Granite Falls Chamber of Commerce
General Membership
December 10, 2013 6:30 PM
GenCare Dining Room

Chamber President, Randy Youngquist welcomed nine members and guests to the December 10th evening meeting at GenCare. Randy thanked the GenCare staff for providing the meeting room and serving dinner.


Randy Youngquist, President – Fireplace Services

Jude Anderson, Vice President – Sno-Isle Libraries

Trisha Broughton, Past President – Accounting Associates

Vervia Gabriel, Secretary – Mountain loop exPress

Debbie Calloway, Board Member - Relavink

Austin Bailey, Board Member – New Light Photography and Design

Curt Hofstetter - C-Dub Auto Repair

Lisa Owens - GenCare

Kristen Olbrechts – The Law Offices of Kristen Olbrechts


Minutes from the last meeting were circulated and approved with one correction.


Sign In Sheets: Past President Trisha Broughton sent two membership lists around. One was for signing in to the current meeting and the other for updating information.

Sign Ordinance Testimony: Trisha Broughton and Jim Kapelke testified supporting the need for an electronic sign, at the December 4, 2013 City Council meeting. Despite the discrepancies with the proposed amendments to the code, the Council needed to approve the docket that included the sign ordinance by year end (2013). They decided to pass it as is and then send it back to the Planning Commission for additional modifications on the 2014 docket. Broughton expressed her frustration, as it will take another three or four years before it will actually be updated in the printed code books. President Youngquist said the changes could have been made in the last seven meetings where it was discussed, saying we had our chance to speak. Broughton responded, acknowledging there were those who had voiced the Chamber’s concerns, and the Council really did consider it carefully. Broughton said she will keep her eye on the agendas and follow the issue. Lisa Owens said she should go to the meetings but is just too busy. At the Council meeting, Jim Kapelke asked why even have a sign code if there is no enforcement. The Chamber discussed the issue of codes, enforcement and the frustration of those trying to follow the regulations while others displayed illegal signs.


WinterFest – Austin Bailey, Chair

Austin reported that the event was very successful for the downtown businesses, some increasing business by 25%. The big search lights were very successful in bringing people in to town. The vendors did OK, but sales were not high. The horse and carriage rides were well organized and successful; the Historical Society made $250 on them. Decorations were up and the band was playing. Approximately 300 attended the tree lighting, the best crowd in years. GenCare did not have a successful night; Lisa reported they invested too much money for the attendance. The map had the start time wrong for GenCare and others did not get maps. Kristen Olbrechts commented that Robin Kapelke said she was thrilled with the event and the wonderful feeling it created in town. It felt warm and good. Many commented on the horse and carriage rides. There were two Santa Clauses used during the event: one old country style Santa at GenCare and one a traditional (Ed Harper) that rode on the carriage and walked around town.

The event stayed within budget with Chamber funds and sponsors’ donations according to Austin. The Youth Coalition decorated two buildings and won the decoration contest. Broughton asked for the financial information for the records. Austin said we will not need to spend as much next year since we have all the decorations and the banners. The event will be moved to the first or second weekend in December for 2014. Kristen Olbrechts suggested having a turkey pardon next year near Thanksgiving to attract families.

Senior Luncheon Committee - Laura Williams, Chair

Laura was not present. Lisa Owens reported for Laura. She said the turnout was good, but it was down considerably from the past two years. Many residents from GenCare attended, plus some outsiders. Not many from the Chamber donated cookies or came to help, but it all worked out.

Election Committee – Mike Trask Chair

Mike was not present. President Randy Youngquist asked if everyone had received the ballots that had been mailed out. Trisha Broughton commented on the low participation in volunteering to be candidates and the low return of ballots. Ballots will be counted on December 27th.

Finance Committee – Jeanenne Hoyt Chair

Jeanenne was not present. Trisha Broughton provided the ending balances for November 30, reporting there have been no transactions in the Railroad Days or PayPal accounts, but a few in the general account for WinterFest and Senior Luncheon since the end of November. Randy asked how this year’s balance compared to last year at this time. Records showed a drop of close to $5,000 over the past year. Lisa Owens commented on the purchase of marketing materials this year that can be used in the future. Randy cautioned members to be careful with spending or the Chamber would cease to exist. Broughton said the events need to be provide a successful return of investment to the Chamber or provide value for the business community. She invited Jude Anderson and the new officers to meet to review the financial situation at a Finance Committee meeting after the first of the year.

Marketing Committee – Austin Bailey, Chair

Austin reported that he ordered the portable electronic sign December 10. It cost $1,175, slightly more than anticipated due to buying a protective plastic cover. The cover will keep it clean and protect the letters from theft. Trisha Broughton asked if the sign had been proofed before ordering. Austin said he will be working on the quarterly brochure after the Directory is published.

Membership Committee – Trisha Broughton, Chair

Broughton reported that the Chamber has sixty members currently. The most recent include: The Law Offices of Kristen Olbrechts; Perfectly Knotty, Suzi Quillen; Relavink, Debbie Calloway; Subway; The Thorne Group, Steve Alexander; The Way Café; and Washington Mobile IT. Broughton asked Randy to order plaques for the new members at Foster Press. Broughton will call Foster Press to see if they have a list. She will be emailing out 2014 membership dues notices soon. Randy suggested “snail mail” and calling if they do not respond to email.

Webmaster – Austin Bailey, Chair

Austin reported that the member list has been updated and everyone should be able to log in to correct information on their own listing. A few new members need to be added. Broughton asks if they automatically go on the email list. Austin said email lists need to be done manually.

Directory – Trisha Broughton, Chair

Broughton reported that the Directory will be a little late this year, but ad money is coming in now; about half of the total revenues from last year have come in so far. Austin reminded everyone to send corrections to their ads as soon as possible since he is finishing that part of the Directory.

Adopt-a-Block – Trisha Broughton, Chair

Broughton showed the laminated map with 75 dots for numbers and the names of sponsors. Broughton said all areas are currently available except the four way stop in the center of town, which will be sponsored by the Chamber. Once sponsors select a block, the City will make the signs. Members asked questions about what is expected by those who adopt a block. Broughton clarified that the minimum expectation is to clean the block four times a year. The city will not provide supplies or safety equipment, but will dispose of the bags and install the signs on the blocks. Broughton said they are hoping some sponsors will help purchase secured trash cans to place around town. The Adopt-a-Block will be similar to the OneDay event, but happen all year. Several members signed up for blocks in town after negotiating for their favorites.


Kristen Olbrechts announced that she will be running for Judge in 2014. She will be filing in May for the election in November. The area of the position is Northern Snohomish County, Cascade Court.

Austin Bailey reported that the 2014 Relay for Life will have a western theme – “Rustling up the Cure”. It will be in July again, with a kick-off in January.


Starting in 2014, the Chamber meeting schedule will change to one meeting per month on the third Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM. The next meeting will be on January 16th at GenCare. 2013 Chamber President, Randy Youngquist, will start the January meeting and then hand the gavel to Jude Anderson, the new president.

The meeting adjourned at 7:44 PM.