Paper 9—IATI Data Overview

This paper provides some summary statistics on the organisations and data published to the IATI Registry by 14 April 2012. IATI now has 29 signatories, with 14 of them publishing (Table4). In addition 11 non-signatories are also publishing (Table 5).

Signatories now represent donors that provide75% of reported Official Development Finance (ODA plus non-concessional development flows; 2009-10 DAC data). Those already publishing represent donors that provide 43% of reported Official Development Finance.

The TAG Secretariat have undertaken this review in order to support signatories in improving the range and quality of the data they publish to the IATI standard in advance of the first round of donor self-reporting, as provided for in the Framework for Implementation, which will in turn contribute to the first Annual Report on IATI later this year.

In summarising the findings of this review, it is important to remember that it is still early days for IATI, with the first publisher – DFID – only commencing publication just over a year ago. Most implementers have so far only been able to prepare one iteration of their IATI data, in many cases just before Busan in November 2011.

Similarly, as the full IATI standard was only agreed in February 2011, early implementers have largely focused on publishing what was previously labelled “phase 1” data, essentially publishing in IATI format data that they already provide – albeit in a less timely manner – to the DAC CRS. Nevertheless, there are encouraging examples of individual early implementers going beyond this and publishing new and additional information via IATI.

The agreed roadmap for IATI has always been for signatories to publish what they can now, to improve their data over time, and ultimately to reach full compliance with the IATI standard. While IATI had an initial deadline of publishing before Busan, the Busan Partnership document set a deadline of December 2015 for those who endorsed it to reach full implementation of the common standard. While the results review below confirm that there is still much work still to do, it also demonstrates that individual IATI signatories are making real progress in key areas, and that collectively IATI remains on the right track.

Highlights and the need for further work:

  • All signatories publishing have published to the activity standard, although half are still to provide organisation level data; of the 11 non-signatories published, all have provided information on the activity standard but only 1 has published information to the organisational standard
  • 6 pre-2011 signatories have still to provide implementation schedules although 3 of these – Asian Development Bank, GAVI and Spain – have started to publish to the IATI standard, as have all but 6 pre-2011 signatories.
  • 2 of the new 2011-12 signatories have already published implementation schedules and commenced implementation whilst the remainder are yet to get started.
  • Table 2 shows that most core data elements are being provided by most publishers but with some notable omissions:
  • 3 are not providing any dates,
  • only half specify the implementing agency,
  • 4 are not providing disbursements, and
  • 5 do not state the commitment value.
  • Table 3 shows focuses on the “remaining phase” of IATI where the standard provides added value over existing systems. As noted above, many of these elements were agreed just a year ago but nevertheless individual signatories are making progress in specific areas:
  • timeliness—3 update at least quarterly and a further 3 six monthly, 2 provide timely data (quarterly in arrears),
  • future spend—2 provide country aggregate budgets, 4 budgets for activities, and 1 planned disbursements,
  • disaggregated disbursements—2 provide transaction level data that enables traceability, a further 2 disaggregate disbursements by quarter; the rest are providing only annual data so far,
  • 2 provide links to activity documents and 1 information on results,
  • to date, none answer the question on whether conditions apply, and
  • none geocode their activities yet.

Table 6provides full statistics on how many signatories are providing information on each element of the standard.

Table 1: Numbers of publishers

Organisation standard / Activity Standard / Implementation schedule
No. of signatories published
(out of 29) / 7 / 14 / 14
No. of non-signatories published / 1 / 11 / 4

Table 2: Signatory provision of coreelements of the standard

Data / Number publishing / Percentage
(of publishers)
IATI ID / 14 / 100%
Title / 14 / 100%
Description / 12 / 86%
Planned start
Actual start
Planned end
Actual end / 9
6 / 64%
Funding Organisation / 11 / 79%
Implementing Organisation / 7 / 50%
Recipient Country / Region / 14 / 100%
Sector / 11 / 79%
Transactions - Commitment / 9 / 64%
Transactions - Disbursement / 10 / 71%
Table 3: Signatory progress with IATI added value elements
IATI Added value area / Number publishing
Timeliness of data (at least quarterly) / 2
Frequency of updates:
At least quarterly
At least twice to date / 3
Country forward budgets / 2
Activity forward budgets / 4
Multiple sectors / 4
Actual project dates and project status / 12
Differentiation between disbursements and expenditure / 1
Disaggregated disbursements and expenditures(at least quarterly) / 4
Disbursement and expenditure transaction detail / 2
Planned disbursements / 1
Identifies variety of participating organisations / 12
Documents / 2
Results / 1
Conditions / 0
Geo-coding / 0

