St. Louis Schutzhund Association

Fall Trial

September 30th – October 1st

With UScA Judge Al Govednik

Entry Fees: All IPO titles - $100 BH - $75 Trk./Obed. - $75

APR1-3 - $75 IPO VO - $75 AD - $75 FH - $100

Deadline for entries is Sept 23rd - There is an additional $25.00 fee for non-UScA members.

Contact: Brian McCauley at (314) 359-1021 or

A UScA recognized scorebook and membership are required. Earlier and/or pre-requisite titles must have been earned under recognized licensed judges. AD and FH on Saturday IPO/BH Sunday.

Name of Dog ______Breed ______

Tattoo/Chip # ______DOB ______Sex M ___ F___

Dog's Registration No.______Scorebook No.______

(Circle Entry Choice) BH IPO 1 2 3 Obed 1 2 3 Trk 1 2 3 APR 1 2 3



Name of Handler ______UScA Membership # ______

Phone number: ______Email: ______

Address ______City ______St______Zip ______


Name of Owner ______UScA Membership # ______

Phone number: ______Email: ______

Address ______City ______St______Zip ______

It is understood that this event will be conducted in accordance with current FCI rules and regulations , as administered by UScA Judges. In consideration for acceptance of the entry, I agree to abide by those rules, regulations, and decisions. It is further understood that THE TRIAL CHAIRMAN HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY ENTRY, ALSO THAT HE/SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO DISMISS ANY DOG/HANDLER TEAM FOR VIOLATION OF VDH RULES AND/OR UNSPORTSMAN LIKE CONDUCT IN WHICH EVENT ENTRY FEES WILL NOT BE REFUNDED. The owner or authorized agent certifies that the dog listed on the face of this application has duly earned all claimed degrees or ratings as awarded and recognized by the VDH and/or the SV, and further has title to all criteria necessary for this entry. It is understood that every dog at this event will be at all times in the care and control of the dog's named owner/handler. It is further understood that the undersigned agrees to be fully responsible for the actions of his/her dog while on the trial grounds. I agree to hold this club, its members, officers, and directors, as well as any ground or property owners harmless for loss or injury which may have allegedly been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by any act of this dog. I hereby agree to personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim.


Make Checks payable to “SLSA”