Southampton Sports Centre; Saturday 01 February 2014.

Due to the late cancelation of the Hampshire County Championships athletes will now need to provide their own details in able to run at the Inter Counties on 01 February at Southampton. Any athlete who feels that they would have been placed in the top 20 at the County Championships must now run the Southern Schools Inter Counties in order to be considered for English Schools. This event will now become the MAIN selection criteria for the all England Schools.

Athletes will be required to report to county team managers between 11.30 and 12.45 in the team room adjacent to the 3G Pitch at the sports Centre. To receive race numbers, course details, county vests and be declared before first race at 1.00pm. After this time Team Managers will be based at the Start area Many of you will be familiar with this course at the sports centre used for many county championships in the past. As usual this is the second selection race along with today’s county schools, for the All England Schools Championships to be held in Castle Donington, Leicestershire on Saturday 15 March. Plans for this event are being made and as usual will involve travel with the county teams on Friday afternoon on the 14 March, and an overnight stay in a team hotel before returning Saturday evening.

These Southern Schools Inter Counties will as usual be a high quality race as competition in recent years has shown, against some of the strongest teams in the country, such as Essex, Surrey, Sussex, Kent and Berkshire. Athletes are expected to compete in the Southern Counties as part of the selection process for English Schools and should not be missed because of your racing programme. Although this period is often very busy for many of you, consider carefully the necessity of smaller events such as some leagues, so you balance both training and racing. Hampshire schools results in recent times have shown we are consistently at the top at English Schools team competitions.

Proposed race times are;

1.00. Junior Girls (9/8) 1.20 Junior Boys (9/8)

1.40. Inter Girls (11/10) 2.00 Inter Boys (11/10)

2.25 Senior Girls (VIth) 2.45 Senior Boys (VIth)

Please arrive changed in tracksuit etc. (the course is fine for spikes). County vests which are red with a diagonal white stripe must be worn, with now black shorts where possible. (At English Schools black shorts must be worn) If you wish to borrow or buy county vests please indicate on the return slip below.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday 01 February. Joanne Cridland is kindly dealing with any urgent only problems. Please email or contact Joanne at Toynbee School, Tel 02380 279298. I cannot be contacted at Toynbee School so easily now. (Please retain this part of the letter with numbers/addresses/ times/ details etc)

Please provide FULL details below ASAP via email with the subject heading: Inter Counties to

Good luck and many thanks

Kevin Way (Hampshire Team Manager)

Name______Age Group______Date of Birth______


Postcode______Tel: Home______Mobile______


Ø  I am | am not able to compete at the Southern Inter Counties on 01 Feb.

Ø  I am | am not available to compete if selected at the English Schools on 15 March in Leicester

Ø  I have my own vest | I wish to buy a new vest at £10 (pay on the 01 Feb ) Size: ______

Ø  I wish to borrow a vest : Size ______NB: We also have some black Viga shorts at £10