Hendon Brook Early Intervention Team
Intervention Policy
- Audience
- Referral for support from the Early Intervention Team
- Expectations for the Early Intervention Team
- Expectations for the mainstream school
- Discharge and monitoring from Early Intervention
- Hendon Brook Request for Early Intervention forms
- Boxall Profile forms
- Hendon Brook Intervention Plan
- Hendon Brook Review
- Hendon Brook Discharge Letter
- Hendon Brook Case Panel Preparation
This Policy is intended to inform Primary Mainstream schools, Educational Psychologists, Pupil Access Teams and other agencies working with children in East Lancashire in an education setting of the procedures for referrals to Hendon Brook’s Early Intervention Team.
It states the procedure by which Early Intervention support can be accessed by mainstream settings.
It describes how and when mainstream primary pupils are admitted to Hendon Brook on the basis of Referral In-House pupils.
The Policy includes appendices including:
Hendon Brook Request for Early Intervention forms
Boxall Profile forms
Hendon Brook Intervention Plan
Hendon Brook Review
Hendon Brook Discharge Letter
Hendon Brook Case Panel Preparation
This Intervention Policy should be read in conjunction with the Service Level Agreement between Lancashire Authority CYP and Hendon Brook 2014- 2015.
Referral for support from the Early Intervention Team
Hendon Brook offer Early Intervention support to primary mainstream schools in East Lancashire (Burnley; Pendle; Rossendale and Hyndburn & Ribble Valley). The Early Intervention Team can take referrals for children from Reception to Year Six who are exhibiting behavioural, social or emotional difficulties.In the case of Reception pupils, Hendon Brook will not take a referral until the child has accessed at least one term of full time placement in the mainstream school. In the case of Year Six pupils Hendon Brook cannot take referrals after the February half term break as there will not be sufficient time before Year Seven for the pupil to be seen. This is due to an extensive waiting list. We can offer advice and a Boxall Plan for schools to utilise and our surgery is also available for further support and advice.Schools can also refer children for group work which will be facilitated for an hour a week in the mainstream setting with up to eight children and a member of the mainstream school’s staff alongside the Intervention Teacher.
A school must refer pupils for Early Intervention using the Hendon Brook Request for Early Intervention paperwork. This paperwork will ask that schools outline the social, emotional and behavioural issues exhibited by the pupil. Hendon Brook requires parental permission before we engage with pupils or intervention cannot take place. Parental consent forms are included in the paperwork. Schools must also send an up to date Boxall Profile (completed in the same month that the request for Early Intervention is submitted) and other academic assessment evidence (PIVATS).
Paperwork should be sent to the Early Intervention Manager, Donna Scholefield:
Expectations for the Early Intervention Team
Upon receipt of a request for Early Intervention Support, Donna Scholefield will write an Interim Plan of Intervention and email that along with resources and suggested strategies to the mainstream schools. Schools must acknowledge receipt of resources.Should a school require further advice/support they should contact Donna Scholefield who will arrange to meet with the head, SENCO, class teacher or TA to discuss the pupil’s/school’s needs.
Hendon Brook does have a waiting list and cases are allocated as they come in. The waiting list is not flexible as each school’s case is deemed to be of equal importance. Hendon Brook are unable to give an exact time frame for the waiting list as every case is given a bespoke programme, which may mean that some cases complete within 4 weeks and others require up to 8 weeks. Should a mainstream school feel that their case is urgent Hendon Brook can assist in signposting them to other agencies whose support they can commission.
Once an Intervention Keyworker is available that Keyworker will contact the school to organise dates to carry outtwoanonymousobservations of the pupil in their setting. Following these observations the Early Intervention Team will meet to discuss the next steps for the pupil. Hendon Brook will write an updated plan of intervention for the pupil based on the observations and the EIT meeting and organise to meet with the key adults at the mainstream school, the parents of the pupil and any other relevant agencies. At this meeting a decision will be made as to the best way forward for Hendon Brook’s involvement. If the Early Intervention Team do not feel a one to one intervention will be effective the Intervention Manager will provide a plan to support the school and a report detailing what we have observed and our recommendations. If the Early Intervention Team do feel that a one to one intervention would be effective then they will create and share a new Intervention Plan and the Intervention Keyworker will go through what they will be doing during the Intervention. School, parents and other agencies will update Hendon Brook on any other relevant factors.
