GPDN Conference Call

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

11:00 a.m. CT


Amy Timmerman, Jim Kalisch, Tamla Blunt, Mary Burrows, Linnea Skoglund, Ron French, Richard Grantham, Jen Olson, Holly Davis, Judy O'Mara, Jim Stack, Sharon Dobesh

States not in attendance: Wyoming, South Dakota, and North Dakota


Background on the funding situation:

Kitty & Marty went through a process called Q-storming with the Advisory Council. We don’t have anything solid from the advisory council. However, the new RFP was sent out later so that Kitty could incorporate any changes or advice from the Advisory Council into the new RFP. This year we only received a 1-year cooperative agreement. There may be some major changes in the network in the future. No changes have been made at this time. There are many possibilities on restructuring the NPDN network to operate on less funding. NIFA is still trying to cope with these cuts as a bottom line. The NPDN Executive Committee has drafted a white paper on the committee’s position.

Texas-Can GPDN apply for grants, such as PIPE projects, for extra fuding into the network?

Oklahoma-Jen asked if we knew which regional centers might be targeted for cutting?

Kansas-It is hard to be prepared when there are no funds to keep up training, equipment and supplies.

Nebraska-No comment(AmyTimmerman), Jim Kalisch feels that all great structure and good communication that have been developed in the network is a lot of effort to go backwards on, and would probably need to be recreated in the future if USDA lets it go.

Colorado-Agrees with Nebraska.

MT-No comment.

What has been happening in the Network to promote NPDN:

Jim and other NPDN Executive Directors have been going to Washington D.C. This June there is another meeting in Washington, the NAHLN Federal leader (Kitty’s counterpart) is leading a workshop, inviting OMB, office of science & policy, legislators and aides, among others. Jim Stack will serve on the planning committee for this meeting. Jim is hoping for restored funding, but it will be probably 2014-2015 funding at the soonest.

Ongoing Efforts:

  1. NPDN Directors are still working with commodity groups, the Farm Bureau, APS, and other societies and networksfor support.
  2. Each GPDN state should try to get on the list with your university legislative contact who sets priorities for your university and state legislative delegation.

GPDN State Plans of Work:

While developing plans of work in each state, please documentthe impacts of the current funding cuts; what is not being done in each state due to lack of funding. If you have a particularly effective training program and it’s not being done, equipment not being calibrated, etc.are the types of information the regional center is looking for. Please write these things down so Jim can use them in future meetings and NPDN network planning.

The regional center is still waiting to hear if there will be supplemental funding to attend the diagnostician training in Beltsville in the coming project year.

Additional Current Year Funding ($17,000/state):

Each state should have heard from their Sponsored Programs Office on the revised subcontracts which should include the additional funding. The equipment quotes and justifications each state provided were submitted to the K-State Sponsored Programs Office and were the basis for the sub-contract adjustments. If you have not heard from your state’s Sponsored Programs Office, you should check with them.

Final Note:

K-State cannot submit the new GPDN grant until all state’s paperwork is received. Please continue to try to get all paperwork sent to Sharon Dobesh and Terri Fayle as soon as possible.