December 12, 2016

At 7:00pm all present stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Great Cypress Village board meeting was called to order at 7:01pm. Secretary Beyer called the role of board members. Present were: Zebbie Probst, Paul Bredlau, Catherine Beyer, Wink Van Knowe, Michele Hamilton, Kymee Musumeci and Jack Fair.

The December GCV Board meeting began with two guest speakers. Jack Fair introduced Pasco Sheriff Officer Lieutenant Richard Scilex, Shift Commander District # 1 and Pasco County Commissioner Mr. Jack Mariano, District # 5. Jack Fair described what we, at Great Cypress Village, contend with almost everyday. Four wheeler noise nuisance all hours of the day and night and the gun shooting in property around our park.

Lieutenant Scilex began with his information on the Sheriff’s department duties in this area. He explained that the officers are handling what they can.

Budgets for department are tight but they will try to be more accessible if we call each time we hear a problem and report same to establish a history of nuisance. (727 847 8102 non-emergency police number)

Commissioner Mariano spoke to the road conditions on Houston Avenue. The county also has zero dollars for maintenance and will repair as is warranted in present county budget. He too would like us to call him with concerns to establish a history of our complaints. (727 534 8846 cell)

President Probst thanked them for coming to our monthly board meeting and answering all of our questions.

The meeting began with the reading of the November 14, 2016 minutes. A motion was made by Kymee Musumeci and seconded by Wink Van Knowe to accept the minutes as read. The motion was approved.

The financial report was then given by Wink Van Knowe with $27,703.02 in the operating account and $92,172.98 in the reserve account. A motion was made by Jack Fair and seconded by Kymee Musumeci to accept the financial report. The motion was approved.

The following committee reports were given:

ARCHITECTURAL - Paul Bredlau will be going around the park with the committee members to check for property violations. Please continue to submit request forms for work you want to do on you property.

SOCIAL - Tom Thompson reminded us of the upcoming Christmas Dinner and New Years Eve Dance. Toys for Tots will be picked up soon. Country Night will be January 21, 2016, purchase your tickets from street reps as soon as you can.

RV – No Report

WELCOME – No Report

ELECTION – Lorrie Capasso asked all residents to consider running for a GCV Board position.

TRUSTEE – The financial audit was completed by this committee. All of the reports were found to be without error. On 12-7-2016 there will be a budget meeting and on 12-13-2016 the budget will be finalized.



  1. Janitorial person must be found for 2017. Outside Service/Person should have their own insurance and a 1099 form should be submitted to tax preparer for salary paid for this maintenance position.
  2. Wood should be purchased for the stage to be built soon.
  3. Paul Bredlau to research more pool cover information
  4. Pool rules to be sent out to rental property owners so they keep their tenants up to date on use.
  5. Volunteers to put up signs in pool/spa area.
  6. Paint shed to match outside of clubhouse


  1. Crack in Window in clubhouse.
  2. Replace Ceiling Lights/maintenance $ spent from capitol expense
  3. Committee members names give to Secretary Beyer
  4. Remember the Christmas Golf Cart Parade
  5. Remove tree growing on fence behind their home Jim/Nancy Colocicco 16829 Harley Street.
  6. Bev True asked that abandoned property near her home be taken care of.
  7. Thank you to Kim Capasso and Jack Fair and Zebbie Probst for all the work they have done in the clubhouse.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Paul Bredlau and seconded by Catherine Beyer. The motion was approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:35p.m.