The Intervention Keyworker will follow the Intervention Plan.This is a working document and can be adapted to best suit the needs of the pupil and the mainstream school. If the intervention is to continue for a further four weeks an informal review will be held with the class teacher.
Where Hendon Brook takes the decision to disengage after four weeks this will be for one of the following reasons:
- The pupil has made significant progress and no longer requires Early Intervention support
- The pupil has made no progress and Hendon Brook are not deemed to be the correct agency (e.g. if the pupil is ASD an agency which specialises in ASD might be contacted)
- The pupil has made no progress and the school are advised to refer to Hendon Brook’s Admissions Panel
At the conclusion of the intervention (at either four or eight weeks), a final review of the programme will be held.Both the school and parents will be required to complete the questionnaires provided by Hendon Brook. Hendon Brook will present the school with their Discharge letter and a final report.
At this review if it is felt the pupil requires more intervention the Early Intervention Team will recommend next steps which might include referral to the Admissions Panel, EP, ELCAS or other agencies.
Following discharge Hendon Brook’s surgery will still be available for schools to access for continued support.
Expectations for the School
Hendon Brook requires that all requests for Early Intervention use Hendon Brook’s paperwork and include an up to date Boxall Profile and completed parental consent. In order for pupils to access Early Intervention Support they must be of primary age and be accessing a full time placement in their mainstream school.
Hendon Brook has a waiting list and so if a school wishes to refer a Year 6 pupil this must be done by the end of Spring Term One (February half term) or there is every chance we will not have the staffing to provide Early Intervention Support due to the waiting list and existing commitments.
Once resources, strategies and plans have been emailed to schools, Hendon Brook requires receipt/acknowledgement of this and if you have not received these within two weeks of sending us paperwork please contact Donna Scholefield at Hendon Brook.
Schools are expected to follow the Interim Plan provided and use strategies and resources with these. If there are any issues with the plan or it is not having any effect after a realistic time frame (at least four weeks) the school should contact Donna Scholefield to request further advice/support.
When a case is allocated to an Intervention Key Worker the school must work with Hendon Brook to:
- Organise meetings by contacting all relevant parties
- Provide a room where the meeting can be held
- Allow the Key Worker to observe the pupil without the pupil knowing who they are
- Allocate a space/room which is both safe and reasonably private for the Intervention to take place. If there is nowhere for the Intervention to take place we cannot provide the service
- Should there be CP issues which will have an impact on 1:1 work another adult must be provided
- Where the Intervention is group based, an adult from the school must be present at the intervention in order that they can learn new skills from the Early Intervention Team Teacher
- If a child is not present in school on the day of intervention somebody must contact Hendon Brook
- Should a pupil accessing Early Intervention be excluded, either fixed term or permanent, the school’s SLT must inform Donna Scholefield of this
- If the pupil’s circumstances change (for example a bereavement, medication or going into care/new carers) and this has an effect on behaviour the school must contact either Donna Scholefield or the Intervention Key Worker
- If a pupil moves school or the school feels they no longer require Hendon Brook’s intervention services while they are on the waiting list the school must contact Donna Scholefield
- The school must support the strategies and resources suggested by the Early Intervention Team in order for the intervention to be effective
- The school must provide Hendon Brook with an up to date Boxall Profile and Assessment information at the start and completion of the Intervention Programme.
Discharge and Monitoring from Early Intervention
At the conclusion of the intervention programme, a final review will be held at which strategies and advice will be left with the school to utilise in order to best support the pupil. It is the school’s responsibility to invite relevant parties to attend the meeting and to provide a room for this meeting to take place.
The Intervention Keyworker will provide a review of what they have done through the intervention process and the school will describe the impact the intervention has had.
School, parents and the pupil will be expected to have completed the questionnaires about intervention to hand over at the meeting.
