6th Grade ACC Math Syllabus

Course Description: 6th Grade Accelerated Mathematics

Students will master all essential standards for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade math

Tutoring Times: Math tutoring begins Thursday morning at 8am, but other tutoring days will be posted in each teacher’s room.

Grading percentages: Minor/Daily grades: 40%, Major grades: 60%.

Online textbook access: Students will access the textbook through the Klein Dashboard They will scroll down to McGraw-Hill ConnectED and click on it. They will use their computer username and password.

Late work: Late daily and major grades will receive a 10 point per day deduction up to a maximum of 50 points.

Supplies: Students will keep a spiral notebook in the classroom. A binder is suggested for classwork. Each student is expected to contribute four dry erase markers to the class supply. Paper and pencil are expected daily as well as a charged chrome book.


Teaching & LearningJuly 2017

1st Grading Period (38 Days)


■Operations With Rational Numbers

■Irrational Numbers

■Central Tendencies

■Proportional Reasoning

2nd Grading Period (42.5 Days)

■Proportional Reasoning


■Similar Figures

■Algebraic Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities

■Angles and Triangles

■Perimeter, Area, and Circumference

3rd Grading Period (50 Days)

■Perimeter, Area, and Circumference

■Surface Area and Volume

■Probability and Statistics

■Financial Literacy

■Multiple Representations

■Proportionality and Slope

4th Grading Period (42.5 Days)

■Linear Equations

■Linear and Non-Linear Functions

■STAAR Review

■Transformations and Congruence

Teaching & LearningJuly 2017

Grading procedures including re-teach options and retest guidelines for major grades:

Summative Assessments will be formal quizzes given throughout a unit and tests given at the end of a unit. Any student retaking a summative assessment with a score of 70 or higher must have completed a self-assessment, practice problems and possible required tutoring. The two assessment grades will be averaged together. Students MAY be required to retake the entire assessment OR only the TEKS for which they did not show mastery.

Students that make below a 70 on a summative assessment will be required to retake the assessment after they have completed a self assessment, practice problems and possible required tutoring. The two assessments will be averaged together. Students MAY be required to retake the entire assessment OR only the TEKS for which they did not show mastery.

Grade Repair procedures:

Students that receive a grade below a 70 for a grading period will be re-evaluated for placement in a 6th grade math class. They will have an opportunity to participate in 6th math grade repair. They must complete 70% of the module with a score of at least 70. The failing grade will be changed to a 70.

End of Course Exam (EOC): there is no EOC test for this course. 6th Grade Accelerated Math students will take the 7th grade Math STAAR test on Monday, May 14, 2018.

Test days : Math testing will be on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Teacher contact information:

Teaching & LearningJuly 2017

C. Rebecca Porter

(832) 249 – 5349

Teaching & LearningJuly 2017

Teaching & LearningJuly 2017