UNIT IV– The Executive Branch


Chapter 13: The Presidency Chapter 16: Financing Government

Chapter 14: The Presidency in Action Chapter 17: Foreign Policy and National Defense

Key Terms: Due Wednesday (Both Chapters)


1.  Use the following URL: http://www.whitehouse.gov/ to visit the White House Web site.

A. Access the tab that deals with Petitions to the Executive Branch

B. Take part in 3 Petitions that have been created and write down what the petition was about

C. OR create 1 Petition and Present to me/the class what your petition is about

UNIT QUESTIONS: Due Friday (Choose 40 Only)

1. What are the requirements stated in the Constitution that relate to the President?

2. What is the annual salary of the President?

3. The order of succession to the presidency after the Vice President is determined by whom?

4. What are the ways that presidential disability is determined?

5. What was the cause of the break down of the electoral in the election of 1800?

6. What complicates the presidential nominating process?

7. What is the first session of the national convention generally devoted to?

8. Who chooses a State’s presidential electors?

9. What is the most widely supported plan for reform of the Electoral College?

10. What role is the President mainly exercising when he or she calls a meeting of the entire cabinet?

11. President Richard Nixon resigned the presidency mainly because of criticism involving what roles?

12. What is the maximum term for the office of President?

13. Does the Constitution prevent the awarding of travel and entertainment funds to the President?

14. The President may decide to resume duties after an illness by informing Congress that no inability exists, but that decision can be challenged by whom?

15. Through much of history, what has been the status of the Vice President?

16. Who did the Framers of the Constitution want to elect President?

17. What is the major importance of the 12th Amendment?

18. During the nomination process, when are political battles most likely to occur?

19. What is the national convention held to accomplish?

20. What are most of the sessions at the national convention devoted too?

21. What is the least number of presidential electors a State can have?

22. What are the arguments made against the Electoral College system?

23. What is the biggest criticism against direct popular election of the President?

24. The debate over the powers of the presidency is essentially a debate about what?

25. What are the reasons for growth of the executive power?

26. To fulfill the executive duties in regard to a law, what must the President do?

27. What does the ordinance of power give the President the right to do?

28. What is the difference between a treaty and executive agreement?

29. When can the President use armed forces abroad?

30. How can the President exercise power over Congress?

31. Upon receipt of the bill, what actions can the President take?

32. What is the President’s key component to his or her power to grant pardons?

33. What makes up the Executive Office of the President?

34. What are both the Council of Economic Advisors and the Office of Management and Budget concerned with?

35. What is the major role of the President’s cabinet?

36. Who can reject the President’s choices for cabinet secretaries?

37. What areas of judicial power can the President exercise?

38. Why is the Executive Office seen as “umbrella-like”?

39. Why is the cabinet used?

40. What offices or other governmental agencies are part of the Executive Office of the President?

41. How are the members of the cabinet appointed?

42. Does the President need congressional action or approval to make executive agreements?

43. With whom does the President share his or her military powers?

44. What contributes to the Federal Government’s classification as a bureaucracy?

45. What are the administrative units in the government inconsistently called?