Year 8 Outline Scheme of Work – Spanish

Term / Topic / Useful Weblinks
1 / ·  Making introductions
·  Describing classroom articles
·  Saying how old you are
·  Describing dates and your birthday
·  Classroom instructions
·  The Spanish alphabet and spellings / · – great for practising grammar and new vocabulary
· - great at Christmas time for learning Spanish songs and lyrics
· - a wonderful variety of resources
· - a wonderful variety of resources
· - need help finding a Spanish word?
· great for learning new vocabulary
· need some extension work?
· – great for pronunciation and grammar
· - vocab
2 / ·  Describing where you are from and nationality
·  Describing where you live and what languages you speak
·  Talking about your family
·  Talking about pets
·  Describing your physical appearance
·  Colours – adjective agreements
3 / ·  Talking about school subjects
·  Expressing likes and dislikes with justifications
·  Describing school and giving opinions
·  Describing the school timetable
·  Talking about mealtimes and food and drink
·  Saying how you get to school
4 / ·  Talking about your home and it’s location
·  Describing your house
·  Describing the rooms in your house
·  Describing you bedroom
·  Talking about your daily routine before and after school
5 / ·  Describing where you are going – present tense
·  Giving and understanding directions
·  Describing exact locations – use of prepositions
·  Talking about distance
·  Describing your town
·  Talking about the weather
6 / ·  Talking about your free time including sports – present tense + opinions
·  Talking about plans for the weekend – simple future tense
·  Saying how you help at home
·  Use of comparatives, superlatives and adjectives
Looking for a Challenge? Try these …
· - try the Spanish video quizzes
·  Try teaching your family what you are learning at school
·  Buddy up with someone learning German – you teach them Spanish and they teach you German
·  Do a survey about pets, favourite colours, favourite foods etc.
·  Borrow some Spanish magazines from you teacher and read for pleasure – each magazine has useful vocabulary at the bottom of each page
·  Watch a DVD in Spanish – you can always use English subtitles! There are loads in the SHS library! Books too!
·  Write an ‘introducing oneself’ photo story between two celebrities
·  Create a brochure for SHS in Spanish
·  Make a film documentary in Spanish about your house
·  Make a power point about a Spanish country of your choice
·  Make a glossary of grammatical terminology