CH 33 Part 3 RQ
1 789 poster – 789 Brown Box – 790 Photo – 791 Photo – 791 Chart
(Poster) – What two (2) gains does Labor make during the New Deal years?
(BB) – Complete the phrase at the end of the BB—“it proves clearly that –(8 more words)
- What is the name of the Union?
(Photo 790) – Who?
- What new Union did he help to create?
-What was the purpose of this new union?
(Photo 791) - A new effective type of strike is used—what is it called?
***(Chart 791)-Important –always a question on the AP Exam –know the “context”
- Title?
- What year is claimed to be the height of Union Membership in the USA?
- What has happened ever since that year consistently?
2 793 PC – Title?
- POV of PC?
- How many justices?
3 794 Chart – Title?
- From FDR’s election in 1933 until 1937 what is the trend?
- What happens from 1937-38?
- What happens from 1938 – 1942?
4 794 Brown Box – 797 Brown Box
-(794) – Who?
- What is the “test” of our progress?
-(797) – Who?
- What “spirit” does the US Govt “live in” during the New Deal?
Reading Questions
5 Varying Viewpoints 799
- Title?
- What are the two (2) great Q’s that have animated historical debate about the New Deal?
- What was historian Carl Degler’sjudgement?
- Up until the 1960’s the great majority of historians take what perspective of the New Deal?
- 1960’s scholars argue that the New Deal missed the chance to “remake American Society” in what three (3) specific areas?
- According to the “Constraints School” historians the New Deal offered what?
- What did the Majority of American people at the time want?
- What is the best “evidence” for the “Constraints School Historians” argument (last Paragraph)?
- How long does the “New Deal Coalition” dominate American Politics?
-What does Leuchtenburg call the New Deal?
Housing Reform and Social Security
6 FHA – purpose?
7 USHA – purpose?
9 What three things does this act do?
10 What was Hoover’s quote in response to the above act (in quotes)?
A New Deal for Unskilled Labor
11 What was the summer of 1934 nicknamed and why?
12 Some historians believe this was perhaps THE MOST SIGNIFICANT ACT passed during the New Deal—it created the NLRB—and is a milestone in labor law********What is this Act’s two (2) names?
13 What new Union is created and who founded it?
14 What is their ‘new’ type of strike called---and is it effective?
15 What two industries are they successful in Unionizing for the 1st time?
16 Another ACT –which some believe was perhaps the Most Important---This act re-does much of what the earlier NRA did but was previously ruled unconstitutional--- WHAT IS THIS ACT CALLED (TWO NAMES)?
17 What two specific things were established by this bill--?
18- What industries and groups generally were exempt from this law---showing some of the limitations of the New Deal?
The Election of 1936
19 Who is the Republican Challenger to FDR?
20 When judging the effectiveness of the New Deal I often look at election results---What does the results of the 1936 election infer about the American Peoples view of how effective the New Deal was to them?
21 What groups make up the “New Deal Political Coalition” that dominates American Politics for at least 40 years? (7)
Nine Old Men on the Supreme Bench
22 What is the name of FDR’s plan to fight the Supreme Court?
23 What were the details of his plan?
24 What time period does the 20th Amendment shorten?
25 How many New Deal programs total does the Supreme Court rule unconstitutional?
The Court Changes Course
26 What did FDR’s critics call the bill to change the # of Supreme Court justices?
27 Which justice –unique in our legal history—“switches” ideologies?
28 How many New Deal programs are ruled unconstitutional after the switch?
29 For how many years is FDR President—and How many times is he elected consecutively?
30 How many Supreme Court justices does FDR appoint during his complete time as Pres?
The Twilight of the New Deal
31 What ends the Great Depression (2) ?
32 What is the name of the famous economist who proposes massive deficit spending by the government to heal the nations economy?
33 How are Relief, Reform, and Recovery explained here?
34 What was the cause of the “Roosevelt Recession” 1937-38?
35 What event cures the Great Depression? During this event what type of spending takes place---What then can you infer –about Keynesian economics?
New Deal or Raw Deal?
36 Do the socialists and communists like the New Deal?
37 What famous very liberal historian even criticizes the New Deal as being too Moderate-Conservative?
38 The New Deal is often called by critics –“a Dictatorship of _____-______?
FDR’s Balance Sheet
39 Were all of the New Deal Programs equally effective?
40 What was the PRIMARY OBJECTIVE?
41 What was FDR’s Idea?
42 What ‘new idea’ does FDR accept?
43 How was FDR like Jefferson?
44 How was FDR like Hamilton?
45 What according to FDR was AMERICA’S GREATEST RESOURCE?
46 What was happening to democracies in the rest of the world during the Great Depression?
47 What does the first chart (GDP) show happened from 1933 until 1942 –according to this “evidence” what can you infer about the effectiveness of the New Deal?
48 What does the 2nd chart (DJIA) show Happened from 1933 until 1939 ---according to this “evidence” what can you infer about the New Deal’s effectiveness?