High School Success

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Oprah WinfreyBiography Exercise (25 pts)

Read the biography of Oprah Winfreyon the class website and answer the following questions:

  1. (1pt) When Oprah Winfrey was young, why did she have to move from Mississippi to Nashville, Tennessee? .
  2. (1pt) Where did Oprah go to college? .
  3. (1pt) How long after Oprah moved to the Chicago morning show, A.M. Chicago, did the show move from last place to first in the ratings? .”
  4. (1pt) According to the author, why was the show so successful? .
  5. (1pt) “Her success led to nationwide fame and a role in Steven Spielberg's 1985 film, , for which she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.”
  6. (1pt) “How much money did Winfrey receive for the first year of the Oprah Winfrey Show? .”
  7. (1pt) “In 1994, with talk shows becoming increasingly trashy and exploitative, Winfrey pledged to .
  8. (1pt) How does this show that Oprah led a principle-centered life? .”
  9. (1pt) Winfrey became well-known for her weight loss efforts. What two accomplishments did she have in 1995?
  10. .”
  11. .”
  12. (1pt) What did Winfrey do to promote reading? .”
  13. (1pt) In 1999, Winfrey co-founded Oxygen Media which is dedicated to .”
  14. (1pt) “Winfrey ensured her place in the forefront of the media industry and as one of the most .”
  15. (1pt) “According to Forbes magazine, Oprah was the richest African American of the 20th century and the world's only .”
  16. (1pt) “Life magazine hailed her as the .”
  17. (1pt) “In 2005, Business Week named her the .”
  18. (1pt) “Oprah's Angel Network has raised more than for charitable programs, including girls' education in South Africa and relief to the victims of Hurricane Katrina.”
  19. (1pt) “Winfrey is a dedicated activist for .”
  20. (1pt) Why do think Winfrey worked so hard on the bill she proposed to Congress creating a nationwide database of convicted child abusers? .
  21. (1pt) “She founded the and also contributes to her alma mater, Tennessee State University.”
  22. (1pt) “In September, 2002, Oprah was named the first recipient of The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences' .”
  23. (1pt) “Winfrey campaigned for Democratic presidential hopeful

in December 2007, attracting the largest crowds of the primary season to that point. It was the first time Winfrey had ever campaigned for a political candidate”

  1. (1pt) “The power of Winfrey's political endorsement was unclear (Obama won Iowa and South Carolina, but lost New Hampshire). But she has a clear track record of turning unknown authors into

when she mentions their books on her program.”

  1. (1pt) “When The Oprah Winfrey Show ends on September 9, 2011, Oprah will still partake in the rapidly shifting and converging media field through .”
  2. (1pt) Why would you consider Oprah Winfrey to be a successful person? .
  3. (1pt) What characteristic most helped Oprah Winfrey become a successful person? .

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