Early Help Framework

Early Help Board

Terms of Reference

1. Purpose and Priorities

1.1The Early Help Board is a multi-agency group which acts as the strategic governing board in relation to the Early Help Framework in Sheffield.

1.2It will ensure that Early Help Services are focused on delivering measurable outcomes.

1.3The Board will oversee developments on a wide range of strategies, policies and projects to support Families with multiple and complex needs within Sheffield.

1.4Its priorities will be informed by: Children’s Health and Wellbeing Board, Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board and recommendations of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.

1.5The Early Help Board will report to Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board.

2. Role and responsibilities

2.1To design implement and monitor an Early Help Outcomes Framework to address the strategic priorities, considering emerging trends and adapting the framework as required.

2.2To be responsible for the governance and scrutiny of the Early Help Gateway Meetings (EHGM) and Multi Agency Complex Case Panels (MACCP) set up to be the decisionmaking bodies for providing support to Families through the Early Help Framework in Sheffield, including the interface with internal and external partners such as the Sheffield Safeguarding Hub (SSH) and schools.

2.3To oversee the partnership development of the Early Help Assessment (EHA formerly FCAF) as the key assessment for children young people and families accessing targeted services below the threshold of children’s social care

2.4To oversee the performance management framework, developments and impact of work across thresholds at levels 3&4 of the Early Help Framework.

2.5To maintain a sense of locality and area issues and best practice playing a key role in benchmarking to improve outcomes within Sheffield.

2.6To ensure accountability and representation of key partners and stakeholders in delivering outcomes for Families with multiple and complex levels of need.

2.7To identify cross-cutting issues, themes and gaps in service that impact upon and require action by the Sheffield Safeguarding Board.

2.8To monitor the delivery of Locality working with the support of relevant data reports.

2.9To identify emerging or existing risks to the early help offer and ensure that processes are in place to mitigate them appropriately.

2.10To escalate any strategic issues and concerns that the Board cannot resolve to the appropriate board.

3. Governance

3.1 The Early Help Board will be accountable for delivering against the annual Performance Management Framework, indicators and targets that have been agreed by relevant Boards.

3.2 To ensure that there is appropriate senior level leadership and understanding of the multiple agendas. The Board will be chaired by senior professional from a partner agency.

3.3 Written performance and quality reports will be completed at least bi-annually for the Chair to report to the appropriate Boards’ senior responsible officers.

3.4Performance Management will be directed through reports produced by Accountable Managers from the Area MACCP.

3.5There will be an expectation that all partners report on performance within their own agencies.

4. Organisational Arrangements

4.1The Board will be chaired by a senior professional from a partner organisation –the Chairing of the Boards will be reviewed annually.

4.2 A Deputy Chair will be appointed by the board by vote.

4.3 Full attendance of partners is expected at all meetings, if they cannot attend they must nominate an appropriate senior-level deputy to attend on their behalf. It will be the responsibility of the Chair to address non-attendance.

4.4 The Chair (or Deputy Chair) will ensure that agendas are sent five working days in advance and that all actions delegated to Board members are clearly minuted.

4.5 All actions agreed at the Early Help Board meetings will be updated at the following meeting.

4.6 Where there is not unanimous agreement about any decision at a Board meeting, the Chair will instigate a vote by show of hands. Each full member of the Board will have one vote. A decision will be carried by a simple majority of one with the Chairs holding the casting vote.

5. Duties of Board Members

5.1 To act as the lead officer in their organisation for the two-way communication of developments connected to assigned performance indicators.

5.2 To promote multi-agency involvement within their organisation in the indicator areas identified in the remit of the Board.

5.3 To represent their organisations in the co-ordination of joint action to address Early Help issues. They should to this end, report to and consult with, their organisations on issues being discussed at the Board.

5.4 To ensure their organisation is informed about national, regional and local policy and project developments concerning Early Help and impacting upon Sheffield.

5.5To monitor the delivery of Locality working with the support of relevant data reports

6. Membership

6.1 The following Stakeholders/partner agencies will be represented as core members of the board

  • Prevention and Early Intervention
  • Children’s Social Care
  • Sheffield NHS Foundation Trust 0-19 Health Services
  • Community Midwives
  • SEND
  • Community Youth Teams
  • Housing
  • South Yorkshire Police
  • Lead Head Teacher from each of the localities A-G

6.2 Membership of the Board will be at a strategic level and will reflect all services who may contribute to improving outcomes for children and families. If any member is unable to attend, they will need to ensure another colleague from their agency is in attendance.

  1. Frequency and Location

7.1During Establishment and implementation of the Framework (to March 2018) the Early Help Board will meet every 6 weeks.

7.2As a guide the Early Help Board will meet quarterly(from April 2018 onwards).

7.3The meeting may take place at any suitable venue in the city

  1. Information Sharing

8.1All information shared at the meetings will be treated as confidential unless the disclosing agency advises to the contrary.

8.2Personal Information and data may be shared as set out in Early Help Framework Information Sharing protocol

8.3Members of the Board must adhere at all times to the information sharing and storage regulations as set out under the Data protection Act and Information Sharing protocol.

8.4All members take responsibility for the collection, storage and/or destruction of their confidential documents at the end of each meeting. The meeting organiser will dispose of any paperwork left at the end of each meeting.

September 2017

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Early Help Framework

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