
The Case of the Period:_____ws#___ Long Lost Son…

Mr. Cash died and left all his money to his two children. A young man claiming to be a lost third child sued for his share of the estate. The judge ordered blood tests for all the family members of the young man. Mr. Cash's blood type was already on record. He had type AB blood. His wife had type A, and the young man who claimed to be the long lost son had type O blood. The judge quickly dismissed the case.

A) Using the Punnett square in the margin, diagram the offspring that

could be produced if Mrs. Cash had genotype AA and Mr. Cash had

genotype AB.

What could result from this mating?


B) Using the Punnett square in the margin, diagram the possible off-

spring if Mrs. Cash had genotype AO and Mr. Cash had genotype AB.

C) List the phenotypes that could result from this mating.


Analyses and Conclusions .

1. What are the possible genotypes of a person having blood type O?


2. What is the genotype of they young man claiming to be Mr. Cash's long lost son?


3. Do you agree of disagree with the Judges decision? Why?





THE BABY MIX UP! Name______Date:____


In a hospital three babies were born simultaneously during a thunderstorm. The lights went off for a few seconds, and during that time the babies were mixed. The hospital wants to be sure that it is giving the right baby to the right parents by attempting to match the blood types. Can you help? Make Punnett squares on the back of this sheet.

*The four blood types are A, B, AB, and O.

Type A dominates O, so those having type A have either AA or AO genes.

Type B dominates O, so those having type B have either BB or BO genes.

Type AB, neither gene is dominates; one gene is A, one is B.

Type O is recessive to A and B, so its genes must be OO.


The McBrides = type O and AB Baby A is type AB

The Gonzales = type A and B Baby B is type O

The Pepronis = type A and O Baby C is type B

1. Who are the parents of baby A? ______

2. Who are the parents of baby B? ______

3. Who are the parents of baby C? ______

Do your punnett Squares here to prove it!