SE7 SEND Change Board
Hampshire Green Paper Pathfinder /
Reporting period / 20 November2012 to 14 January 2013
Project name / SE7 Special Educational Needs and Disability Hampshire Green Paper Pathfinder / Project start date / September 2011
Programme / SE7 SEND Green Paper Pathfinder / Baseline end date / 31 March 2013
Author/project manager / Mike King, Project Manager
Fliss Dickinson, SE7 SEND Hampshire Area Lead Officer / Forecast end date / 30 September 2014
Executive / Steve Crocker, Deputy Director (Children and Families) Children’s Services / Current status / Amber
1Delivery history
Jan 2012 / Mar 2012 / May 2012 / July 2012 / Sept 2012 / Nov 2012 / Jan 2013 / Mar 2013Budget Status / G / G / G / G / G / G / G
Schedule Status / A / A / A / A / A / A / A
Overall Project Status / G / A / A / A / A / A / A
Key / Red / Serious problems and out of tolerance
Amber / Significant problems but PM has containment plan
Green / No problem or minor issues
2Management summary
Hampshire area activity
The overall status continues to remains Amber. This is largely due to time constraints for people involved within Pathfinder workstreams and uncertainty over the Pathfinder extension.
The extension provides a sensible break point to “take stock” and decide on a sensible way forward.
The table below sets out the summary progress status for the Pathfinder workstreams since the last Change Board meeting in November 2012.
Table 1: Summary progress of the SE7 SEND Hampshire area workstreams
Workstream / Hampshire Area Lead / Expected start / RAG status previous period / RAG status current period / Reason for RAG status changeCore Activities
Assessment and Single Plan (KEY) / Hilary Robbins, Head of Hampshire Educational Psychology, HCC / January 2012 / Green / Green / No update received
Personal Budgets (KEY) / Kieran Lyons, Integrated Disability Manager, HCC / Late February 2012 / Green / Green / No update received
Local Offer (KEY)
(Parent Partnership Service lead) / Tesni Mason, Parent Partnership Service / December 2011 / Amber / Amber
Strengthened multi-agency strategic commissioning and collaboration / Vanessa Courtney, Head of CountyServices, HCC / October 2012 (Just starting) / Green / Green
Optional Activities
Support to Parents and Carers, including mediation (KEY)
(Hampshire and Brighton and Hove lead) / Louise Clarke, Parent Voice Manager (Hampshire area lead) / January 2012 / Amber / Green / Re-organisation and the handover of Key Worker role.
Support to vulnerable children: Looked after children
(Kent and Surrey lead) / Derek Myers, Senior Inspector Inclusion and Virtual Schools Headteacher, HCC / March 2012
(First regional meeting 5 March 2012) / Amber / Amber
AgeRange and Employment: Transition and Employment
(Surrey and Medway lead) / Liz McGill, Commissioning Manager, Adult Services, HCC / April 2012
(First regional meeting 17 May 2012) / Amber / Amber
Regional update
The notes of the fifth meeting of the Regional Steering Group meeting on 27 November 2012 reflect the following:
Jean Haig has contacted Peter Gibb at the DfE to request clarification around the cessation of recoupment funding in the School Funding Reform, and how this would work for Looked After Children.
Carol Dixon and Sharon Smith gave evidence at the Select Committee. In light of the Pathfinder Extension:
- Changes to the legislation are being considered.
- The Minister sent a letter to the Council for Disabled Children to “bust” some myths - Tracy Mander will circulate.
- It is expected that funding will remain the same.
- Pathfinders will now test the system for “new” children and young people.
- The evaluation (SQW) and support (Mott MacDonald) are likely to continue.
Children and Young Peoples Participation – Bridget Bevis:
Bridget Bevis has drafted a Children and Young People’s Framework for Participation for thenext SE7 Regional Steering Group. Children and young people had the opportunity to influence this at the Advisory Board on the 08/12/12.
SE7 Health Update – Alison Smith:
The plan for a regional equipment project is no longer moving forward so a re-think is required.
Regional Framework for Choice and Control:
The “Choice and Control Framework” has now been finalised. It has been agreed that 700 copies will be printed and shared out across the seven areas. In addition a PDF version will also be available. Medway are currently working on a an Easy Read version.
Parents and Carer Participation - Carrie Britton:
A questionnaire is to be developed for pathfinders on their experience.
