Executive Committee Meeting

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Panera Bread at 2820 Central Ave SE in Nob Hill


Call to Order: SWAT VP, Margaret Coombs called the Executive Committee Meeting to Order at 5:31PM.

Present: Committee Officers Margaret Coombs, Linda Kipp, Donna Crary-Johnson, Karen Green and SWAT Member, Julie Fillinger.

Linda moved the February SWAT EC Minutes be approved as email amended. Donna, seconded. Approved.

Report of President: As Acting President, Margaret reported that she is waiting for a piece of mis-addressed mail to come to her. After receiving, she will notify the EC if there is any action needed.

Report of Corresponding Secretary: Donna stated that all of her business will be discussed under Committee Reports.

Report of Treasurer: Linda reported the financial status as of March 23, 2016 as follows…

Working Balance $21,426.44

Truck/Trailer Balance 22,842.43

Check book Balance $44,268.87


NADAC May 7-8, 2016: Karen reported all positions filled and that Pam has the Premium out. Several SWAT members are taking the initiative to publicize this Trial. Also Trial volunteer staff is looking at ways to save money on this small Trial in hopes of its continuation: water and snacks will be provided for volunteers, but lunches will ONLY be provided for the judge; this was noted in the Premium. And depending on the number of entries, Becky may just order one Porta Potty. Motion: Karen moved that $50 be allotted for Hospitality for this Trial. Donna, seconded. Approved.

USDAA June 3-5, 2016: Linda reported nothing has changed. Linda Smith is the Test Chair. Batons for Team Pairs have been purchased and Margaret and Donna will meet to decorate them. Special Team Ribbons will also be awarded; Margaret will check on these. The Test Schedule is available on the USDAA website.

USDAA Nov 4-6, 2016: Linda reported that she still needs a Test Chair.

AKC June 24-26,2016: Donna reported the Premium is out and contracts with Expo and Dairy Barn have been signed. Hospitality is working with the judges. She is still working on lining up the Lobos for additional Ring Crew.

AKC Sept 9-11, 2016: Donna reported that she is ready to submit the Application and received the $300 Application Fee. One judge contract has been received; waiting on the other judge contract. Susan Neal is the Trial Chair. This is a 2-Ring/2-Judge Trial with the Lobos as additional Ring Crew.

POLICY: It was stated that Trials that are 2-Rings and 2-Judges should always try to hire the Lobos as additional Ring Crew to make the Trial run more efficiently.

AKC Jan 20-22, 2017: Donna reported no Trial Chair as of yet. Judges have been hired.

SWAT Fun Match July 9, 2016: Karen reported that all positions are filled. Gayle Elliott is working on the Premium including the Junior Handler pricing and release information. The Premium will be ready for the April General Membership Meeting and to give to Donna for the 4-H BCSP Program.

Nominating Committee: Margaret reported that the Committee met and is in the process of contacting various SWAT members to fill SWAT Executive Committee positions. Committee Officers serve a 2-year term with the transition taking place in December.


Surplus Equipment Auction: Ellen submitted a list of surplus items in storage. It was decided to auction the items at the June 3-5, 2016 USDAA Test at the BCSP arena. The auction will be similar to past auctions with Photos on Bid Sheets. Donna will do the pictures/Bidding Sheets and Margaret will help with the auction. There will be minimum bids, as well as minimum raises during the bidding. All information concerning bidding will be noted at the top of the Bidding Sheets.

Sale of Computer Equipment after Transition to Professional Secretaries: After much discussion concerning the sale of the electronic equipment owned and maintained by SWAT, the following points were decided:

*Donna will notify by email letter all the previous/current Trial Secretaries who have served SWAT.

*The notification will include the equipment that is for sale and each item’s price.

*Equipment that is available for sale will be available on July 1, 2016.

*Equipment used for NADAC trials will be kept by SWAT until November. At that time, the SWAT Executive Committee will decide what to do with it

Equipment Purchases: Ellen suggested purchases of 2-AKC Broad Jumps, 1-Chute Barrel and 10 Non-Winged Jumps. Some purchases have been made and received. The EC looked at prototype Wingless Jumps produced by John Welby at Grayfoot Agility. It was felt that if tipped over, the metal legs/stands on the Grayfoot jumps could pose a real danger to the dog running the Course. Donna or Margaret will ask Coleen to contact John concerning building PVC Wingless Jumps. We still have the option to look again at Summit’s jumps. The jumps are needed by the June Trials.

Executive Committee Vacancy: Margaret asked Julie Fillinger if she would be willing to be nominated to fill the remaining term vacancy of SWAT President. Julie said she would. Margaret will notify the SWAT voting membership of this nomination. Voting will take place at the April General Membership Meeting on Monday, April 18th at 6:00PM, Panera Bread, 2820 Central Ave SE in Nob Hill.

As per the SWAT Constitution Article 4, Section 2 “Proxies will be accepted for election of Officers.

Membership Meeting: Monday, April 18, 2016 at 6:00PM The location is Panera Bread 2820 Central Ave SE in Nob Hill Margaret will notify the SWAT membership.


Donation of Orange Snow Fence: Zia Australian Shepherd Club had published in their last General Meeting Minutes that they are planning to purchase snow fencing. SWAT has a surplus of orange snow fencing which we have tried to auction or sale in the past. Since this fencing isn’t in demand, (Motion) Donna moved that SWAT donate excess orange snow fencing to ZASC. Linda, seconded. Approved. Donna will call Ken Shoemaker to notify.

Software Upgrade: Pam Smith requested SWAT purchase the NADAC software upgrade for the May Trial. Approved. It will go on one of the Dell laptops with the Windows 7 program.

Truck: Julie asked the mechanical status of SWAT’s truck. At present SWAT EC is allowing the Equipment Managers to monitor the truck’s road worthiness and to alert the EC if, or when, a search for a new/used truck needs to start. Because the truck has had some minor issues in the recent past, the EC is continuing to build the Truck/Trailer Account in anticipation of a needed future purchase.

Next Meeting: April 18th immediately after the General Membership Meeting, Panera Bread.

Adjournment: 6:37PM

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Green

Recording Secretary