The Emmaus NewsAugust 2004
Letter to the Community:
Christian Action through Emmaus Sponsorship
How many times has someone said “I will pray for you” and did not carry through or act on that need? Last Sunday from a small country church pulpit I heard that a balance is needed with our prayers, and that Christian action can make our faith complete. So let’s not just sit around, but act on God’s guidance and sponsor a caterpillar or pilgrim for our fall flights and walks.
The Emmaus Handbook states: “Sponsorship is an act of love for God, for the pilgrims, for the Emmaus community, and for the church. It demonstrates agape love, making us instruments of prevenient grace”.
Now let’s fill the flights and walks with His children through our act of love for God.
Fly with Christ / DeColores,
Dan Kirkling
Dates for Upcoming Flights and Walks
Chrysalis Flights 15 and 16 Saturday, Sept. 4 – Monday, Sept. 6, 2004
Men’s Walk # 53 Thursday, Oct. 21 – Sunday, Oct. 24, 2004
Women’s Walk # 54 Thursday, Oct. 28 – Sunday, Oct. 31, 2004
Chrysalis Flights 17 and 18 Saturday, Jan. 15 – Monday, Jan. 17, 2005
Men’s Walk #55 Thursday, April 14 – Sunday, April 17, 2005
Women’s Walk #56 Thursday, April 21 – Sunday, April 24, 2005
Emmaus and Chrysalis Fair at the August 14th Gathering
The Emmaus gathering in August will include an Emmaus/Chrysalis Fair during the snack and agape time. Community members will be at tables with information about board positions and team positions. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn what takes place in positions you may not have experienced. Team manuals and bylaws for our community will be available. There will be sign up sheets so you can sign up for a next support opportunity. Come learn what serving Christ through Emmaus is all about.
The Chrysalis Flight team dedication will also be at the August gathering.
Monthly Board Highlights:
All hard copy documents in our talk library will be destroyed by the end of this year. In the future someone wanting help with a talk will be referred to the database coordinator who will provide the names of recent people who have given the talk. Talk outlines and full talk texts are still provided to each speaker.
Cheryl Hunt has moved to Noblesville, IN due to her husband's new pastorate assignment. We will need to replace her on the Emmaus board. The community will vote on an additional person for the 2005 board opening. Cheryl's replacement will be a two-year stint.
Agape Announcements from Karen Morris and Anita Beeker:
The Agape Committee still has some leftover agape from past walks. We very much would like for them to be returned to the loving hands that prepared them, and maybe they could be used as a start for another walk. Please call Anita Beeker at 812-587-5172 to see if we may have some of yours!
If you are planning to furnish agape for the fall walks please call Karen Morris at 812-342-6430.
We want to thank Stephanie Phillips for taking the responsibility of the snack agape charts and Christine Griggs for taking the responsibility of the prayer charts for the fall walks! These are wonderful acts of agape.
Upcoming Events:
August Gathering:Friday, August 20, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.
Central Christian Church Seymour
A – M bring snacks and drinks
Childcare provided for children age 6 and younger.
Chrysalis team dedication
September Hoot:Sunday, September 12, 2004 at 1:30 p.m.
St. Peters Lutheran Church
September Gathering:Friday, September 17, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.
Sandy Hook United Methodist Church
N – Z bring snacks and drinks
Childcare provided for children age 6 and younger.
Chrysalis Flights 15 and 16 over Labor Day Weekend:
Below you will find the team members and their responsibilities for Chrysalis Flights 15 and 16, which will be held at Hilltop Christian Camp from Saturday, September 4 – Monday, September 6. Please remember these faithful servants in your prayers. Sendoff and sponsor’s hour for the Flights will be at 8:00a.m. at Camp Hilltop. Candlelight will be Sunday evening, September 5th at 8:00 p.m. at Asbury United Methodist Church. Closing will be at 5:00 p.m. on Monday evening at Asbury.
Following the team lists is an application. Please consider prayerfully sponsoring a teen who would benefit from this experience. Contact Diane Elmerick at (812) 342-8421 to register your caterpillar.
