College of Computing Engineering and Construction
EGN 3331: Strength of MaterialCourse Number:EGN 3331
Course Name:Strength of Material
Course Credit Hours:3
Course Pre-requisites:EGN 3311 (statics)
Course Co-requisites:EGN 3331L (mechanical systems lab)
Meeting Time:
Tuesday and Thursday 50/1400
9:25 – 10:40am
Course Website:
Website will be used extensively for posting announcements, handouts, homework, solutions and more.
Announcements may be sent to your UNF registered e-mail address during the semester. If you prefer another e-mail address, make sure to either change it with the University or have your e-mails forwarded to your preferred e-mail account.
Alexandra Schonning, Ph.D.
Office: Building 50, Room 3114
Telephone: 904.620.2357
Office Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10.45 – 11.45amand4.30 – 5.00pm
Mechanics of Materials, 5th Edition
William F. Riley, Leroy D. Sturges, Don H. Morris
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 0-471-58644-7
Course Description:
In this course the concept of stress and strain is covered and includes topics such as normal stress and strain, shear stress and strain, Hooke’s Law, and stress transformation. Deformations in axially loaded members are included with some focus on statically indeterminate members. Torsionally loaded members and flexural members are covered. Shear and bending moment diagrams are emphasized with an introduction to member design. Deflection of beams and buckling of columns is introduced.
1. Statics - review
2. Stress - concept and definitions;
3. Strain - concept and definitions;
4. Stress-strain relationships;
5. Axial loading;
6. Torsional loading;
7. Beams: stresses and deflections;
8. Statically indeterminate beams;
9. Theories of failure.
Methods of Evaluation
Midterm Exams50% (25% each)
Final Exam30%
Homework will be assigned during class times or on the web page or via e-mail. Collection of homework will generally be biweekly and will be announced either electronically or in class at least 2 days prior to collection. No late homework will be accepted without prior arrangement. While homework will generally only be collected biweekly it is highly recommended that homework problems be solved in a pace consistent with the lectures. The homework must be neat and stapled in the upper left hand corner.
Only a select few (at least one) of the turned in homework problems in each (biweekly) homework set will be graded for correctness. The remaining homework problems will be checked to ensure there was a serious attempt made in solving the problems. Your homework grade for each set will be calculated according to the below equation. The semester homework grade will be calculated by adding the grades obtained on each homework set.
HW grade (for each set): {[X/Xmax + Y/Ymax]*1/2}*T
X: Points earned on problem(s) graded for correctness
Xmax: maximum number of points on problem(s) graded for correctness
Y: Number of problems for which you made a serious attempt and that were not graded for correctness
Ymax: total number of problems assigned and not graded for correctness
T: Total number of problems in the homework set
Example: 6 problems are collected in one set. One problem is graded with a max score of 8. You obtain 7 points on the graded homework problem and complete 4 more problems successfully. Your HW grade for the set is then:
X = 7; Xmax = 8; Y = 4; Ymax = 5; T = 6
Grade = {[7/8+4/5]*1/2}*6 = 5.025
Quizzes will be closed book and closed notes with the exception of approved formula sheet. Each quiz is worth the same towards the final grade, unless differently specified.
Midterm Exam
Tests will be closed book and closed notes with the exception of approved formula sheet.
Final Exam
The final exam will be comprehensive. It will be closed book and closed notes with the exception of approved formula sheet.
Letter Grades
A / 90(+) – 100%B / 80(+) – 90(-)%
C / 70(+) – 80(-)%
D / 60(+) – 70(-)%
F / Less than 60%
Pledged work:
You may consult with your fellow students if you have difficulties with the homework problems – in fact, discussion is encouraged. However, direct copying of the homework problems from solutions of any kind will be deemed an honor violation. Each student is expected to fully comply with the Honor Code:NO CHEATING IN ANY WAY OR
FORM. If a student is caught cheating, s/he will receive an AUTOMATIC F for the course. Moreover, if a student sees someone else cheating, s/he should REPORT the incident to the instructor. Plagiarism is of course considered a form of cheating.
Tentative Course Layout (subject to change by instructor)
Date / # / Topic / Reading assignment / Homework assignments1/6 (R) / 1 / Statics REVIEW / 1.1-1.5 / Ch1: 24 30 32 45 74 71
1/11 (T) / 2 / Stress: normal, shear, stress on an inclined plane / 2.2-2.5 / Ch 2: 6, 7, 25, 40, 41, 49
1/13 (R) / 3 / 2D Stress / 2.6-2.7 / Ch 2: 56, 63, 75
1/18 (T) / 4 / Stress transformation equations / 2.8 / Ch 2: 88, 97, 103
1/20 (R) / 5 / Principal stresses, maximum shearing stress, Mohr’s Circle / 2.9-2.10 / Ch 2: 111, 117, 120, 130, 133
1/25 (T) / 6 / Continued
1/27 (R) / 7 / 3D Stress / 2.11 / Ch 2: 141, 147, 150
2/1 (T) / 8 / Strain, Strain Transformations, Principal Strains / 3.1-3.5 / Ch 3: 5, 25, 37, 65
2/3 (R) / 9 / Stress-Strain Relationships / 4.1 - 4.3 / Ch 4: 2, 3, 9, 17, 18, 35
2/8 (T) / 10 / Stress-Strain Relationships / 4.3 - 4.5 / Ch 4: 44, 45, 50
2/10 (R) / 11 / REVIEW / Ch 2, 3, 4
2/15 (T) / 12 / Test 1
2/17 (R) / 13 / Axially loaded members, statically indeterminate problems / 5.1-5.4 / Ch 5: 6, 9, 23
2/22 (T) / 14 / Thermal effects,
Stress concentrations / 5.5, 5-7 / Ch 5: 31,40,45, 58, 70, 75, 79
2/24 (R) / 15 / Thin and thick walled cylindrical vessels / 5.9-5.10 / Ch 5: 109, 130, 135, 153
3/1 (T) / 16 / Torsion: shearing strain, shearing stress, displacements / 6.1-6.4 / Ch6: 12, 18, 19, 26
3/3 (R) / 17 / Statically indeterminate members; combined effects: normal and shearing. / 6.5, 6.7-6.8 / Ch6: 50, 82, 99, 104
3/8 (T) / 18 / Review Ch 5 and 6
3/10 (R) / 19 / Test 2
3/15 (T) / 20 / Stresses in beams / 7.1-7.4 / Ch 7: 4, 6, 18, 19, 23
3/17 (R) / 21 / Load, shear force, bending moments in beams / 7.5-7.6 / Ch 7: 31, 33, 41, 48, 60, 64, 73
3/22 (T) / SPRING BREAK: 3/21 – 3/25
3/24 (R) / SPRING BREAK: 3/21 – 3/25
3/29 (T) / 22 / Shearing stresses in beams / 7.7-7.8 / Ch 7: 83, 88, 91, 96
3/31 (R) / 23 / Beam deflections / 8.1-8.4 / Ch 8: 3, 30, 35, 39
4/5 (T) / 24 / Beam deflections: singularity functions / 8.5-8.6 / TBD
4/7 (R) / 25 / Beam deflections: Castigliano’s Theorem, Statically indeterminate beams / 8.8-8.9 / TBD
4/12 (T) / 26 / Columns: buckling / 9.1-9.4 / TBD
4/14 (R) / 27 / Theories of failure for static loading / 10.6-10.8 / TBD
4/19 (T) / 28 / Continued
4/21 (R) / 29 / Review for final exam
4/26 (T) / Final Exam 9:00-10:50 pm on Tuesday 4/26 subject to change according to: