Education (Lilly)

Ø  Develop educational needs based on conference theme

Ø  Organize and coordinate all education classes

Ø  Coordinate trainers for courses

Ø  Coordinate and confirm MCE course approvals for all courses with MCE credit

Ø  Coordinate with Program Committee scheduling of classes

Ø  Coordinate class monitors

Ø  Prepare budget associated with classes and give to Conference Chair

Ø  Prepare a list of equipment needed for classes give to Logistics Chair

Programs (Sheila)

Ø  Develop program agenda for Opening Ceremony, Reception, Prayer Breakfast and Power Luncheon

Ø  Coordinate Guest Speakers

Ø  Coordinate Spokesperson for Sponsor of each event

Ø  Prepare budget associated with classes and give to Conference Chair

Ø  Work with Conference Chair on menu items for each event

Ø  Prepare a list of equipment needed for each program give to Logistics Chair

Registration (Madge)

Ø  Secure prices for badges, bags, and T-Shirts

Ø  Organize and set-up registration

Ø  Prepare bags and badges for each attendee

Ø  Work with Conference Chair and TAREB Treasurer on attendee list

Ø  Keep a detail list of all attendees

Ø  Prepare a list of equipment needed for registration give to Logistics Chair

Partners/Sponsorships (Courtney/Sheila)

Ø  Solicit and secure agreements on Sponsorships for the conference

Ø  Follow Up with Partners on commitments for funds

Ø  Work with Conference Chair on Invoices


Ø  Solicit Exhibitors to showcase their business or product

Ø  Prepare a list of equipment needed for exhibitors give to Logistics Chair

Ø  Work with Conference Chair on Invoices

Marketing/Communication (Lora)

Ø  Prepare Marketing material

Ø  Send out communication to members and non-members

Ø  Update National and other organizations on conference NAHREP, VAREP, etc

Ø  Work with Website Chair for website updates

Transportation (Myra)

Ø  Coordinate transportation needs for guest speakers

Ø  Work with Program Chair on transportation needs

Hospitality (Myra)

Ø  Arrange for refreshments in the hospitality suite

Ø  Coordinate with Program Chair on needs for Guest Speakers

Ø  Coordinate any other non- conference activities

Business Journal (Myra)

Ø  Solicit ads for the journal

Ø  Coordinate with Program, Sponsorship, and Exhibit Chairs on ads & letters for journal

Ø  Prepare journal for print

Logistics/AV (Madge)

Ø  Work with Program, Education, and Registration Chairs

Ø  Prepare detailed list of equipment needs for Conference Chair

Ø  Responsible for Floor Management, report any needs or issues to Conference Chair

Silent Auction (Lora)

Ø  Responsible for soliciting items for the Auction

Ø  Set up and run Auction

Ø  Receive payments and distribute items to winners

Ø  Work with TAREB Treasurer to secure funds for deposit

Website (Madge)

Ø  Coordinate with Conference Chair and Marketing on information needed to update the website

Ø  Work with TAREB Treasurer on transfer of funds made through the website

Ø  Work with Conference Chair and TAREB Secretary on attendee list

Lilly Jefferson

2017 TAREB Conference Chair