Resolutions of Meeting with Shipping Lines on July 4, 2006

1.  Collection/Gathering of Softcopy on Inward manifest Data:

a.  In principle, data collection shall be the responsibility of Carrier (Main Carrier/Main Line Operator (MLO));

b.  Main Carriers and MLO Partners shall use the latest version of Carrier Module (Version 3.10) -> downloadable from Website/Contact PT. EDI Indonesia’s Customer Support;

c.  Forwarders shall use the latest version of “Entry Date Module” (Version 1.21) -> downloadable from PT. EDI Indonesia’s Website;

d.  Computer (server) and communications settings at Main Carriers/MLO Partners shall comply with the required format of the Carrier Module -> to be guided by PT. EDI’s CS/Visit PT EDI/download the Manual from the Website;

e.  Main Carriers are expected to immediately notify their clients, namely the MLO Partners as well as the Forwarders and oblige them to submit manifest data softcopy in the latest version of Carrier Module (for MLO Partners) or Entry Data Module (for Forwarders);

f.  MLO Partners are expected to immediately notify their clients, namely the Forwarders to submit manifest data softcopy in the latest version of Entry Data Module;

g.  In the event the MLO Partners and Forwarders have not yet submitted softcopy data to the Main Carrier:

1)  Main Carriers shall be obliged to deliver the existing data to the Customs Office in EDI system so as to obtain BC 1.1 number/response;

2)  Main Carrier shall notify the officials who handle manifest (Manifest Commanding Post) regarding the shortcomings of manifest data so delivered, accompanied with information on the actual number of manifest to be submitted;

3)  The manifest data softcopy, being the property of MLO Partners shall be submitted by MLO Partner to the Customs Office to be gathered with data delivered by the Carrier/Main Carrier.

4)  In the event there are manifest data of the Forwarder, the softcopy of which has not been submitted and has not been split and is a part of Main Carrier’s or MLO Partners’ data manifest, the Carrier/Main Carrier shall then be obliged to specify the Master Bill of Lading data on the Forwarder’s goods under a manifest delivered in EDI system;

5)  Data manifest softcopy of the Forwarder’s good shall be submitted by the forwarder concerned to the Customs Office for post redressing or splitting of the Master Bill of Lading of the Forwarder’s goods sent in a manifest post under EDI system;

h.  If the Main Carrier meets technical difficulty in gathering or splitting the MLO Partner’s or forwarder’s manifest data softcopy,

1)  The Main Carrier may deliver the existing data in advance to the Customs Office under EDI system to obtain BC 1.1 number/response (without being accompanied by any data which experiences technical difficulties in the gathering or splitting process).

2)  If there is manifest data from the Forwarder, the softcopy of which meets difficulties in the splitting process by the Main Carrier or MLO Partner, they shall then be obliged to specify the data of the Forwarder’s Master Bill of Lading under a manifest delivered in EDI system;

3)  The Main Carrier shall deliver the MLO Partner’s or Forwarder’s manifest data softcopy, the gathering or splitting of which is failed to be conducted in an electronic data recording media/floppy disk to the Customs Office, along with a clarification (a sort of certification) on the failure of data gathering and specify relevant data as below:

-  Name and Identity of the Carrier’s Means of Transportation;

-  Name of MLO Partner or Forwarder;

-  Number of posts to be gathered or split;

-  Number of Master Bill of Lading to be split (for Forwarder)

4)  If the MLO Partner fails to gather the Forwarder’s data, it shall deliver the softcopy of the Forwarder’s manifest data, the splitting of which fails to be conducted in an electronic data recording media/floppy disk to the Customs Office (Manifest Commanding Post), along with a clarification (a sort of certification) on the failure of data gathering and specify relevant data as below:

-  Name and Identity of the Carrier’s Means of Transportation;

-  Name of the Forwarding Company;

-  Number of posts to be split;

-  Number of Master Bill of Lading to be split

5)  Gathering of manifest data that meets technical difficulties or failed to be gathered sent in an electronic data recording media/floppy disk with data sent under EDI system shall be conducted at the Customs Office, namely:

-  Posts addition to the MLO Partner’s data;

-  Posts splitting to the Forwarder’s data.

In this case, post splitting shall be considered as redressing since it happens due to the technical difficulties causing the failure of the Forwarder’s master Bill of Lading splitting by the Main Carrier or MLO Partner.

2.  Gathering of manifest data from the MLO Partner with those sent by the Main Carrier under EDI system might only be conducted at the Customs Office until July 9, 2006. Thereafter, the gathering of the MLO Partner’s manifest data softcopy shall be conducted at the Main Carrier;

3.  If after July 9, 2006, the MLO Partners fails to gather data at the Main Carrier, the MLO Partner’s Company in question shall be blocked (no customs services to be provided according to the applicable customs regulations;

4.  In addition to manifest data softcopy, the Carrier (Main Carrier/Main Line Operator or MLO) shall within the first 2 weeks of the Mandatory Stage implementation be obliged to deliver:

-  One set of manifest hardcopy (print-out) of the data under Carrier Module (identical to the softcopy data sent under EDI system);

-  One complete set of manifest manual hardcopy (of the main carrier, MLO Partner and Forwarder);

5.  In the event data gathering succeeds, but the delivery of manifest data under EDI system meets difficulties, the Main Carrier may contact PT EDI for assistance;

6.  If the delivery still fails, the Main Carrier may bring the Inward Manifest data softcopy to the Customs Office for data loading;

7.  For main Carriers who have no Carrier Module and Communicating Software:

-  Immediately download the Carrier Module or contact PT. EDI’s CS and is recommended to prepare EDI system equipment; or

-  Send data electronically vice EDI Service Center; or

-  While the EDI Service Center is not available yet, bring the Inward manifest data softcopy (generated from Carrier Module) to the Customs Office for data loading.