Living Water Emmaus Application
Sponsor’s Form
The Living Water Emmaus Community is excited that you have chosen to sponsor a pilgrim on the Walk to Emmaus. Please fill out this form ande-mail or mail to the address on the bottom. Incomplete applications will be returned to you as a sponsor. It is important that YOU take care of this process.
Sponsor’s Name: / When and where did you make your Walk/Chrysalis?Mailing Address: / Have you attended Sponsor’s Training?
yes no
City: State: Zip: / Are you active in an Emmaus Community?
yes no
Name of Community:
Home phone: Cell phone Work phone: / Are you active in an Emmaus Reunion Group?
yes no
E-mail Address: / Name of Church you attend:
It is important for the success of the walk for you to be a fully participating sponsor. Please answer each question. If you cannot answer YES to all questions on this form, please explain why you cannot fulfill the sponsor’s duties. If you have not attended Sponsor’s Training, the Board of Directors highly recommends that you do so.
Name of Candidate you are sponsoring: / How long have you known the candidate?Will you care for the needs of your candidate while he or she is attending the Walk?
yes no / Will you care for emergency needs of you candidate’s spouse during the Walk?
yes no
If the candidate is married, have you discussed the Walk with their spouse?
yes no / Will you assist the candidate in getting into a Reunion Group after his or her Walk?
yes no
How many candidates have you sponsored in the last year? / Are you praying for your Candidate?
yes no
As a sponsor please indicate the events you will attend:
Send off 72-hour prayer vigil
Sponsor hour Candlelight
Closing / Have you informed the candidate that they should expect to have no contact during the weekend, even for spouses, except in an emergency?
yes no
Will you bring Agape food? yes no / Have you explained the post-Emmaus events to your candidate? yes no
Have you attended a community meeting?
yes no / Will you commit to attending community with your pilgrim as on as possible after their walk?
yes no
Explain any special physical or mental health needs of the candidate: / Why is this person a good candidate for the Walk to Emmaus weekend?
E-mail to Registrar: Kim Switzenberg OR mail to Living Water Emmaus, PO Box 1895, Plainview, Texas 79073-1895