Examinations & Data Officer
Salary: H9.1 pro rata (£30,153 pro rata)
Required: ASAP
Dear Applicant
Thank you for your interest in this vacancy.
An exciting opportunity has arisen to take on the role of Examinations and Data Officer. The successful candidate will have exceptional attention to detail and time management with a methodical, pro-active approach to work. You will be responsible for administering all aspects of examination and certification, ensuring full compliance with school and awarding body regulations. You will have strong communication skills and be able to demonstrate a high level of care and integrity. You should be able to work flexibly and independently, using your own initiative. You will be working in a small, diligent team with a high volume of work. The role will suit an enthusiastic individual who can comfortably establish excellent working relationships with staff, students and external agencies.
Duties will include:
- Planning for examinations, managing priorities and ensuring deadlines are met
- Ensuring accurate returns are made to awarding bodies
- Liaising with all school staff regarding aspects of examination regulation and procedures
- Being present in school on official results publication dates
- Producing tables of results, queries on results and making applications for re-marks
- Keeping completely up-to-date with procedures and regulations of examinations
- Administration of the school’s data tracking systems, attainment and reporting procedures using the SIMs Management Information System
- Supporting collection of progress data and maintenance of data analysis software
If you would like to visit Nobel or have any immediate queries about this post please contact Chantal Coakes ().
Next steps
Please complete our application form overleaf. All applications should be made through the relevant recruitment website, or may be sent electronically to Prospective candidates are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible as the school reserves the right to close the advert should we feel able to appoint an appropriate candidate. Please note that we do not accept CVs in place of application forms, otherwise the closing date for applications is 11:59pm, Sunday 25 June 2017. Interview date(s) to be arranged.
The Nobel School is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all of its students and staff. The successful candidate will have to meet the requirements of the person specification in order to be offered the post and will be subject to satisfactory recruitment checks, including an enhanced DBS check and satisfactory references. We welcome applications from all suitably qualified individuals regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or religion.
Yours sincerely
Martyn Henson
Job Description
Job title / Examinations and Data OfficerPublication date / June 2017
Postholder’s signature
Authorising officer’s signature
Reviewer / CCY; DMN; RCX
Review date
Status / Generic
Salary / H9.1
Responsible to: Headteacher and on a day to day basis to the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for exams
Purpose of your post:
The Administration Team provides a comprehensive support service to teachers and other support staff in the school. While not required to tutor pupils directly, the team has a marked effect on pupil learning by influencing the context in which learning takes place. This influence extends to parents and the general public for whom members of the team are often the first point of contact.
It is a responsibility of all staff to safeguard the welfare and rights both of students and colleagues. Staff should be conscious of their actions and their words and the impression and impact this may have. At Nobel we show respect to all regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, orientation or age.
Shared responsibilities as a member of the administration team:
- Help ensure the smooth running of the school.
- Play a full part in shadowing each other’s role so that, in the event of staff absence and at times of pressure, roles can be interchanged flexibly.
- Make constructive suggestions for improvement in administration and other procedures that are conducive to efficient and effective operation and supportive of the core purpose of the school (pupil learning).
- Support other members of the team in the fulfilment of their responsibilities.
Conditions of employment:
The Conditions of Employment for support staff are set out in the National Joint Council for Local Government Services National Agreement on Pay and Conditions of Service.
Particular duties:
The following is an indicative list of duties:
- Report to the Business Manager on a weekly basis.
- Liaise with Exam Boards – re: entries, return of scripts, remarks, retakes;
- Collect and store securely all question papers and examinations stationery and ensure that all papers required have been delivered;
- Liaise with subject leaders regarding exam entries;
- Liaise with SENDco regarding students with special arrangements;
- Collate lists for all public examinations entries and coursework mark sheets from Heads of Department;
- Receive and collate student entry forms;
- Input and process examination data;
- Prepare and manage registers, invigilators, seating plans and examination timetables;
- Oversee the arrangement of exam layouts in the designated exam areas to ensure compliance with JCQ regulations;
- Liaise with the Lettings Manager and the Site Manager to ensure the correct placement of exam desks which are moved daily to accommodate lettings;
- Collate and prepare completed examination papers for collection and post coursework;
- Inform students of examination arrangements and codes of behaviour during examinations;
- Organise the recruitment, training and induction of external invigilators for internal and external examinations;
- Maintain up-to-date knowledge of current legal requirements for examinations and best practice through active continual professional development by: membership of the Examination Officers’ Association, liaison with Exam Officer networks locally and nationally;
- Regularly update policies and procedures in line with JCQ requirements;
- Download examination results on August results days;
- Administration of the school’s Attainment and Reporting procedures using the SIMS Management Information System;
- Have oversight of assessment and reporting data, monitor staff input and report any problems with deadlines to Senior Leaders;
- Manage the printing and distribution of Assessment and Profile reports sent to parents;
- Maintain/monitor Assessment Manager area of SIMS;
- Design and set up templates for each reporting session;
- Ensure correct data fields are inserted into report templates so that reports are complete and accurate;
- Independently resolve problems relating to data collection and reports to ensure smooth running of procedures;
- Provide summary analyses of students’ reports for Year Coordinators, Subject Leaders, Senior Leadership Team and the Headteacher;
- Work with the Senior Leadership Team in setting clear and workable deadlines for data collection and to meet all deadlines;
- Administration of the school’s data tracking systems and procedures using the SIMs Management Information System;
- Build templates and generate marksheets required by departments to aid the recording, tracking and monitoring of student attainment and progress;
- Conduct tasks requested by staff relating to assessment data and the tracking of students;
- Support the Senior Leadership Team in the development and maintenance of the school’s Management Information Systems;
- Design and set up aspects and marksheets for data collection;
- Lead on importing results and database information from other systems, such as FFTAspire, to provide a comprehensive set of base data for all students;
- Provide target setting information and examination performance reports for the Senior Leadership Team, Governors and external agents such as Ofsted;
- Produce data on an ad-hoc basis for staff;
- Maintain other software applications such as SISRA Analytics to facilitate school operations;
- Responsible for pupil future estimates and census records;
- Undertake other duties which the Headteacher or member(s) of SLT responsible for data and exams may reasonably require.
