Course: Introduction to Computers
Frost Middle School
“Computers have lots of memory but no imagination." - Author Unknown
Instructor : Sahar Stehle
Email :
Course Description: Introduction to Computers is designed to familiarize students with computers and their applications. In this course, students will learn the basic concepts of computer hardware, software and memory devices. Students will learn about desktop applications and will use Microsoft Office Suite to create a variety of documents using Word, Excel and PowerPoint presentations. In contrast, students will also learn about cloud-based applications such as Google apps and Prezi presentations. Students are expected to not only gain individual skills but will also learn to collaborate with their classmates to produce quality group projects.
Upon completing this course students will:
· Learn the basic keyboarding skills
· Be able to identify computer hardware and peripheral devices
· Be familiar with the different kinds of software applications
· Become proficient in creating MS word documents, worksheets, and multi-media presentations
· Experience working with email and learn email etiquette
· Learn different ways of submitting school work online (email attachments, web forms and google classroom)
· Explore the Web and how to conduct research
· Identify computer risks and safety
The following materials are required for every class meeting:
- One inch binder
- Lined papers for note taking
- Sharpened pencils, black or blue pen
- Student planner or agenda book
- A USB flash drive
A class website can be found at
This class is hands-on. Students will work on lab assignments, some individually but most in collaboration with other classmates. Class time will be used for instruction and working on assignments. Plenty of time will be given in class to complete assignments. Students who have the software at home can also work from home. Students are responsible for always saving their work and carrying their flash drive with them. Homework and all take-home assignments are to be the work of the student. Any form of academic dishonesty (plagiarism, cheating, etc.) could merit a fail in the assignment or the course.
Daily warm-ups will be given in a variety of forms including journal writing and brainstorming. Short online quizzes will also be given to assess students’ mastery of certain concepts and vocabulary words.
A collection of online reading material will be given throughout the course. Students are expected to read the assigned articles and come to class ready to discuss or write a reflection.
Extra Credit:
Extra Credit assignments are meant to help students who need them. However, they create extra work for the teacher and therefore they may not be abused by students. For example a student who has 79% and wish to receive a ‘B’ on the report card rather than a ‘C+’ may submit an extra credit assignment to pump his grade. On the other hand, a student who spent most of her time goofing around may not use the extra credit assignment to avoid a bad grade. When offered, students are encouraged to take advantage of the extra credit assignments but only after completing all required assignments. Extra credit assignments do not replace required ones.
Participation 20%
Reading and Warm-ups 10%
Labs and Classwork 50%
Quizzes 10%
Final group project 10%
Letter Grades:100-90%=A, 89-80%=B, 79-70%=C, 69-60%=D, 59% or below=F.
Class Policy
Students are expected to come to class prepared. They must bring all necessary materials to class each session and they’re expected to participate in class discussions. Assignments are to be completed on time for full credit. .Make up exams are only with excused absence or a written note from parents. Labs are to be completed on time for full credit. Partial credit (maximum 70%) will be given to late work. Excessive tardiness or absence will affect the overall course grade. Labs and all take-home assignments are to be the work of the student. Any form of academic dishonesty (plagiarism, cheating, etc.) could merit a fail in the assignment or the course.
Absences: It is the student’s responsibility to find out what lesson was given and what homework was assigned duringhis/herabsence. Students should plan to come to class during home room, nutrition, office hours, or any other break before their period start to find this information. Class time should be used for instruction and not to go over things missed due to absences. Daily agenda will be posted on the board and on the class website. Please remember that it is the student’s responsibility not the teacher’s to follow up on any missed work.
Office Hours:
I will make an effort to be in the lab (room 42) at the following times:
During lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Daily morning break from 10:20 - 10:30
After school on Fridays from 3:00 - 4:00
Behavior and Classroom Expectations: Students are to be in their seats, ready to work (with materials out), when the bell rings.Food, drink (except for water bottles), candy, gum, grooming and applying make-up are not allowed in class. Any student not in his/her seat when the bill rings will be considered tardy. All phones must be silenced and placed inside the backpacks or lockers prior to entering the classroom. Any phone seen or heard will be confiscated. Confiscated phones can be retrieved at the end of the day or sent to Mr. Gusman if not claimed by the end of the day. Students share the responsibility for maintaining a clean and safelearning environment. Three minutes before the bill rings, students should save their work, close any application they were using, clean their area and remain in their seats waiting for dismissal. Students in violation of the dismissal procedures will be the last to leave the room.
Participation Grade: Participation is 20% of the entire grade. Participation in my classes is demonstrating that the student is contributing to the overall learning experience in a positive way. This grade can be easily earned through following directions, using appropriate language and voice, demonstrating a positive attitude towards learning, respecting others’ personal space and property, using polite words with fellow students and teacher, and taking care of the room and the equipment. Participation in academic discussion is highly encouraged. However, shy or quiet student will NOT be negatively affected by this grade.
Classroom Routines and Procedures
• Always come to class prepared (materials, sharpened pencils, flash drive, and a positive attitude for learning)
• Do your best and take pride in your work.
• Turn off and put away cell phones and other electronics prior to entering the classroom.
• Always remember that you are in charge of your own learning. YOU, not the teacher must make the effort to find out what you missed if you were absent.
• Always copy the daily agenda and HW then immediately start on the warm-up.
• Raise your hand when you wish to speak. Do not interrupt others while they are speaking.
• Speaking without permission will get you a verbal warning. Three verbal warnings will result in lunch detention.
• If you have a question or need clarification, it is my job to help you so please ask me and do not talk to someone else while I am giving instructions.
• Follow the ‘Whisper Rules’ (see below) and you will not be in trouble.
• No eating, drinking or chewing gum in class. Students may bring a water bottle.
• Respect your fellow students and the school staff.
• Respect the school property and the rights and properties of others.
• Zero-tolerance for bullying. All incidents will be taken seriously.
• Use your HW passes and your Out-of-Trouble cards wisely. Unused cards (in combination with good behavior and HW submission record) can be redeemed at the end of the semester for a treat or extra credit points if needed.
• Very important: have fun. There is no reason why you can’t learn and have fun at the same time.
The Whisper Rule: Talking in class is allowed as long as:
· It’s done in whisper
· It’s between elbow partners
· It’s related to the lesson
· It’s not done while the teacher is talking.
For parents and guardians: Please read the syllabus in its entirety and have your child read it too. Please sign and return the signed portion with your child on or before Friday the 21st of August. Returning the signed portion on time will earn your child 5 points for this week’s homework. If you have any questions or concerns about any part of the syllabus, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Preferred method of communication is by email.
Student’s name: ______
Student’s signature: ______
Parent’s signature: ______Date: ______