The pupil will be placed on monitoring for a period of four weeks and during this time Hendon Brook will continue to attend any meetings relating to the pupil. At the end of the four weeks of monitoring the pupil will be signed off from Hendon Brook.
If the pupil has not successfully accessed Early Intervention the mainstream school and Hendon Brook will work together to identify the reasons why and will make a plan for next steps, which could include:
- Referral for an in-house respite placement at Hendon Brook
- Seeking advice/support from alternative agencies, such as Education Psychologist or CAMHS
- Staff training
The school will provide Hendon Brook with up to date assessment detail, including a Boxall Profile. Hendon Brook will notify the school of the date the pupil will be signed off from their service at the meeting.
Appendix One: Request for Early Intervention Team Involvement Forms
Hendon Brook Intervention Team:
Request for Early Intervention Support
Townhouse Road, Nelson, BB9 8BP (01282) 693432
Please ensure that you provide the following evidence with your request for Early Intervention Support.
Please Tick1. / Common Assessment Form (CAF) plus CAF Reference Number
All TAC meeting minutes/outcomes
2. / Chronology of Action
Summary of incidents or observation reports
3. / Most Recent Pupil Assessment Information:
- PIVATS (current levels of achievement in Literacy, Maths and PSD)
- SATs/Teacher Assessment
- Boxall Profile (Form attached)
- Other normative/summative assessments
4. / Evaluated Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and/or Individual Behaviour Plans (IBPs)
5. / Fixed Term/Permanent Exclusion Information
6. / SEN Review Documentation
7. / Attendance (print out from SIMS)
8. / Reports from other services and agencies involved:
- ELCAS/Medical Reports
- Children’s Social Care
- Voluntary Agencies
- Other
9. / Is the pupil on free school meals?
10 / Any other relevant evidence pertaining to the child’s needs
Please use the boxes below to provide information about the pupil’s difficulties and strategies already implemented.
I have discussed this request for Early Intervention Support with the parents of ______and submit our documentation with this form:
Name of member of staff requesting support: ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
Please return to Donna Scholefield at Hendon Brook
Parent/Carer Views (Essential)
Hendon Brook Intervention Team are a supportive service and help schools to put in place systems that allow children to succeed if they suffer from behavioural, emotional or social difficulties. For one hour a week an Intervention Worker comes into school and works with the child who needs support doing activities such as games, reading stories, puppets and other fun activities which help children to talk about what their difficulties in school are and how they can work on these so that school becomes a happy, safe place for them again. We appreciate your support in working with your child and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
What problems is your child experiencing at school?How has the school supported your child with these difficulties?
How do you think school could help you, your family and your child more?
Who else could help your child and your family? Are you receiving support from parent partnership, social care, CAMHS or anyone else?
At Hendon Brook we have a Parent Support Group which runs across East Lancashire. If you would be interested in hearing more about this group please tick the box
I have discussed my child’s difficulties with the school and agree to the request for Early Intervention Support from Hendon Brook.
I/We give my/our permission for the enclosed evidence to be shared with other professionals.
Parent (s)/Carer(s) Name(s): (please print)
Parent (s)/Carer(s) Signature(s): ______
Date: ______
Pupil’s Views (Essential) (to be completed with support from school or family)
What problems are you experiencing at school? How do these make you feel?What has school and teachers done to help you?
How do you think school could help me?
Who else could help you? Is there anyone you would like to talk to?
Date pupil’s views sought: ______
Name and position of adult support when seeking pupil’s views: ______
Appendix Two: Boxall Profile
Section I
Enter scores for Section 1 items in the appropriate column of Section 1 histogram.