Pos. / Name / Talk NameLD / Diana Boyer / Priesthood of Believers
ALD / Bev Coleman / Faith
ALD / Becky Povaleri
ALD / Judy Droddy
YLD / Stephanie Davenport / Next Steps
SD / Marsha Rodenberger / God LovesYou
ASD / Patricia Geyer / God Sustains You
TL / Lisa Reuter / Marriage
TL / Robin Everhart / Communication Through Prayer
TL / Becky Scott / Single Life
YTL / Kristi Poer / Christian Growth Through Study
YTL / Amanda Rogers / Christian Action
YTL / Amanda Boger
HKT / Debbie Alexander
KT / Myra Fuquay
KT / Laura Baker
KT / Christine Foster
KT / Lindsay Morgeson
AT / Stephanie Bowman
AT / Amy Teater
AT / Megan Peters / Ideals
AT / Kristin Wheatley
AT / Melissa Shaffer
HM / Kerry Skurka
MT / Michelle Davenport / Prodigal
MT / Amy Wardlow
BR / Diana Fear
POS. / Name / Talk Name
LD / Dan Boyer / Priesthood of Believers
SD / Chris Criminger / God's Gift to You
ALD / John Coleman / Faith
ALD / Ron Povaleri
ALD / Clif Droddy
YLD / Aaron Frey / Next Steps
ASD / Brian Teater / God Empowers You
ASD / Ken Rodenberger / God Designed You
TL / Ed Reuter / Marriage
TL / Alex Edgecombe / Single Life
TL / Steve Meredith / Communication Through Prayer
YTL / Kurt Jones / Prodigal
YTL / Brett Simmons / Christian Growth Through Study
YTL / Jeremy Seward / Christian Action
KT / Gary Fuquay
KT / Andrew Dixon
HAT / Mark Newell
AT / Jeff Gallagher
AT / Ben Schuley / Ideals
AT / Phil Forkert
MT / Patrick Frey
MT / Steve House
MT / Chase Leckron
BR / Larry Alexander
Chrysalis is a three day experience for high school sophomores, junior and seniors (ages 15-18) that provides an opportunity for spiritual growth and renewal through Christian fellowship. Chrysalis equips and challenges Christian youth to deepen their relationship with Christ and inspires participants to live their faith in their home, church, school and community.
Name______Name for name tag______
Phone(____)______Email (print clearly)______
Date of Birth______Age______M__ F__ Grade(as of Chrysalis date)______
Church and Denomination______
I am involved in the following organizations______
Has Chrysalis been explained to you? _____ State briefly why you wish to be involved in Chrysalis and what expectations you have______
Do you have any special needs for the weekend? (Health or physical handicaps, medications, special diet) ______
Preferred Chrysalis date______Candidate Signature______Date______
Insurance Co.______ID#,Group#______
I, the undersigned parent or guardian of the above candidate, understand the nature and purpose of the Chrysalis weekend. I hereby give my permission for his/her participation in the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of his/her Chrysalis weekend. I give my permission for the staff to transport him/her for activities off-site or for medical purposes. In the event of an emergency the Chrysalis staff has my permission to secure the services of qualified medical personnel to provide the care necessary for his/her well-being.
Signature of Parent or Guardian______Date______
Applications must be completed in full and submitted with deposit or will be rejected.
Enclose a non-refundable deposit of $20.00 (balance due at check-in) or submit the entire amount of $70.00 Make checks payable to Columbus Indiana Chrysalis Community. This is an application form. Submitting does not guarantee your acceptance. You may be placed on a waiting list, as a limited number of spaces are available. You will be notified of your acceptance with the date and location of your weekend.
Mail application to: Diane Elmerick, Registrar 8230 W. Old Nashville Rd. Columbus, IN 47201 Phone: (812) 342-8421
RETURN THIS FORM (completed on this side) TO YOUR SPONSOR
SPONSOR: MAKE SURE CANDIDATE IS ELIGIBLE FOR FLIGHT (age requirements, emotional/spiritual level, completion of application/deposit) PRIOR TO SUBMITTING APP.
It is very important that the sponsor(s) make sure ALL the information requested is completed or application will be rejected. MUST have signature of Pastor or Youth Minister. Youth group leaders are not eligible. Candidates must be sophomore-seniors(or college freshman), ages 15-18/19.
Sponsoring a candidate is both a joy and a responsibility. There are things you must do for your candidate before, during, and after the Chrysalis. Chrysalis is designed to provide Christian youth a deeper understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. It is NOT structured to solve deep-seated personal problems. It is not designed with the intent of salvation.
All candidates must be sponsored by a person 18 or older who has attended a Chrysalis or Emmaus weekend. May have a younger youth as a co-sponsor.
ADULT SPONSOR______Phone(_____)______
When and where did you attend Chrysalis or Emmaus?______
How long have you known the candidate and in what capacity?______
Please tell us about them so that the Chrysalis may be even more meaningful______
YOUTH SPONSOR (if applicable)______Phone(_____)______
Relationship to candidate______Have you helped sponsor before?______
Your Chrysalis Flight#______Year______Where______
Youth group leader signature is not sufficient.
This information will be kept in strict confidence and will enable us to place the candidate in a group where they will benefit the most.
Candidates Name______
Pastor’s Name______Church______
Please circle the appropriate comments:
Maturity:LowAverageMatureVery Mature
Psychological adjustment:PoorAverageMatureExcellent
Relationship with peers:QuietTalkativeDomineering
Please make any additional comments that you believe will be helpful or should be brought to the attention of the Spiritual Director______
For Registrar’s Use:
Date Received______Flight #______Deposit______Balance Due______Response Date______