This post is part time: 37 hours per week. Term time plus 9 days including inset and results days. This post is subject to a flexible working arrangement. Current working hours: TBC
Person Specification: Examinations and Data Officer
ATTRIBUTES / ESSENTIAL / DESIRABLEQualifications / Good general standard of education with qualifications to at least GCSE standard or equivalent / A level qualifications or equivalent
Experience / Experience of working in an office and data driven environment
Experience of compliance with the requirements of regulatory bodies / Experience of working in a school environment
Experience of working with young people
Experience of examination administration or organisation
Knowledge / Knowledge or understanding of secondary school procedures
Knowledge of examinations regulations or procedures
Skills & Ability / ICT Skills (Intermediate Word, Excel, Microsoft Outlook, Powerpoint)
Good analytical and numerical ability
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Good communication and interpersonal skills – working with staff, students and parents/carers
High level of personal organisation, and the ability to work without close supervision
Calm, confident attitude
Smart appearance
Ability to adapt quickly to different situations and a good level of common sense
Ability to work in a team and on your own
Experience of dealing with confidential issues
Sensitive to the needs of the students / Knowledge of SIMS
Hertfordshire County Council
Job Application Form
(Support Staff in Schools)
Post Applied for: at: School
You are requested to complete this form (using supplementary sheets if there is insufficient space for any entry). All sections must be completed.
For guidance on completing this form, please look at the Guidance Notes – Support Staff document
PERSONAL DETAILS (block capitals please)
Surname/Family Name: / Preferred Title:First Name(s): / Previous Surname:
Home Address:
Telephone (Home)
Telephone (Work)
Post Code: / Telephone (Mobile)
Employer’s Name:
Job Held: / Grade: / Salary:
Date Started: / Are you still employed? Yes/No.
If YES, amount of notice required / or, if NO, the date employment ended:
Brief description of the main duties of your job:
Please list all your previous jobs with dates to the nearest month starting with the most recent. (You should include all periods of work experience, work placements or voluntary work and periods when you were not in employment)
From / To / Name and Address of Employer / Job Title / Reason for LeavingEDUCATION/QUALIFICATIONS
Please give details of your education including any professional qualifications, starting with the most recent attained
Dates AttendedFrom / To / Name(s) and Address(es) of Secondary School/College/
University or other / Qualifications gained
(State:level/grade/date achieved)
Please state briefly what your main leisure interests are, particularly where these are relevant to the work for which you are applying.
Name of Institute/Professional Body / Current Level of Membership (e.g. corporate) / Membership Number
Please give details of your involvement with these bodies (e.g. attendance at meetings)
Please include details of any training (e.g. courses, seminars) and development (special projects, personal development courses) relevant to your application. Also include how you keep your job skills up to date.
Please give the names, addresses and status of two referees who may be approached now, one of whom must be your present or most recent employer. References from friends or relatives are not acceptable.
1) Name: / Status:Address:
Email address:
2) Name: / Status:
Email address:
If you are known to the referees by another name (e.g. previous name) please inform them of your present name and advise that we may be in contact.
From what source did you learn of this vacancy?Are you a relative or partner of any employee or governor of the School? / Yes/No
If yes, please give details: …………………………………………………………...
Has someone else completed this form on your behalf? / Yes/No
If yes, please provide the person’s name and an explanation:
I certify that the information given above and overleaf is correct to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that an offer of appointment will be subject to satisfactory references, DBS clearance, proof of identity and right to live and work in UK, medical checks and relevant qualifications.
I give consent for personal information provided as part of this application to be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988.
I accept that if any of the enclosed information is found to be untrue or misleading after my appointment, I may be liable for dismissal without notice.
Signature: / Date:
In the interests of economy, receipt of this application may not be acknowledged unless specifically requested (in which case please enclose S.A.E)
Hertfordshire County Council
Person Specification Form
Name:Job Title:
You are requested to complete this form (using supplementary sheets if there is insufficient space for any entry)
It is essential that you complete and return this form
This form is your chance to show us how well you can do this job
Remember just saying you can do it is not enough; we need an example.
You can use examples from work, school, college, hobbies, voluntary work or daily life.
Example: Ability to prioritise workloadIn my current job I plan my work on a daily basis but adjust it when an urgent query or problem arises, e.g. when another team member unexpectedly calls in sick. I always raise any urgent issues with my manager.
Please note that if you are invited to interview, you will be asked about the boundaries between adults and children in a school.
Signed : / Date: