2017 - 2018

Biology 3004 Grading Policy/Ms. Manning

  1. Tests- There will be a test at the end of each unit on material covered in that unit. Science testing days is B-day, D-day, and F-day. Tests are30 points. Retests are permitted with a re-teaching session. The grade on the retest is the final grade.
  2. Quizzes- May be announced or unannounced and may cover material from reading assignments, notes, labs, videos, etc. Quizzes may vary in length and point value from 5-15 points.
  3. Labs- We will do labs to reinforcecertain content and skills. Lab quizzes will be given to assess students understanding of concepts presented in the lab.
  4. Homework- Homework is a necessity for success in Biology. Some homework may be checked for completion, while other assignments will be collected and graded for accuracy and completion. HOMEWORK IS NOTACCEPTED LATE. A total of 50 points is calculated at the mid-point and at the end of each marking period.
  5. Extra Credit- Available at a maximum of 10 points per marking period. Extra credit is available to those who have missed no more than one homework assignment. Information regarding the marking period extra credit will be provided on my webpage.
  6. Midterm Exam- The Midterm is worth 10% of the 2nd Marking Period grade.
  7. Keystone Exam- All Biology students must take the Keystone Exam that is given in the spring of the sophomore year. A proficient grade on the Keystone Exam is a requirement for graduation.
  8. Grading-The gradingscale that will be used in all courses will include a “plus” designation for grades of C or higher. The grade of D will be the equivalent of 65% - 69%. A+ 97 – 100%,A 90 – 96%, B+ 87 – 89%, B 80 – 86%, C+ 77 – 79%, C 70 – 76%, D 65 – 69%, F Below 65%. All numeric averages will be rounded to the nearest whole number.
  9. Make up work- If you miss class for any reason, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. Class time is valuable and cannot be used to find out what was missed, or to make up any tests, quizzes, etc. Check the makeup folder for missed work and schedule time to make up any missed tests and quizzed. For extended illnesses, please make arrangements to come in at an appropriate timeto receive make up work.
  10. Extra help- is available after school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:15-2:50 or by appointment during school hours.

Ms. Manning’s Expectations

NorthPennHigh School

2017 - 2018

  1. Place your FIRST NAME and LAST NAME, the DATE, and the PERIOD in the top right corner of your paper.
  2. Place the name of the assignment on the first line of your paper.
  3. Assignments must be legible (this means neat enough for me to read and written in an ink color that is easily seen or typed).

If these expectations are not met, the student will NOT receive credit for the assignment.


A 2 inchthree ring binder should contain the following sections in order:

  1. Grading policy and Expectation sheet
  2. While You Are Waiting (dated each day)
  3. Class work, homework, notes, and labs
  4. Tests and quizzes

Preparation for class

Be sure to have a PEN and a PENCIL as I WILLNOT provide these items if they are forgotten. Bring your notebook each day with all class work and homework for that day. ON TESTING DAYS, A NUMBER 2 PENCIL IS NEEDED!