Local Offer Framework:
The framework continues to develop but needs to include:
- A feedback mechanism (positive and negative).
- To be based on key words for information searches.
- Principles need to set out at from the outset.
Forward Plan:
The below items were requested for the Forward Plan:
- Pathfinder Extension (JANUARY).
- Local Offer (JANUARY).
- Project Plan to be revisited.
- New Children & Young People’s Outcomes Strategy (MARCH meeting).
- Safeguarding.
- Code of Practice (MARCH meeting).
- Regulations (MARCH meeting).
- How SE7 will deal with the roll out.
- Children and Young People’s Framework (JANUARY.
3Completed this period
Completed activities are as follows:
Project Management
- Ongoing co-ordination of the Core Project Team and Change Board.
- Q3 SQW return completed and sent.
- Risk and Issues log available.
- The role of Project Manager returns to Lynn Mead via Rose Road.
Summary update for each workstream.
Assessment and Single Plan (KEY)
Verbal update to be given.
Personal Budgets (KEY)
Verbal update to be given.
Local Offer (KEY)
The regional framework has developed and now includes guidance for towards independence. It is planned that local areas will start to populate the information now.
Working on developing guidance around information about mediation and redress.
A workshop is being held 10 Jan and Hampshire reps are attending for Education, Health, Care, Transition and IT.
Some reps are presenting about the way in which we have started to look at the IT development in Hampshire.
Education consultation event held on 6 December. Attended by reps from a range of settings ( early years to post 16), parents and education professionals. A project plan is being developed for the education element.
IT requirements drawn up with input from parents and workstream members. IT PID now developed and further discussions taking place about how to carry this forward.
AgeRange and Employment workstream looking at some of the Adult Services information that will be needed.
Links with Support for Parents workstream about frequently asked questions and mediation and redress.
The results of the HPCN Parents Survey have been looked at in terms of the responses about information and also about school support. We are discussing ways in which we can work together in supporting the development of the Local Offer.
- LO lead attended meeting with Border Authorities.
- Presentation about the LO to the Specialist Teacher advisors.
- Attended regional LO steering groups.
- Meetings held to develop IT proposals.
- Wider education event to provide feedback on school questions and guidance for schools about LO.
- Meeting with Parent Voice about LO.
- Workstream meetings held.
- Planning meeting to develop the next stages for implementing the education element and to draw up a project plan for this.
- Workstream members attended regional workshop and presented about the development of the IT project so far.
- Discussion with Bournemouth about the way in which we have approached the development of the LO so far.
Strengthened multi-agency strategic commissioning and collaboration
- The parent reps attended the first Joint Children and health Commissioning board.
Support to Parents and Carers (KEY)
There have been a number of significant issues in the last quarter which has impacted on the overall project status. It was agreed that the Key Worker evaluation would be handed back to The Assessment and Single Plan Workstream, though we would continue to provide additional support. The results of Parental Confidence questionnaire were released which identified a number of overlap areas which need to be explored further. There were a number of presentations and conferences that needed to be prepared for and attended and the Draft Bill was also published. It has been suggested that the current format of a monthly ‘workstream’ meeting is not the best way forward and that we should look to change the format to ‘workshops’ and small task and finish groups. It was also felt that there are not enough parents involved in the work. With that said there has been a great deal of activity over the past quarter and the announcement of an extension of the Pathfinder programme provides a good opportunity for a strategic review of the workstream.
Over the past Quarter we have taken stock of the workstream and what we are realistically able to achieve. We have taken the position that we would not continue beyond March / April 2013 (subject to a pathfinder review) and we have focussed on what we can deliver within this period. We have identified two key actions detailed below.
Action 1
- Identify ways of working that will help prevent the need for more formal disagreement and resolution.
- Find a way to work together to communicate concerns and find solutions.
- Training around Person Centred Approaches.
- Highlight essential areas of need to move forward.
How will we achieve this?
- Set up a small task group to create a set of principles / Charter for parents and professionals as a way of working together.
- Pull together examples of what is already out there.
- Set a ‘platform’ for further work.
Action 2
- Improve the consistency of information for professionals / practitioners working with children e.g. School funding/SEN information.
How will we achieve this?
- Ask a range of organisations / teams - What are the 5 most frequently asked questions (with answers) with regards to Special Educational Needs and Disability:
- Compile the list and agree a cascade mechanism.
- Inform the Local offer.
