms. Peggy Gilligan (Government Co-chair)

Deputy Associate Administrator for Regulation and Certification

800 Independence Avenue, SW Room 1000W

Washington, DC20591

Fax: (202) 626 – 4149

Ms. Marlene Nelson

Director, Aviation System Safety

Commercial Airplanes Group

The Boeing Company

P. O. Box 3707, MC 67 – PR

Seattle, Washington


Phone: 1 425 237 8298

Fax: 1 425 237 4838


Mr. Henry D. Reed

Manager, International Safety Programs

Aviation System Safety

Commercial Airplanes Group

The Boeing Company

P. O. Box. 3707, MC 67 – TC

Seattle, WA

98124 – 2207

Phone: 1 425 234 8689

Fax: 1 425 234 4649


Mr. Paul D. Russell

Chief Engineer, Airplane Safety

Boeing Commercial Airplanes

P.O.Box 3707 MC 67-TC

Seattle, WA 98 124-2207

Phone: (425) 237-3383

Fax: (425) 234-4649


Michael L. Paone

Director of China Support Organization

Customer Services Division

Boeing China Inc.

Tower A, 16/F, Pacific Century Place

No. 2A, Worker’s Stadium Road North

Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100027, China

Phone: 86 10 65392299 ext.1027

Fax: 86 10 65391000


Capt. Frank M Hankins

Senior Instructor Pilot

China Support Organization Customer Services Division of Boeing China

Tower A, 16/F, Pacific Century Place No. 2A, Beijing, China

Phone: 86 10 65392299

Fax: 86 10 65391000


Capt. Neil Jonasson

Asst. Director Operations and Infrastructure

International Air Transport Association

77 Robinson Road

#05-00 SIABuilding

Singapore 068896

Fax: 65 536 6297


Capt. MarcParisis

Flight Training Manager of Airbus China

Tianwei Erjie, Tian Zhu Airport Industrial Zone Shunyi District, Beijing

Phone: 86 10 80486340-3069

Fax: 86 10 80486591


Captain Christian Stie

General Manager Flight Operations & Training Support

Airbus China Limited

Tianwei Erjie, Tian Zhu Airport Industrial Zone

Shun Yi District, P.O.Box 3420

Beijing 101312, China

Phone: 86 10 80486340 Ext.3058

Fax: 86 10 80486578

Captain Chester L. Ekstrand

Vice President,

Operational Regulatory Affairs

Commercial Airplanes Group

The Boeing Company

P. O. Box 3707, MC 67 – UX

Seattle, Washington

98124 – 2207

Phone: 1 425 234 8203

Fax: 1 425 237 3992


Mr. A. Sanchez,


Technical Co–operation Bureau

ICAO, Montreal,

Quebec, Canada

Ph. No. 514- 954-8342

Fax No.: 514-954-6077



Mr. Wolfgang Sander-Fischer


Capt. Michel Beland


Capt. Roger Mulberge


Captain Fareed Ali Shah


Mr. David M. Smith