Score each item in turn according to the Key below:
4: yes or usually
3: at times
2: to some extent
1: not really or virtually never
0: does not arise, not relevant
Score / Column1 / Listens with interest when the teacher explains something to the class / A
2 / Takes appropriate care of something s/he has made or work s/he has done
Investment of feeling in his/her achievement is implied, and self esteem / F
3 / Appreciates a joke or is amused by an incongruous statement or situation
Disregard lack of appreciation of a joke which is at his/her expense
Disregard amusement that is clearly inappropriate / D
4 / Begins to clear up or bring to a close an enjoyable work or play activity when the teacher, with adequate warning, makes a general request to the group
Score 2 if a personal and specific request is needed / G
5 / Makes and accepts normal physical contact with others
e.g. when holding hands in a game / H
6 / Makes appropriate and purposeful use of the materials/equipment/toys provided by the teacher without the need of continuing direct support
Disregard repetitive activity that does not progress / A
7 / Maintains acceptable behaviour and functions adequately when the routine of the day is disturbed
e.g. when visitors are in his/her class or the class is taken by a teacher s/he does not know well / H
8 / Makes an appropriate verbal request to another child who is in his/her way or has something s/he needs
Disregard situations of provocation / H
9 / Complies with specific verbal prohibitions on his/her personal use of classroom equipment
Score 2 if s/he complies but often protests or sulks / G
10 / Abides by the rules of an organised group game in the playground or school hall
Interacts and cooperates and continues to take part for the duration of the game / J
11 / Accommodates to other children when they show friendly and constructive interest in joining his/her play or game / H
12 / Listens, attends and does what is required when the teacher addresses a simple positive request specifically to him/her
e.g. to get out his/her work book / A
13 / Works or plays alongside a child who is independently occupied without interfering or causing disturbance / G
14 / Shows awareness of happenings in the natural world, is interested and curious, and genuinely seeks explanations / B
15 / Of his/her own accord returns to and completes a satisfying activity that has been interrupted
e.g. s/he finishes a painting or carries on with a written story later in the day or the following day / C
16 / Is adequately competent and self-reliant in managing his/her basic personal needs
i.e. clothes, toilet, food / A
Score / Column
17 / In freely developing activities involving other children, s/he constructively adapts to their ideas and suggestions / I
18 / Turns to his/her teacher for help, reassurance or acknowledgement, in the expectation that support will be forthcoming.
Disregard occasional normal negativism / F
19 / Accepts disappointments
e.g. if an outing is cancelled because it is raining, or s/he is not chosen for favourite activity s/he does no more than complain or briefly moan / J
20 / Takes part in a teacher centred group activity
e.g. number or language work or finger games
score 2 if s/he does no more than try to follow / A
21 / Shows genuine interest in another child’s activity or news; looks or listens and gains from experience
Does not intrude unduly; does not take over / B
22 / Shows genuine concern and thoughtfulness for other people; is sympathetic and offers help / I
23 / Recalls information of relevance to something s/he reads or hears about and makes a constructive link / C
24 / Makes constructive and reciprocal friendships which provide companionship
Score 3 if the friendship is with one child only
Score 2 if no friendship lasts longer than a week
Score 1 if the association is fleeting albeit constructive and reciprocal / D
25 / Contributes actively to the course of co-operative and developing play with two or more other children and shows some variation in the roles s/he takes
e.g. in the Play House, other free play activities or improvised class drama / E
26 / Is reasonably well organised in assembling the materials s/he needs and in clearing away
Reminders only are needed / B
27 / Communicates a simple train of thought with coherence
e.g. when telling or writing a story or describing an event / C
28 / Responds to stories about animals and people with appropriate feeling; appropriately identifies the characters as good, bad, funny, kind etc.
Disregard response to nursery rhymes or fairy stories / D
29 / Makes pertinent observations about the relationship between two other people; appropriately attributes attitudes and motives to them / D
30 / Engages in conversation with another child
An interchange of information, ideas or opinions is implied / E
31 / Looks up and makes eye contact when the teacher is nearby and addresses him/her by name
i.e. heeds the teacher; does not necessarily pay attention / F
32 / Sits reasonably still without talking o causing disturbance when the teacher makes a general request to all children for their attention / G
33 / Gives way to another child’s legitimate need for the classroom equipment s/he is using by sharing it with him/her or taking turns
No more than a reminder is needed / H
34 / Shows curiosity and constructive interest when something out of the ordinary happens
Is secure enough to accept a change or the introduction of something new, is alert to the possibilities of the event and gains from it / D
Any additional comments to amend or extend the information provided by the Profile?