MONDAY, JULY 8, 2013
A. Call to Order
B. Establishment of a Quorum
C. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
D. Approval of Agenda
E. Approval of Minutes*
F. Approval of Claims*
G. Announcements
H. VDOT – Road Matters
I. Public Hearings Beginning 7:15 P.M.
1. Scot Shippee, VDOT: Proposed Secondary Six year Plan for FY 2014-1019 and the Secondary System Construction Budget for FY 2014*
2. Designation of Property for the Purpose of a Buckingham County Library Building*
3. Request for a Special Use Permit: Case 13-SUP218, National Communication Towers*
J. Zoning Matters
1. Rebecca S. Cobb: Introduction – NCT-SUP Request- 13 SUP-219*
2. Update – Review of Comprehensive plan and Ordinance and Consideration of a Work Session*
K. Committee/Commission/Agency/Department/Reports/Requests/Appointments
1. Sheriff’s Department: Sheriff Kidd, Transfer of Vehicles*
2. Sheriff’s Department: Transfer of Funds*
3. Virginia Cooperative Extension: Allocation for Local Share of Salary Increases in the amount of $3,367.00*
4. Building Department: Consider Reimbursement of Building Permit Fee in the amount of $404.99*
5. Recreation Department: Consider Bids for Recreation Department Vehicle (the bids will be presented at the Board Meeting)
6. Virginia Home for Boys and Girls: Consider an Appointment for the Central Region System of Care Advisory Committee*
7. Karl Carter: Wireless Board Grant in the Amount of $150,000 for GIS Mapping*
L. Other Matters for Board Consideration
1. Consider authorization to Make Application for a Governor’s Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development Fund Planning Grant*
2. Procedures, Responsibilities and Cost for “Children at Play” Signs*
3. Consider Agreement for the Commonwealth Regional Council to Provide Administrative and Technical Services for the Phase II and Phase III of the VDOT Enhancement Project*
M. County Attorney Matters
N. County Administrator’s Report
1. Department of Housing and Community Development Termination of H.O.P.E Community Services, Inc. as local Sub grantee for Weatherization Assistance Program*
2. Status of Byway Designation for the Midland Trail from Alleghany County to Cumberland County*
3. Video Surveillance and Studies of Un-manned Solid Waste Sites*
4. Update Regarding Applications for the position of Enforcement Officer/Solid Waste Supervisor (will be provided during the meeting)
5. Information Regarding the VBN Fall Conference Registration and Agenda*
6. Virginia Rural Center Education and Workforce Skill Development Presentation*
7. Auditor of Public Accounts: Court System, Buckingham County in Compliance*
8. Letter of Appreciation Regarding VDOT’s improvements on Payne’s Pond Road*
9. Information Regarding Complaint from Concerned Citizen for Speed Limits and Response from
O. Information
1. June 2013 Building Permit Report*
2. Information Regarding the Capital Regional Airport Commission’s Application to the US Foreign Trade Zones Board Regarding a new procedure “Alternative Site Framework”*
P. Other Board Matters
Q. Executive Closed Session
Code of Virginia, Section 2.2-3711.A.1. Discussion, consideration, or interviews of prospective candidates for employment; assignment, appointment, promotion, performance, demotion, salaries, disciplining, or resignation of specific public officers, appointees, or employees of any public body; and evaluation of performance of departments or schools of public institutions of higher education where such evaluation will necessarily involve discussion of the performance of specific individuals.
R. Return to Regular Session
S. Certification that to the Best of each Board Member’s Knowledge only Public Business Matters as were identified by the Motion by which the Closed Executive Meeting was convened were Heard, Discussed or Considered in the Executive Closed Session
T. Adjournment
*Denotes Items with Attachments