Summer is in full swing and that means backyard gatherings and family picnics.It can be tempting to throw your healthy eating to the side and partake in all the various options. Before you do, take a look at what you’re getting into by testing your BBQ IQ.

Burger vs. Hot Dog

Best Choice: BURGER

A study in the journal Circulation showed that burgers were a better bet than hot dogs and other processed meats. Processed meats are more likely to raise the risk of both heart disease and diabetes. Hot dogs also contain nitrates, which have been linked to cancers in lab animals. In addition, processed meats are usually higher in sodium – a problem if you’re watching your blood pressure.

Just remember that the hamburger is still high in saturated fat and calories. Request a smaller (4-ounce) portion, about the size of a deck of cards. And consider bringing your own 100 percent whole wheat buns.

Cole Slaw vs. Potato Salad

Best Choice: COLE SLAW

First, determine if the side dishes are made with mayonnaise or with a vinaigrette base. Those with a vinaigrette base contain a lot less saturated fat. If they’re made with mayo, choose cole slaw over potato salad. Cole slaw is made with cabbage, a cruciferous vegetable high in vitamin K, which may help lower your risk of prostate and bladder cancers. Just go easy on the portion sizes.

Mustard, Ketchup, Onion or Mayo?

Best Choice: MUSTARD & ONION

Steer clear of mayonnaise, which may be high in saturated fat, and avoid ketchup because most grocery-store brands contain added sugars. Scientific research continues to associate a high intake of added sugar with an increased risk for obesity, pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Reach for the yellow (not brown) mustard. Yellow mustard gets its color from turmeric, a spice shown to reduce inflammation. And throw on some onions, a great source of vitamin C and fiber.

Soda, Sweet Tea or Lemonade?

Best Choice: Trick question… NONE!

Soda, lemonade and sweetened iced tea are packed with sugar. Your blood sugar will spike within seconds of drinking one of these high calorie beverages. It’s best to bring your own unsweetened iced tea or water infused with fresh sliced limes, lemons, and oranges.

– Healthy Alternatives For Your Next Backyard BBQ –

Offer to bring a side dish or an appetizer so that you can count on at least one healthy dish. This is a good opportunity to encourage your friends and family to step outside of traditional picnic foods and explore healthier alternatives. Consider fruit skewers, hummus with chopped vegetables, grilled eggplant, black bean and corn salad, 100 percent whole wheat pasta salad or a nice quinoa salad (see recipe.)