- Reviewed scrutiny Report.
- Attended Regional Steering group meeting for Local Offer.
- Completed Concerns and Disputes Framework for Regional Local Offer Steering Group.
- Conference in Bristol (on behalf of SE7).
- Review of workstream progress.
- Agreed actions / deliverables to end of March.
Vulnerable children: looked after children:
Michelle Cain and Alison Nealis attended the SE7 LAC Virtual Headteacher meeting. This was poorly attended (only 1 other virtual headteacher from a LA attended and another social care colleague from a different LA). It was apparent that the problems Hampshire have been experiencing with the single planning process for LAC is echoed in other authorities. Hampshire have no LAC who have had the single plan and communication with social workers around this continues to prove difficult.
- Continual changes to the identified LAC cohort and therefore completion of the single planning meetings.
- Social workers leading the single plan when other statutory processes have to be completed.
Key questions arising:
- Should the SW be leading the single plan for a statemented LAC, or should it be the SEN team?
- Complications arise as parents are able to challenge the educational part of the Education, Health and Care plan, as they can currently with the statement – how do we address this?
- How do we enable a fluid review cycle of the education aspect of the Care plan?
- Meetings between Alison Nealis and Michelle Cain.
- Emails and telephone conversations with social workers.
- Regional SE7 LAC work stream meeting (Gatwick).
AgeRange and Employment: Transition
Summary of progress since last Change Board:
- Link made to Enterprise for Totton.
- Mapping of support services continues.
- Memory stick being trialled and funding being sought.
- Young people working successfully in emerging Social Enterprise at TottonCollege and about to start external work activities.
- 1 meeting held .
- Link with employers made.
- Impossible to keep track of remaining 4 young people who were without destination when they left college, so decided to work only with 7 involved in Social Enterprise work.
- No current work with young people although those involved at TottonCollege and peer mentoring scheme would be able to give feedback on what has worked/not worked.
4Planned for completion next period
Project management
Verbal update to be given.
Assessment and Single Plan:
Verbal update to be given.
Personal Budgets:
Verbal update to be given.
Local Offer:
- Regional steering group meetings 22 Jan/ 27 Feb/ 20 March.
- Workstream meetings including further consideration of the implications of the draft legislation, the principles of emerging practice and the select committee report on the LO development.
- Input about the LO at SEN updates 24,24,25,29 January.
- Further development of the IT proposals.
- Presentation about the LO at the Safeguarding and Wellbeing group 12 February.
- Meeting with EIS about LO.
- Meeting with HPCN to discuss ways in which they may be able to support the development of the LO.
- Work to support some schools develop their LO’s with parents so that there are some practical examples by the end of March which will contribute to guidance for schools.
- Development of the first draft of the LA expectations ( area wide offer) for what education settings will provide from their delegated budgets by the end of March.
- Further work on a PID for the development of the LO.
- Meeting to plan the development of the Health strand.
- Meeting to clarify the actions needed to develop the information for YP post 18.
Strengthened multi-agency strategic commissioning and collaboration:
- The Commissioning agenda will now come from the other workstreams and feed into he Joint Board’s business.
Support to Parents and Carers:
- Progress work on the actions agreed.
- Meet with Jan Pearson regarding assisting with the Personal Budgets trial.
Vulnerable children: looked after children (LAC)
- Alison Nealis and Michelle Cain to continue the evaluation of the process and clearly identify the barrier and issues through discussion with social workers, IROs and Team managers.
AgeRange and Employment: Transition:
- Briefing to Enterprise Totton to be considered by this group – early January.
- Adult Services and Children’s Services meeting to identify work needed to improve transition arrangements – 28.1.13.
- Continuation of mapping of support and who can access to be completed and forwarded to Local Offer.
- Further work on memory stick.
- Peer mentors to start working with mentees.
- Adult Services response to parental survey – meeting 16.11.12.
- Mapping of support and who can access to be completed and forwarded to Local Offer.
- Further work on memory stick.
- Training of peer mentors.
Other local requirements
- None.
5Changes to projects scope
Pathfinder extended.
A full Risk Log has been compiled. The key risks identified so far are set out below:
Risk No. / Risk Description / Probability / Impact / Level of Risk / Risk Response2 / PB research findings suggest that the timeline for introduction of personal budgets is crucial to success and far exceed the available time for this workstream / Medium / High / High / A pragmatic approach to workstream is being adopted
4 / Availability of information within Hampshire (Health and County Council) on tribunals and complaints / High / Medium / High / Agree what can and cannot be done so that alternative plans can be made. Move forward with the information that is available.