Table 4: Implementation status of each signatory

Signatory / Implementation schedule / Organisation data / Activity data
2008-09 signatories
AsDB / No / Yes / Yes
Australia / Yes / Yes / Yes
Denmark / Yes / No / No
EC / Yes / No / Yes
Finland / Yes / No / Yes
GAVI / No / No / Yes
Germany / No / No / No
Hewlett Foundation / Yes / Yes / Yes
Ireland / No / No / No
Netherlands / Yes / Yes / Yes
New Zealand / Yes / No / No
Norway / No / No / No
Spain / No / No / Yes
Sweden / Yes / No / Yes
Switzerland / Yes / No / No
UNDP / Yes / No / Yes
United Kingdom / Yes / Yes / Yes
World Bank / Yes / Yes / Yes
2011-12 signatories
AfDB / No / No / No
Canada / No / No / No
CDC / No / No / No
Global Fund / Yes / No / Yes
IDB / No / No / No
IFAD / No / No / No
UNCDF / No / No / No
UN-HABITAT / No / No / No
UNICEF / No / No / No
UNOPS / Yes / Yes / Yes
United States / No / No / No

Table 5: Implementation status of each non-signatory

Organisation / Implementation schedule / Organisation data / Activity data
DIPR / Yes / No / Yes
International HIV/AIDS Alliance / No / Yes / Yes
EWB Canada / No / No / Yes
The Indigo Trust / Yes / No / Yes
Oxfam / No / No / Yes
Publish What you Fund / No / No / Yes
Resource Extraction Monitoring / Yes / No / Yes
Progressio / No / No / Yes
ADRA-UK / No / No / Yes
SPARK / No / No / Yes
CAFOD / Yes / No / Yes

Table 6: Signatory provision of all elements of the standard


Data element / Number publishing
Reporting Organisation / 7
Annual forward planning budget for organisation / 5
Annual forward planning budgets for funded institutions / 2

Annual forward planning budgets for recipient countries

/ 2

Organisation Documents

/ 4


Data element / Number publishing / Percentage / Notes
Reporting Organisation / 14 / 100%
IATI ID / 14 / 100%
Other ID / 4 / 29%
Title / 14 / 100%
Description / 12 / 86%
Status / 12 / 86%
Planned start
Actual start
Planned end
Actual end / 9
6 / 64%
Funding Organisation / 11 / 79%
Implementing Organisation / 7 / 50%
Accountable Organisation / 2 / 14%
Extending Organisation / 8 / 57%
Recipient Country / 11 / 79% / This is the reporting of one geographic element only. Five organisations have activities which report both.
Recipient Region / 8 / 57%
Location / 0 / 0%
Sector / 11 / 79% / All 11 organisations are reporting DAC sectors. One is also reporting ‘other vocabulary’.
Policy Marker / 7 / 50%
Collaboration Type / 9 / 64%
Default Flow Type / 12 / 86%
Default Finance Type / 12 / 86%
Default Aid Type / 13 / 93%
Default Tied Status / 10 / 71%
Budget / 3 / 21%
Planned Disbursements / 1 / 7%
Transactions - Commitment / 9 / 64%
Transactions - Disbursement / 10 / 71%
Transactions - Expenditure / 4 / 29%
Transactions – Reimbursement / 1 / 7%
Transactions -
Incoming funds / 0 / 0%
Transactions -
Loan/interest re-payments / 3 / 21% / Three organisations reporting interest repayments; one of these also reporting loan repayments.
Documents / 2 / 14%
Conditions – Yes/No / 0 / 0%
Conditions Text / 0 / 0%
Results / 1 / 7%