5 / Timeframe and insufficient membership to deliver outcomes / Medium / High / High / Develop clear outcomes that are beneficial to all partners and set manageable targets that are relevant to Hampshire. Make best use of existing resources, networks. Cohorts now identified, risk will reduce once agreement to take part is secured although time will still be a risk. Time extension should ease this risk.
8 / Health needs of young people not met / Medium / High / High / Involvement of relevant health providers in project
9 / No/few opportunities of employment / High / High / High / Use existing links to employers – Chambers of Commerce, send briefings, personal contacts
12 / NHS is going through a wide range of strategic and organisational changes, which means that from 2013, Clinical Commissioning Groups (5 in Hampshire) will have lead responsibility for commissioning community and acute children's health services. Risk of lack of ownership of Pathfinder activity and requirements as a result of the changes / High / Medium / High / 1. CCG chairs and children's leads where they exist have been notified of this project and advised of the project aims, there has been no dissent as yet. 2. There has been an NHS stakeholder event in March and another is scheduled for November to outline the project scope and project actions plans.
14 / Capacity constraints within workstream leads compromising the ability to deliver the local requirements of the Pathfinder activity. / High / Medium / High / Capacity constraints exist at all levels of the Pathfinder activity. However, where possible work is being delegated and shared, backfill is being agreed and any issues flagged with the Pathfinder Lead and project manager. This has been experienced and is having an effect on the Pathfinder. No additional capacity is available - mitigation by way of concentrating on areas which will become permanent.
16 / Key working: This is a key part of the testing proposals. This will be compromised if:
-Sufficient key workers cannot be identified and deployed (particular risk in school age cohort)
-the role is not sufficiently defined
-training is not provided or inadequately provided / Medium / High / High / The workstream members will work hard to recruit a pool of key workers, using Educational Psychologists as a fall back. The Support to Parents and Carers workstream have now been allocated the overall task of defining the key worker requirements, and this is in process working with the other workstream leads as appropriate.
18 / DfE pass legislation and make decisions on SEND without being fully informed about the Pathfinder work which is testing the principles they set out in the Green Paper. / High / High / High / The Government have published their “Next steps” document and commenced a four month consultation period at the same time as setting out the intention for the Bill to pass through the House of Commons from early 2013, and become an Act in early 2014. The Government have repeatedly stated that they fully intend to use the outputs and outcomes from the ongoing Pathfinder activity to inform the proposals as they pass through the Parliamentary process. Hampshire need to press on with their Pathfinder activity to ensure that findings can be fed back up to the Government to shape future proposals wherever possible. Draft bill published increasing risk. Pathfinder now extended.
19 / It is proposed that personal budgets will be rolled out more broadly across social care following the Pathfinder work. However there is a tension between the demand for this roll out and the Pathfinder expectation for PB to be tested in education and health settings / High / Medium / High / This risk will need to be closely managed by the workstream lead in consultation with the Pathfinder Lead and Chair of the Change Board. Decisions will need to be made closer to the time when this risk may be realised.
21 / There are no ongoing resources available for the Pathfinder activities including those which are planned to be sustainable. This lack of resources is likely to result in a compromised output or be successful at the expense of other service aspects. / High / High / High / A decision about final expectations needs to be taken; will the outcome be compromised or will funding be switched from elsewhere. This has become an issue in some workstreams.
24 / Lack of engagement from Children and Young people. With the exception of AgeRange and Employment their has to date been no engagement - this may lead to a floored outcome. / High / Medium / High / KIDS have been commissioned to assist in this engagement, main risk now is that this is too late to have any influence. Pathfinder extension lowers risk.
26 / There may be insufficient resources, both in terms of finance and staff time, to support the development of the Local offer as deadlines become closer. / High / High / High / Ensure that there is a clear description of the requirements for the LO drawn up so that this can be addressed as soon as possible.
27 / Engagement of information providers and commitment to the principles of the local offer may be hard to achieve in the timescales / High / High / High / Containment is to identify staff in each area of information who will be able to start this process as soon as possible
28 / Workstream members disengage / High / High / High / Clear plan of work and priorities of pathfinder in view of extension
7Key Issues